Size of parking space for a car

The increasing number of vehicles creates problems for car owners with parking. The areas allocated for this are sorely lacking, so unscrupulous drivers often break the rules by abandoning cars in the wrong places. Abandoned vehicles create problems on the road, leading to congestion, limited road visibility, and sometimes accidents occur due to such vehicles.

How to determine the size of a parking space.

Changes in legislation

Basic instructions regarding the dimensions of a parking space are reflected in SNiP 02/21/99. The text of this document states that a standard parking lot for a car should be 2.5 m wide and 5.3 m long , and the scale of the marking itself (up to 0.1 m) is not included in the recommendations mentioned. At the same time, the technical requirements for organizing the space for future parking and fencing are prescribed there:

  1. Reflective markings (on vertical supports).
  2. Visible parking boundaries due to side stones.
  3. Thermoplastic or nitro paint for marking.

The latest amendments to the legislation, which have come into force since 2017, have established that now the smallest size must correspond to the parameters of 5.3 * 2.5 m, and the maximum must be guided by indicators for disabled drivers.

Estimated distances from car storage areas to development sites

What should be the distance from the parking lot to the residential building?

If you have decided on the number of parking spaces, the next step is to organize the parking lot itself. It must be located at a certain distance from the house, other buildings, and garbage cans.

In addition, exit (entry) from the parking lot must be ensured, and requirements for the size of the parking spaces themselves must be met. When constructing new buildings, all these parameters are calculated and taken into account by developers.

If parking is located by the decision of the residents of the house, then these points must be taken into account by them themselves. To do this you need to familiarize yourself with them. The space itself for one car should not be less than 5 meters in length and 2.3 meters in width.

If the car owner uses a wheelchair, the width should be increased to 3.5 meters.

When organizing parking, the requirements for the distance from car storage areas to houses must be taken into account. The minimum distance cannot be less than 10 meters. Further, this gap is determined based on the number of spaces for cars and the presence of windows in buildings:

  • parking with spaces from 10 to 50 should be located at a distance of 10 meters from buildings without windows and 15 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking for 50-100 cars at a distance of 15 meters from buildings without windows and 25 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking for 100-300 cars at a distance of 25 meters from buildings without windows and 35 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking lots with space for up to 10 cars should be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from children's and educational institutions, playgrounds, sports and recreation;
  • parking lots with a large number of cars - at a distance of at least 50 meters.

What types of parking are there?

Space for cars can be provided either free of charge (at public facilities, government agencies, etc.) or for a fee (municipal parking lots). And in order to transfer a specific territory to the official parking status, registration for the selected zone must be completed and carried out, in accordance with the requirements of GOST. One of the central regulatory documents here is considered to be SNiP SP 113.13330 “Car Parking”.

When the site can accommodate 10 cars, it is necessary to guarantee a distance from a public building or residential building by 10 m or 25 m for a separate category of objects. And if the potential number of cars is in the range of 10-50, then this distance should be 50 m. When the number of places for transport is increased to 100-300 points, the zone is removed 35 m from houses and 50 m from government institutions. Up to 500 cars can be parked no closer than 50 m from houses. But the number of places above 500 is generally recommended to be located in special industrial zones.

Since an ordinary car has dimensions of 4.4x1.8 m, according to GOST, 13.25 m2 of space is allocated for it , on the basis of which the average parking format is calculated.

Preparation for marking work

The markup application standard is described in (Appendix “A”). Before markings for car parking are applied in accordance with GOST, a set of preparatory measures is required:

  1. Site measurements and drawing up a diagram.
  2. Calculation of the number of parking spaces. It is carried out based on the number and categories of vehicles that will be parked regularly.
  3. Assessment of access roads in order to determine the best place to organize entry/exit.
  4. Selecting the optimal orientation and location of seats. Depends on the shape of the site and the location of infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, power lines, lighting towers, trees, and so on.
  5. Determining the mandatory number of seats for disabled people and, if necessary, for freight transport.

