Many residents of the top floors have experienced the consequences of flooding their apartment due to a leaking roof. Result > Real estate registration > How to restore a warrant for an apartment and is it necessary?
Regulatory framework There are two main regulations that limit smokers’ freedom to choose where to smoke,
Who will be able to receive 450 thousand rubles and for what period is the program designed? Payment may
Agreement on termination of shared ownership. Property in shared ownership can be divided between
When intending to purchase a plot of land, you should clearly understand what parameters it should have in order to ideally
When purchasing housing under construction, as a rule, they enter into agreements for shared participation in construction or agreements
HOAs (homeowners' associations) are created in accordance with the provisions of Art. 135 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
Article updated: December 20, 2021 Mitrofanova SvetlanaLawyer. Work experience - 15 years Hello.
Service life There are two types of Khrushchev buildings - panel and brick. Panel houses in