The law on silence, or how long you can vacuum in an apartment

Vacuuming is an easy solution to problems in the fight against dust. However, when working with it, there is one nuance that can cause discomfort among others.

The noise produced by the device during operation disturbs the silence not only in the user’s apartment, but also in neighboring apartments.

Not everyone likes this. Therefore, the use of a vacuum cleaner is possible only during the hours provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Read on to find out until what time in the evening, according to the law, you can vacuum in an apartment, and why you can’t do this at night.

How long can you not wash the floor after leaving?

You should wait for a call or message from the guests that they are already there and only then take on household chores. If matchmakers have visited your house, then it is highly undesirable to wash the floors and sweep immediately after their departure.

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At what time in the morning and evening is it permissible to use a vacuum cleaner, why not at night?

Living in apartment buildings imposes an obligation on residents to adhere to certain rules. One of them is maintaining silence at certain hours . Legislatively, this requirement is reflected in Law No. 52 FZ. The main content of this document is the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens.

Due to the fact that working with a vacuum cleaner falls into the category of activities accompanied by noise, the use of this device is permissible only during strictly designated times. At the same time, regulations provide for the limitation of operating equipment mainly at night.

Disturbing the peace at night is legally defined as an action consistent with encroaching on the peace of neighbors.

As for daytime, it is impossible to set clear boundaries for limiting any work that is accompanied by a violation of silence. This would require the need to measure the level of noise stimuli in each individual case.

The Law on Noise (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52) establishes strict limits for optimal volume in apartment buildings:

  • during the daytime from 40 to 55 decibels;
  • at night – no more than 30 dB.

Night time is considered to be the period from 23:00 to 7:00. Therefore, it is at this time that it is strictly forbidden to use a vacuum cleaner.

The rest of the time does not fall within the time frame of the Silence Law, therefore, from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm you can turn on the vacuum cleaner . The limit may vary in different regions of Russia and be 22:00 - 23:00 and, accordingly, 6:00 - 7:00.

However, it should be noted that each region of the Russian Federation determines its own hours of silence, which also stipulate restrictions that apply to daytime hours.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, every day from 13:00 to 15:00 it is prohibited to make noise, and therefore, to work with a vacuum cleaner, since the noise level produced by this equipment averages about 70 - 75 dB.

Exceptions to the rules

Exceptional situations are those in which there is an urgent need to use household appliances that produce noise. In this case, it is advisable to agree with your neighbors on the possibility of turning on the vacuum cleaner at inappropriate times.

also allowed to use modern models of vacuum cleaners whose noise effect does not exceed 30 dB . You can use such equipment at any time, again checking with your neighbors whether this really does not interfere with their recreation.

An exception is also the use of a vacuum cleaner in an extreme situation, when it is necessary to carry out repair work to ensure the safety of citizens.

Is it possible to clean at sunset

The main reason why the sign does not advise cleaning in the evening is related to the world of the unknown. In the dark, you can anger good forces, and attract evil ones in their place. Have you noticed that after cleaning you breathe easier and feel peaceful? Why is this happening? The reason for this is the destruction, “washing away” of negative energy. In the evening the opposite happens. After cleaning the house, you can leave it unprotected for a while.

Taking advantage of the moment, dark forces can move into an energetically clean place.

Most often, scandals arise in families that are accustomed to cleaning up after sunset. Residents feel empty and weak. Family members who are most sensitive to changes in energy may become ill. Harmless, at first glance, taking out the garbage in the evening promises a decrease in cash receipts. Evil spirits, through discarded rubbish, can take away the well-being of a family. Sorcerers can take possession of personal items and bring damage or the evil eye to their owner. Old, worn items taken out will serve as a reason for gossip and unpleasant conversations. Evening washing leads to the accumulation of negative energy in the drying laundry, which will then be transferred to the owner.

It is strictly forbidden to look into mirrors at night, so there is no need to wipe them after dark.

There is a belief that at this time the line between our and the other worlds is erased. Instead of your own reflection, you can see the face of the deceased or a demonic entity.

Pet hair

If you have a pet, then you have another good reason to vacuum your carpets regularly.

Pet hair and dander (dead skin cells) will quickly fill your home, making it dirtier and smellier. Of course, they can also cause a range of allergies.

You can get special pet vacuum cleaners that are great when pets are prone to losing a lot of hair.

Is it possible to sweep at night?

Sweeping the floor at night poses the greatest danger. In many beliefs, a broom is a magical tool that, if used incorrectly, can harm its owners. There are many rules for storing and using a broom in everyday life. If not properly cared for, evil spirits can settle on it, and with every wave of the broom they will fly across the rooms.

According to signs, sweeping at sunset can sweep happiness out the door.

Our ancestors believed that a brownie often rested on a broom. If you sweep at night, you may be left without a mystical guardian. Having become offended, he will leave his usual place of residence and go to live with other owners.


If you have a smoker in your home, then you have an added incentive to vacuum your carpets regularly.

Your flooring will trap second-hand cigarette smoke. And, as you undoubtedly know, secondhand smoke can be very harmful to our health.

Even if you don't get sick, you will have a bad odor that will linger throughout your home.

Regular vacuuming can help eliminate most of this problem.