As prescribed by the rules for marking parking spaces, to solve the problem you will need:

  • dye;
  • thermoplastic;
  • cold plastic;
  • other reflective coatings or white/yellow polymer tapes;
  • special stencils and patterns.

Deviation (deviation) of straight lines is allowed no more than 5 cm.

If there were already markings on the site, the lines should be removed first so that they do not disorient drivers.

You can use reflective materials indoors when there is insufficient lighting. On the street near important objects (fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, etc.) they are used without fail.

The marking of a car parking lot for disabled people includes a duplication of the “Disabled Persons” sign in the form of a rectangle measuring 160x80 cm with rounded corners with a stroller pictogram inside, drawn with lines 15 cm thick.

When using regular paint, keep in mind that the coating will have to be renewed every six months. To do this, it is advisable to wait for good (warm and dry) weather.

Existing size standards

The parking area differs from the classic parking area in that the latter zone is part of the road. Therefore, based on the operational characteristics of passenger cars, the principle of their placement in specially designated areas comes down to 3 methods:

  • parallel to the direction of movement;
  • perpendicular to the main axis of the road;
  • “herringbone” (at a specific angle to the traffic).

Each version has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is always worth remembering that the size of the space is limited to 2.5 m: this format allows you to freely open the car door without touching the vehicle standing nearby.

Parallel parking dimensions

This method of installing vehicles involves placing them close to the sidewalk along the roadway. The main disadvantage of this configuration is the problems when placing a significant number of cars in a certain area. But this type of arrangement is relevant for narrow streets: with a parallel layout and a gap of 1 m, two cars will occupy exactly 10.8 m. Otherwise, a passenger car parked parallel to the sidewalk runs the risk of easily blocking neighboring cars and beginners will not be able to leave.

Perpendicular parking

Here the vehicle should be positioned at an angle of 90° to the road. This type allows you to squeeze the largest number of cars into a limited space. But not all motorists can easily and correctly position the body this way, because with a perpendicular layout, two cars have 9.8 m. Statistics show that it is when leaving such parking lots that a huge number of minor accidents occur (in heavy traffic), if you do not timely appropriate maneuver.

Christmas tree sizes

In a situation with a large territory, parking lot owners may suggest parking cars at an angle of approximately 45° to the sidings. So, when viewed from above, the site looks like the “Christmas trees” of the same name. This arrangement option is very practical for novice drivers: 8.8 m is allocated for the length of the car, and the occupied area will be at least 18 m2. It is much easier to get there than to the perpendicular analogue. But sometimes, even at high density, the workload of this scheme is 1/3 less than that of the mentioned copy of the arrangement.

Disabled parking dimensions

It is important to note that among motorists there are many people with disabilities. Therefore, separate standards have been developed specifically for this group of citizens: the space for the car has been increased (3.6 * 6.2 m) so that the stroller can easily pass between the rows. Also, by law, they are required to be located closer to the entrance to the building and occupy about 10–20% of the total parking area.

Truck parking

The arrangement of parking spaces for trucks and buses is also guided by certain rules, but you should not adhere to the minimum values, since the dimensions of such vehicles differ greatly from each other (therefore, it is worth taking into account the boundaries at an angle of 30-90°). It is imperative to provide through passage and unique markings, without discounting the presence of trailers.

Car parking dimensions

The vast majority of car owners every day are faced with clogged entrances and exits from yards, the inability to park next to a store or institution, any trip around the city requires a place where you can park your car for a while.

In modern cities, special areas for parking vehicles are set up for this purpose - parking lots or parking lots; multi-level parking lots are often built.


There are several ways to arrange parking spaces, each with its own pros and cons.

The most common include:

  • parallel to the edge of the road;
  • perpendicular (at an angle of 90 degrees);
  • herringbone (at an angle of 45 degrees).

