Any land plot entered into the state real estate register must be registered in the cadastral register and have
Features of the program: to register, it is enough to pay the “Insurance” item in the housing and communal services payment; the insurance company pays
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The dacha amnesty has been extended. Putin signed the law on August 2, 2021. From now on, register the house
In this country, small one-story duplexes for two related families have been built for a very long time
All land on the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into certain categories. From which one
Sample certificate of ownership The document until recently was issued when making real estate transactions
The essence of the exchange of things between persons is obvious and is determined by the very actions of the parties to such an agreement. Not
Designed by Freepik If the living space is owned by the state, then the citizen living there does not
Legislation Children's rights are protected by many laws, both federal and international. This is understandable, because