The construction contract is one of the most common agreements in the Russian Federation. Form and
Reading time: 4 minutes(s) All Russians who have left the place are required to obtain temporary registration
Water, electricity, gas - all this is necessary for people to live comfortably in their homes and
Typically, a power of attorney to receive documents is required in cases where the principal, for some reason,
March 22, 2019 Tips The law provides for punishment for the owner who does not keep track of the household
We need registration in Moscow for citizens of the Russian Federation❓ We will provide qualified assistance in obtaining it. Let's find an owner
If you are planning to move your whole family to another region, but don’t know
Author of the article Yuri Karlovich Pilchevsky Reading time: 5 minutes AA Material updates: 2019-05-03
Providing preferences to disabled people A citizen who is not able to provide for himself on his own has the right to use concessions,
The turnover of plots intended for agriculture is under increased state control. Such territories