Let's take a closer look at these types of parking:

  1. Parking space at 45 degrees. The marking is made at an angle of 45 degrees to the roadway. This type of parking is convenient to use; the driveways between the rows of cars can be made a little narrower than usual, since leaving the parking space at a smooth angle is much more convenient and the car requires less space to maneuver. Photo 1. Parking lot markings at an angle of 45 degrees: Markings not at right angles to the driveway simplify vehicle maneuvers when entering/exiting, entering and leaving the parking lot becomes more convenient and faster, and the likelihood of traffic jams is reduced.
  2. Parking space at a 90 degree angle. Such parking spaces require great skill from the driver, since parking the car and leaving the parking lot is much more difficult than with an oblique angle; more space is needed for maneuver. Photo 2. Marking the parking lot at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular to the driveway): Placing vehicles at right angles to the roadway, which is organized in the form of a narrow strip in front of the building, creates a danger for both passing vehicles and cars leaving the parking lot, so how they get straight from the parking space onto the roadway. At the same time, the capacity of such perpendicular parking is greater than any other.
  3. Parallel arrangement. Most often, such parking spaces are found along the roadway near sidewalks. If cars are located close to each other, then parking or leaving the parking lot is quite difficult. Photo 3. Parallel parking: So, for example, when marking a parking lot at an angle of 45 degrees, the required area for one car space is almost one and a half times larger than when marking transversely, and the occupancy rate of cars on a hundred-meter strip is almost thirty percent lower.

Any parking lot must provide the ability to easily enter a parking space, therefore, for example, if there is a narrow passage between the markings, then it makes sense to increase its length.

Table. Lanes for parking cars.

Placing cars at an angle to the roadway45°60°90°
Width, m55,45,5
Required area, sq.m. per vehicle 181613
Number of cars that can fit on a 100 m long lane313843

Regulatory requirements for parking space size

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2021 No. 792 “On establishing...”, the minimum (5.3 x 2.5 meters) and maximum (6.2 x 3.5 meters) dimensions of one parking space are established.

Parallel parking size

Parallel parking lots are installed in places where it is not possible to move the parking lot further from the road than two to three meters. At the same time, the width of the parking space may be minimal, sufficient only to park a passenger car.

However, if such parking spaces are located between traffic lanes, they must be widened for the safety of people exiting the vehicle.

A standard car is 4.4 meters long and 1.8 meters wide.

For parallel parking, the size of the area in meters for 2020 should be at least twice the length of a regular passenger car, this will allow, with minimal skill, to drive between two other parked cars without much risk of hitting them.

The width of such a parking lot should be equal to the width of a regular car, plus one meter to ensure the safety of both the vehicle itself and the driver, as well as passengers getting out or getting into the car.


Perpendicular placement of parking spaces is suitable for those parking lots whose width will allow you to freely enter and exit the parking lot without interfering with the movement of vehicles on the roadway. This placement of cars saves space, but makes it difficult for vehicles to enter and exit.

More suitable for small-sized “pockets” on the roadway with a width of five meters or more. One parking space will require only about thirteen square meters, since the width of one parking space may be minimal.


Diagonal herringbone parking markings are more suitable for large parking lots and parking lots; cars are located in dense rows parallel to each other at an indirect angle to the driveway with a zigzag line between the cars.

The top view of this arrangement resembles a Christmas tree, which is why this arrangement is called a “herringbone”. The location of the cars at an angle of 45 degrees implies the size of one parking space of 18 square meters, and the length of one parking space does not exceed five meters.

For invalids

Parking spaces for disabled people require an increase in parking space, this is due to the fact that such vehicles are often driven by wheelchair drivers, and there are also quite a lot of such people among the passengers.

Therefore, the width of the parking space should allow not only the driver and passengers to get out of the car, but also to unload the wheelchair so that it can easily fit between two cars. Photo 4. An example of the location of a parking lot for the disabled: It is recommended to place parking spaces for people with disabilities close to the entrance to the parking lot; on the one hand, this will save space, and on the other hand, it will allow people with disabilities to park closer to the exit for the convenience of their movement.

Typically, parking spaces for the disabled are located within fifty meters of institutions (clinics, social services and other institutions where there is a high likelihood of persons with disabilities).

