How much does it cost to privatize a land plot in 2022?

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Privatization of land plots on a free basis has been extended until March 1, 2021. Those who want to complete the procedure on time wonder how much it will cost them? The privatization of land itself is free. But this does not mean that there will be no expenses at all. Participants in the transfer of land into private ownership will have to fork out for the necessary certificates, extracts, state fees, and the preparation of a number of documents.

How much exactly does privatization cost? The answer to this question depends on the region and local government regulations. We propose to consider the issue from the perspective of modern calculations.

If you do not have land, but residential premises, read our other article “How much does it cost to privatize an apartment?”

✅ What lands can you get for free?

The entry into force of Federal Law No. 93 (On the dacha amnesty) makes it possible to privatize houses and lands completely free of charge. However, not all plots are included in the register of free plots.

When land is transferred free of charge:

  • If there is a house, outbuildings or other privatized objects on the site

An important condition is their construction before 2001, i.e. before the Land Code comes into force. Land plots for non-privatized buildings cannot be obtained for free - they are used as leased land or purchased from the state.

  • If the site is leased

A long-term land lease agreement allows you to privatize the plot completely free of charge. Typically, leases are for 20 years or more. But it is not at all necessary to exploit the plot for so long - for free privatization it is enough to use it for 3 years (see “Privatization of a leased land plot”).

  • If the plot is received for individual housing construction, private plots or gardening

Individual housing construction (IHC) and personal subsidiary plots (LPH) are the legal methods by which you can privatize a territory for free. This also includes lands for gardening in SNT and DNT.

  • If the ground is under the garage

This usually happens in garage cooperatives. Owners of garage boxes have the right to privatize their plot through a cooperative.

  • If the land is allocated under the right of perpetual use

An example is obtaining a municipal plot under an act of the city administration. Subsequently, the land can be transferred into your own ownership. Then it will be possible not only to use it, but also to dispose of it: sell, donate, bequeath, mortgage, etc.

Where to start privatizing a land plot

To begin with, it is important to clarify the type of plot that you plan to own. This will not be possible if it is located on the territory of a state reserve or national park. It is not allowed to alienate plots in specially protected natural areas and located at a distance of less than 500 meters from the edge of a natural reservoir.

You can privatize a plot:

  • located in SNT, with a garden book received for it;
  • previously received for indefinite use as a summer cottage;
  • assigned to a person by the right of lifelong inheritable ownership;
  • where is the residential building located?

You can also privatize a plot in SNT that has not been cultivated for a long time and is considered abandoned. But you won’t be able to do this simply on your own. You will first need to coordinate your intention with the chairman of the SNT: request documents for the “nobody’s” plot, voice your intention to secure it for yourself. The decision to withdraw abandoned acres and transfer them to another gardener is made at a general meeting of the partnership. If the SNT members do not object, the applicant will receive a garden book and will be able to initiate the privatization procedure.

✅ List of documents

Most of the costs are incurred on documents: certificates, extracts, land surveying, etc. Applicants will have to prepare title papers.

What documents are needed for land privatization:

  • act of a government body on the transfer of a site for use by citizens;
  • a copy of the territory lease agreement;
  • certificate of inheritance, which must indicate the address of the land plot;
  • cadastral passport (from January 1, 2021 - cadastral extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate);
  • consent of other family members/co-owners of the house.

A small list of documents should not be misleading. Registrars may ask for additional information. Therefore, it is advisable to find out in advance what documents will be required in your case. It is most convenient to consult with a lawyer on our portal. Moreover, the consultation is free and does not oblige you to anything.

Registration of ownership

Land privatization is a procedure for transferring a plot of land into private ownership . This is necessary so that in the future the owner can carry out transactions with land, not only sell or exchange, but also give or bequeath.

You can become the owner of a land plot in two cases:

  • register the right with the state. register, if the plot was issued by the state free of charge;
  • buy the territory from the legal representative.

Registration of land territories takes longer compared to the privatization of finished buildings.

For example, it takes 1 month to draw up a cadastral plan, but if a citizen has a cadastral passport with an approved plan and territory boundaries, the procedure goes faster.

The privatization process can be carried out:

  • free of charge, but no more than 1 time and with confirmation of relevant documents;
  • paid;
  • through the judiciary;
  • administratively.

There are objects that cannot be registered as private property . Based on Art. 2 Federal Law No. 1541-1 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation”, privatization will be refused if the application is submitted for:

  • emergency buildings;
  • dorm rooms;
  • military settlements;
  • reserves or environmental protection sites.

They will also refuse if it was land withdrawn from territorial circulation or territories reserved for government and municipal needs.

Legal grounds

List of regulations:

  1. Land Code No. 178-FZ “Law on Dacha Amnesty”.
  2. Registration of ownership is carried out in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation No. 1541-1.
  3. Provisions of State Regulation No. 47.
  4. Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  5. Information about State registration No. 122-FZ.

Based on land legislation, the land and buildings on it must be privatized or be in a lease relationship with the owner.

✅ Document costs (table)

On January 10, 2021, tariffs for providing information in the Unified Register of Real Estate Rights (USRN) increased. Current prices can be found on the Rosreestr website. We also provide updated information.

Approximate price for obtaining the necessary documents:

Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate— 460 rubles from individuals; — 1,270 rubles from legal entities. (tariffs increased from January 10, 2021)
Cadastral passport (now an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate with cadastral data)issued free of charge to anyone
Carrying out geodetic surveyfrom 7,000 to 15,000 rubles (depending on the region)
Notary Servicesfrom 1,000 rubles

Calculations are always individual and depend on the regulations of local authorities. For example, residents of Moscow can receive an archival certificate completely free of charge. Regional archives issue such a document for a fee - from 200 rubles.

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