Is there a rational explanation

Thinking rationally, those who have ever tried to clean up the house or do the laundry in the evening know that such a task leads to the following discomfort:

  • the washing machine and vacuum cleaner are noisy;
  • Neighbors react irritably to noise if we are talking about an apartment or private cottage for two or more owners;
  • household members interfere with you, and you bother them;
  • irritating weak evening lighting;
  • a person who is tired during the day does everything with reluctance, and some even with anger. It emits so much negative energy that not only the residents of the house suffer, but also the pets.

In any case, such an event at the end of the day is done “out of the blue,” which means the order in the house will leave much to be desired.

Important! Modern cleaning is practically impossible without the use of various types of chemicals. After using cleaning agents, it is advisable to ventilate the home; by nightfall this is difficult. As a rule, they cause a headache and sleep becomes restless.

Noise sources and consequences

So what kind of noise do you have to put up with? And in what case can you make claims against your neighbors?

One of the most common sources of loud noise is renovation work during a move. The electric drill has a particularly acute effect on the nerves of everyone without exception. So, residents can use this and other tools all day long, except for the hours of rest prescribed by law. In general, there is an unspoken rule that after moving for a week you can make some noise even at odd hours. Neighbors, as a rule, understand everything and won’t run to the police to complain. The main thing is not to get too carried away. Outside of the process of moving household appliances, a washing machine installed in the apartment can cause inconvenience to neighbors. As a rule, in most cases a specially designated room in the basement is used for them. But if this is not the case, then it can only be used outside of Ruhezeiten.

Every now and then turning on the TV or radio at full volume, a person risks acquiring ill-wishers. One day, the upstairs neighbor, Grandma “God’s Dandelion,” turned on the TV at maximum volume and left it in that mode for two days. She answered calls to the apartment through the intercom, saying that she had difficulty hearing. I had to call the police. The grandmother did not open the door to the law enforcement officials, and after much doubt, the police finally broke into the apartment. A few minutes later an ambulance arrived and the grandmother was taken away. We didn't see her again. This is the story. In general, you need to remember that personal interests should not interfere with others. Therefore, it is better to watch TV at a volume that will not extend beyond the apartment.

Loud music often causes trouble for neighbors. Many houses in Germany cannot boast of good sound insulation. Thin walls become excellent conductors of musical compositions. If the neighbors on the floor above play musical instruments, then you will have to put up with their activity. No one can prohibit anyone from engaging in creative activities. Of course, everything should be in moderation. And if music is constantly heard during the allotted quiet time, then you can ask your neighbors to be quieter. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. And if for a person playing music at home is the main way to earn a living, then no one can do anything about it. Such neighbors can play musical instruments even during legal rest hours.


It’s easy to ruin relationships with neighbors, but it’s not always possible to improve them. Therefore, it is better to follow simple tips:

  1. Use the vacuum cleaner only during the hours prescribed by law. In this case, one should take into account the variability of time limits in different regions of the country, having become familiar with possible noise restrictions.
  2. In order not to spoil relations with neighbors in an apartment building and not to become a violator of law and order, you should not neglect the rules established by the Law for the use of noisy household appliances, which includes a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Show human sensitivity if there are seriously ill people or small children in the neighborhood who need a nap.
  4. In case of unforeseen situations, agree with neighbors on the possibility of using noisy household appliances at unauthorized times.
  5. Try to solve the problem with noisy neighbors peacefully.
  6. If it is impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully, seek help from the local police officer.
  7. When calling the police, you should take into account that they may arrive a little later, when the noise has already stopped and it will be almost impossible to prove the violation of silence. In order for the police to be convinced of a violation of law and order, it is necessary to make a call when careless neighbors have just started cleaning at an inappropriate time.

Only good relationships with neighbors will help to achieve peaceful communication. This way you can make friends and negotiate with them in an amicable way.

How to determine noise indicators?

To maintain the permissible noise level in an apartment, it is necessary to measure the volume of sounds using a special device - a sound level meter. But not all people agree to buy such a device just to determine how long repairs can be done. An analogue of a sound level meter can be special applications that are installed on a smartphone.

A sound level meter or mobile application determines the sound volume in numerical terms. They measure noise quite accurately, helping to determine when repairs can be made. Measurements are performed in an apartment located next to the sound source.

The permissible noise level is calculated based on sanitary and hygienic indicators established by law. They differ for daytime and night hours, but at night it is better not to turn on loud sound sources in the apartment at all.

Where did the belief come from?

The old people we grew up next to always swore if the apartment was cleaned in the late afternoon, at night. After sunset, when the time of “darkness” comes, engaging in such activities is strictly prohibited. This belief came to us from the distant past, and our ancestors, knowing this, tried to pass it on to the new generation.

A bad omen can not only bring misfortune to your home, but also take away health, family happiness, prosperity, and prosperity. By the way, modern esotericists on this matter do not at all disagree with the opinion of our ancestors, also not advising doing such things after sunset.

Features of restrictions on weekends and holidays

On holidays and weekends, the Silence Law provides for minor changes in the establishment of boundaries. Eg:

  • quiet hours increase for weekends and holidays - morning rest time lasts until 9:00 - 10:00 hours, evening restrictions begin at 22:00;
  • the exception is New Year's Eve, when it is allowed to make noise without restrictions, but it is unlikely that anyone will undertake vacuuming at this time;
  • Holidays are established by government agencies and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In some cities, counties and regions, temporary noise restrictions may be subject to change. However, you can make noise no more than 23:00, since it is necessary to ensure normal sleep for your neighbors in any situation.

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