General household needs in Russia: concept and laws, payment features
The concept of the definition of common property of the residents of a building is deciphered in Article 36 of the Housing Code (LC) of the Russian Federation.
How to find out the area of ​​an apartment by address or cadastral number online
By signing the acceptance certificate, you, among other things, agree that BTI employees correctly
State cadastral registration of real estate in 2021, features
Land, houses, buildings, in a word, real estate. How many changes has the poor real estate experienced and endured?
How to draw up an act of flooding of non-residential premises: nuances of registration, the ability to download a sample
Free legal consultation by phone: 8 Owners of residential and non-residential properties are responsible for their
Features of the disposal of municipal property assigned to municipal institutions under the right of operational management
Transfer of property within the public sector: accounting options Current regulations do not establish a detailed procedure
Agreement for free lease of non-residential premises: how to rent out a commercial property free of charge
Temporary use of real estate, including commercial purposes, is allowed both on a paid basis and
What do apartments belong to: residential or non-residential premises? As well as the conditions for the distribution of other areas
“Residential” and Duma-2 There are about 430 dormitories in the republic, of which 177 are departmental. IN
Statement of claim for damages caused by flooding of an apartment
Flooding Application Form An application is an application from a tenant who has been affected by a flood. When compiling it, the homeowner
Chapter 19. Ownership and other proprietary rights to residential premises
Today, the majority of citizens have registered ownership of residential premises. This right arises in
How to properly formalize the donation of a share of land?
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