How to call an electrician to your home: options and procedure

Sometimes situations arise on the farm when you cannot do without the help of a professional electrician. Partial or complete replacement of wiring, installation of sockets or built-in lighting may be required. It's good if you know who to contact with such questions. However, if you don’t have any friends who understand electrical networks, it will be useful to know how to call an electrician.

Now let's go into more detail. In this review, we will look at how to order electrical installation services and find a good specialist who will carry out the work at an affordable price. All methods considered are arranged in order from most preferred to least desirable. Be sure to study all of them. There are situations when even the most risky and ineffective method turns out to be very effective.

Disadvantages of calling a specialist on recommendation

Like any other method, this option has its drawbacks. Here are the main ones:

  1. The cost of calling an electrician when using recommendations from friends or acquaintances is unlikely to be low. There is no need to count on a significant discount. The price will most likely be about the same as for your friends. And if you start haggling with the master, you may end up getting a reputation for being stingy.
  2. No one can guarantee that the specialist you recommend has the necessary qualifications and will be able to cope with the task.


On this page, every reader can leave a review about any organization without registration. You can add photos to your review. Each review will be moderated before publication.

When studying published reviews, be aware: angry comments may be written by competing organizations, while laudatory comments may be written by housing and communal services employees. Our portal is dynamically improving, and we are making every effort to find fake ratings.

See also:

  • "ODS No. 10, ave. Vernadskogo, 22, Moscow" Moscow
  • "GBU Zhilishchnik ODS 112" Moscow: work schedule and address of the organization

Call a specialist from an electrical installation company

So, what do you need to know about this option? How to call an emergency electrician to your home? The third most reliable method of choosing a specialist is to use the services of electrical installation companies. In fact, this option should be the most reliable and attractive, but in reality this is not entirely true.

To find contacts for electrical installation organizations in your city, you can use the press and various directories, for example, 2Gis. You can also simply enter the corresponding request on the Internet. After this, you will have the opportunity to choose the appropriate option from the entire variety of offers presented. Of course, this process can take quite a lot of time, because you will have to call all the offices, agree on working conditions and prices. Often preliminary measurements and assessment of work with a specialist visiting the site are also required.

How to call an electrician at an address from a professional electrical installation company? When turning to such organizations, people usually expect high-quality professional assistance. In reality, it often turns out that electrical installation companies do not have a permanent staff of workers, and craftsmen are found through newspapers or specialized services. Often they don’t even have an idea about the personnel they send to you to carry out the work. They can also often save a lot on staff fees, and this naturally affects the quality of the work performed. Of course, not all companies offering electrical installation services work this way. There are also serious players in the market who value their reputation. They do not need advertising and you have probably heard about them through friends or acquaintances.

By placing an order through a good electrical installation company, you will receive:

  1. Guarantee of timely completion of work. If the company does not fulfill its obligations, you will be able to resolve the issue officially, since all work is supported by a contract.
  2. Such companies usually provide a guarantee for all work performed. The company will be obliged to eliminate all shortcomings that appear at its own expense.
  3. When using this option of calling a specialist to your home, you receive qualified assistance from experts in their field who have all the necessary equipment on hand. If there is a large volume of work, such companies can also offer you a substantial discount.

If you order work from specialized electrical installation companies, be prepared for the fact that their cost will be significantly higher than when collaborating with private teams working on their own. In addition, specialized organizations rarely take on small jobs. They are usually aimed at receiving large orders.

Options for calling an electrician

So what are they? How to call an electrician to your home? There are several simple ways:

  • on the advice of friends;
  • searching for an electrician through online services for finding specialists;
  • contacting an electrical installation company;
  • calling an electrician from the housing department or housing office to your home;
  • find a specialist through the Avito ad service.

On the replacement of technical equipment by the Housing Office

Housing Office (UK) is an organization that not only controls the cleanliness and comfort of using a house, but also guarantees the safety of using the structure. Therefore, the inspection’s responsibilities include free replacement of some fixtures located inside the apartments. Costs are reimbursed from paid rent and from previously withheld taxes. Thus, citizens can apply for the following assistance:

  • 10 years is the period of use of a water tap, therefore, after this period, it must be replaced free of charge;
  • 20 years - this period of operation allows you to change the kitchen stove (gas or electric), as well as toilet plumbing (toilet, flush barrel);
  • 30 years – the right to replace the bathroom;
  • 40 years is the maximum period for using wooden window frames.

Determination of eligibility for such services does not depend on the resident's age, financial status or length of ownership of the apartment. The main thing is to confirm the service life of a particular item and write a letter to the Housing Office to replace it.

Ads on Avito

What is special about this method? If none of the methods described above worked, you can use such a desperate option as searching for an electrician on Avito. Of course, there are professional electricians here too, but the likelihood that you will come across just such a specialist is very low. This is explained quite simply - most qualified craftsmen receive orders in other ways. They already have a good reputation and an established customer base. Beginners actively use such inexpensive and effective methods of attracting customers as posting advertisements.

Finding an electrician on the Avito portal is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to specify the category in the search bar. As a result, you will receive a lot of offers at tempting prices. When selecting advertisements, exercise special care and caution. It is also better to give preference to narrow specialists. If the master states that he deals with electricity, plumbing, and brickwork, it is better to skip such an advertisement.

Advantages of a specialist recommended by friends

Let's discuss them in more detail.


  1. By calling an electrician on the advice of friends, you are guaranteed to receive the most reliable information about the specialist. To decide whether a master is right for you or not, look at examples of his work. Friends can also tell you a lot about the cost of the services of the proposed specialist.
  2. Good friends are unlikely to recommend you a specialist whose competence they doubt. After all, they actually take on part of the responsibility for it.
  3. Carrying out work on the recommendation of a regular client, a good master always appreciates this and treats his work with great dedication. Most likely, in such cases, the master will try to carry out all the work as efficiently as possible.
  4. The likelihood that the specialist recommended to you will quit the job halfway or take an advance and disappear is minimal.
  5. You can be sure that if the need arises for warranty repairs, a specialist will not refuse to service you.

On the advice of friends

This may seem strange, but even in the modern world, when choosing the services of an electrician, many people use this method as recommendations from people who have previously encountered this problem. This option helps you find an intelligent and responsible professional. “Word of mouth” is a fairly reliable tool for finding a contractor.

If you need an electrician to come to your home urgently, try asking your relatives and friends if they know of a good specialist. What if someone you know recently did some renovation work? They need to be asked first.

When using this method of calling an electrician, you should first ensure the competence of the specialist. After all, just because he changed someone’s light bulb well, this does not mean that he will be able to carry out wiring installation work in a country house.

Try to find out as much information as possible about the electrician that is being recommended to you. Every little detail matters here. If possible, make sure for yourself how well the specialist recommended to you performed the work in the house of your friends.

Of course, you can be completely sure that family and friends are unlikely to deliberately advise you to turn to a hack. Usually people adequately evaluate all the pros and cons of the specialists they turn to for help. They will immediately tell you what advantages and disadvantages the recommended electrician has. If you use this search method wisely, you will definitely be able to choose the best option in terms of price and quality.

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