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One of the important certificates of real estate is the cadastral passport, which is included in the package of mandatory
02/25/2019 Cadastral registration Previously, the main documents for a house were considered a cadastral passport and an extract from
Home › State registration › Check whether the House is worth Cadastral Registration Consultations: state
Donation between legal entities is a civil law transaction. Upon alienation of valuables or property
Procedure and deadlines for payment of property tax by individuals Property tax rates in
The law is harsh Since January 1, 2021, the moratorium on power outages and
What is the legal status of a land plot? The legal status of the land plot includes the intended purpose,
1. A residential lease agreement is concluded for a period not exceeding five years. If in
Is the plasterboard partition that covers the riser considered a redevelopment? So in Article 25 of the Housing Code