A set of works to establish boundaries, secure them on the ground, calculate the area and determine the location
In the process of drawing up a boundary plan, the engineer determines the place where the lines delimiting the plot will pass
VKontakte When concluding a rental agreement for residential premises, each party reasonably wants to protect its interests
Who determines the cadastral value of real estate? Let's start by briefly explaining who
Article updated: December 24, 2021 Elena GrushinaRealtor with a legal education. Work experience -
What to do if boundary boundaries are violated with a plot belonging to a neighbor? Land Grabbing Situation
Home/Utilities/Dependence of rent on the number of registered citizens The question is whether the amount of rent depends on the number
When complaints about children are received There are several situations when a complaint about children will be quite
In the era of digital technology, when humanity has automated most processes, dependence on electricity, willy-nilly, has become
The Tax Code (TC) of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of obtaining social tax deductions for pension expenses