What is the procedure for applying markings and its cost?

When applying markings, it is necessary to take into account external factors and general rules. Therefore, the optimal weather should be dry and warm (from +18°C to +25°C). Frequently used materials in the work process are thermoplastic, paint or polymer tapes. It is worth taking into account the possible deviation from the permissible dimensions of the allocated parking space - no more than 5 cm in each direction.

If we consider the general algorithm of actions, the process of creating a car parking consists of the usual stages:

  1. Preparation and purchase of required materials (paint, tape).
  2. Preparing the area for work (cleaning up previous markings, removing dust and debris around).
  3. Drawing a rough outline according to the specified parameters.
  4. Apply paint to each contour until smooth lines are obtained.
  5. Improvement (marking of special areas for disabled people, coloring of poles, numbering and other navigation).

As a result, the entire cost of such work includes design work for each space and the parking area as a whole, employee salaries and the amount for marking materials (main and additional). And the central technical requirements certainly take into account the organization of the work area where cars will be located in the future, as well as the selection of materials on the basis of which the incoming infrastructure will have to be manufactured.

Technical requirements for marking parking spaces

Basic technical requirements include not only the organization of the work area where the machines will be located, but also the selection of materials from which the entire incoming infrastructure is supposed to be made. Such objects include the fencing used, as well as the markings used. The important points are as follows:

  • in the area of ​​the local area, the boundaries of the parking lot must be clearly distinguishable, so side stones are used for zoning;
  • vertical elements must be painted in courtyard parking lots with special reflective markings in order to be visible in the dark;
  • To paint asphalt, you must use nitro paint or thermoplastic.

You should not use cheap water-based markings. It quickly wears off from moisture and precipitation, making it impossible to determine the boundaries of the parking lot. It is important to locate places for people with disabilities as close as possible to the entrances of buildings. Thanks to the expanded space on them, the driver will be able to open the stroller. There should be 10% of such places. Motorists can park their cars on such a site if they have the appropriate sign on the car and a certificate of disabled people of group 1 or 2, otherwise a fine of 5,000 rubles will be issued.

Where should I go in case of unauthorized seizure of a site in the yard?

In everyday life, Russian citizens often independently fence off part of the territory in a yard parking lot using alternative objects (concrete blocks, boxes with a loop in the asphalt, tires, weights, etc.). But these activities are considered illegal actions, because the plot of land around the house is usually owned by the municipality or is the common property of everyone (and each resident owns a small part of the land).

Therefore, if controversial situations arise regarding the issue of squatting of a local area, it is worth complaining about the illegal actions of a neighbor by drawing up a statement in any form and contacting:

  • representative office of the Management Company;
  • City administration;
  • to the district police officer.

The application must be accompanied by photographic and video materials, as well as other witness statements and important evidence of the offense committed.

How to legally register a parking space in the yard?

In Art. 1.29. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation has a concept of “car space”, which is presented as part of the parking lot with mandatory reflection in cadastral registration. This zone has a designated purpose and is considered state property, like other real estate. To obtain the right to use this place you will have to go through a complex procedure:

  1. Organize a collective meeting of owners in a high-rise building, where a majority of votes must approve the decision that a fragment of the territory near the house will be converted into private property or leased out for similar purposes.
  2. Along with the protocol for collecting residents (it is worth collecting the signatures of all the people who approved the idea and a quorum in the form of a response from half of all owners), you must contact the nearest branch of the cadastral chamber to send an engineer - he is the one who must carry out the necessary measuring work.
  3. Next, you should collect all the required documents (a sample meeting protocol, a site plan, a citizen’s passport and a certificate of ownership of the apartment) and personally submit a request to the cadastral chamber to register the new parking zone.
  4. With a completed certificate from the chamber and a finalized design of the territory, you will have to personally contact the regional administration. And after issuing a permit form in response, it is necessary to coordinate the implementation of the upcoming changes with the branch of Rospotrebnadzor.

