In accordance with current Russian legislation, military personnel have the right to receive service housing on time
Home / Real estate / Housing rights Back Published: 09/21/2021 Reading time: 7 min
The law states: a child has the right to live and be raised in a family, to receive care from parents and
Consumer law protects customers well. Stores are required to accept back unsuitable clothing and repair
Receiving an eviction notice from a residential property is an unpleasant thing. But, as a rule, this is
Joining housing complexes and housing cooperatives The concept and purpose of housing and housing construction cooperatives are regulated by Art.
General information First, you need to point out that in domestic laws the term “extension of the period of registration of a temporary
Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 N 5242-1 Article 1. Right to freedom
To draw up a receipt for funds in a situation where the funds were actually transferred is
On the territory of the Russian Federation there are municipal, private and state housing stock. Each object is residential