Buying an apartment as a legal entity: pros and cons

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The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that real estate transactions can be carried out by both individuals and legal entities. But, if an apartment or other living space is purchased by a company or organization, then such an operation will have some features.

✅ Can an LLC buy an apartment?

Legal entities with forms of ownership - LLC, JSC, CJSC can buy residential real estate. There are no prohibitions on such operations. There are 2 transaction options:

  • The apartment is purchased from an individual. faces;
  • The apartment is purchased from a legal entity. faces.

Living space can be purchased for the following purposes:

  • for use in commercial activities - property is purchased for the needs of the company and acts as a fixed asset for which appropriate accounting is kept;
  • for use in investment activities - for example, for subsequent resale and profit; in this case, the premises will not be considered a fixed asset.

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