Only after all permits have been issued can we begin without restrictions to plan construction work on marking and fixing fences, which will be carried out at the expense of the residents themselves and on their initiative.

Defining a parking lot

The parking area is a fenced part of the road space, which is indicated by markings and a special sign. According to the Traffic Rules, parking zones are designated by the letter “P”. This image is for informational purposes only and is most often used in conjunction with other instructions (for example, about how to park a vehicle).

Places for temporary parking of a car can be provided:

  • paid;
  • free of charge.

To park for free, vehicles can be left in public areas (in open areas, areas, near shopping centers specially equipped for such areas). Paid car parking can be installed at the entrances to strategically important objects (airports, railway stations), or to private protected areas.

Reference. Long-term parking services are provided for a fee near shopping centers and are accompanied by security or video surveillance.

Staying in the parking zone can last for a few minutes or for months, if the rules for leaving a car in a specific zone allow the car to be placed under guard. In the latter case, the parking lot will have the status of a parking lot and will be regulated by special rules for the provision of long-term car storage services.

How to purchase a place for a car as your own?

The free acquisition of a parking space in the form of an independent transaction has become possible since 2021, when Law No. 315 “On Amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” came into force. Now each of the subjects (potential shareholders) has the full right to buy out the seller’s share, so he must officially notify everyone of his desire to sell his part and discuss the terms of the transaction. An agreement between individuals is drawn up in the same manner as other non-residential real estate objects. You must provide the following documents:

  • passports of citizens (both parties);
  • confirmation of ownership;
  • technical plan for the location of the territory;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (about 2 thousand rubles);
  • act of transfer and acceptance of real estate.

An official agreement for the purchase and sale of parking is required during registration of transactions in Rosreestr. It is drawn up without outside help by the parties to the transaction in accordance with the terms of the agreement reached. Therefore, a generally accepted sample act is not provided here. But it must be submitted only in writing and certainly in 3 copies - for the seller, the client and for transmission to the government agency.

How to rent a place for a car?

It is no longer news that a standard parking space for a vehicle at home, in a parking lot or in a parking lot can not only be purchased, but also rented for a certain period. But this is also a rather expensive service, so not all drivers resort to this option to resolve the issue of storing their car outside the garage.

Renting a parking space can be organized using several methods. The most common popular methods include the following:

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  1. According to the term of the contract (short-term lease, long-term or completely indefinite).
  2. According to the type of equipment and improvement of the site (in a covered area, on the ground, underground, with additional security points, lighting, etc.).
  3. Distance from the place of residence or work (in a parking lot at the end of another block, a plot close to the house, in the yard, etc.).

Correct preparation of lease terms begins as usual - by contacting the right authorities. Regarding the issue of renting a parking lot, you should contact the same organizations as when purchasing. But it is important to remember that it is worth checking all the details of the transaction in advance with the owner of the territory that you plan to use as personal parking.

Important clarifications

Herringbone parking in itself is not prohibited for cars of any size, as long as the car is not located under prohibitory signs and does not interfere with the passage. There was a judicial precedent in St. Petersburg when a motorist challenged the decision of the district court in the city court and overturned the decision of the lower court.

A citizen's car was evacuated; it was arranged in a herringbone pattern, but did not interfere with the movement of other cars. There were no prohibitory signs either.

The traffic police officer issued a fine to the citizen and towed the car, which entailed additional costs for the motorist. The driver considered that the fine was illegal, since, in fact, the car was not parked under prohibitory signs and did not interfere with anyone. The district court upheld the administrative punishment, for which it was necessary to file an appeal with the St. Petersburg City Court.

The higher court judge agreed with the plaintiff’s arguments and concluded that the traffic police officers could not present a single piece of evidence confirming that the car actually interfered with traffic.

The decision was returned for examination to the lower court. Later, the administrative punishment was canceled, based on the recommendations of the main court of the city of St. Petersburg.

Do you know if it’s possible to stop for a long time on a pedestrian path? See the article about this: parking on the sidewalk. Parking payment details are presented here.

What types of parking exist are written here.

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