Clause 1 of Article 11.2 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation determines the methods for the emergence of new cadastral units
A square meter is a generally accepted unit of measurement of area and size of objects. It makes it easier to calculate area
One or two room apartments are always easier to sell. However, in apartments with large footage and number
The change of user of the property must be recorded on paper. Sufficient documentary evidence will be the act of acceptance and transfer of material
Drawing up a Premises Inspection Report occurs in different cases: during purchase and sale, rental,
Legislation Issues of relative intended use of land are discussed in Article 7 of the Land Code. Here they distinguish
Every foreign citizen who arrives in Russia must register at his place of residence or place of residence. > Real estate registration > What is alienation of real estate, types of alienation It is important to know
Independent assessment after filling the apartment An independent assessment after filling the apartment is an official document confirming
Home/Services/Temperature in an apartment according to SanPiN Construction, installation of engineering equipment and operation of multi-apartment residential buildings