Agreement on the provision of parking services for car placement

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Agreement on the provision of parking services for car placement

city ​​(name of locality) (day month Year)

(Organizational and legal form, full name of the organization) represented by (position, full name of the authorized parking lot employee), acting on the basis of (documents confirming his authority are indicated), hereinafter referred to as “Car Park”, on the one hand, and (Full name, passport number and series, by whom it was issued, date of issue or other identification document) registered (enter as required) at the address: (indicate region, district, city, town, village, street, house number, apartment number), hereinafter referred to as (fill in as appropriate) “Car Owner”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows:

Subject of the agreement

1.1. Under this agreement, the parking lot undertakes to provide the car owner with a place on its territory at the address: (specify the exact location) (box, place in a special open area, etc.) for parking a car make (enter as required), model (enter as required) state registration plate (enter as necessary) and protect the specified car with your own resources and resources for the entire time the car is in the parking lot, and the car owner undertakes to pay for parking services in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

Agreement conditions

2.1. The parking lot accepts the car owner's car for storage and issues it to the car owner (specify the parking lot's operating hours) during the entire validity period of this agreement.

2.2. Entry into and exit from the parking area is carried out by the car owner upon presentation of a pass issued by the parking lot. The pass is issued for the duration of this agreement and contains information about the make, model and state registration plate of the car owner's car.

2.3. When storing a car, the car owner presents the vehicle to an authorized parking lot employee for an external inspection. At the request of the car owner or an authorized parking lot employee, a document is drawn up containing information about the presentation and completeness of the car, which is signed by both parties.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is given to the car owner, and the other remains at the parking lot.

2.4. Reception (issue) of a car is carried out by an authorized parking lot employee by affixing (for example, a seal, etc.), signature, date and time in (for example, in a car acceptance and delivery certificate, etc.). The car owner signs the specified document when depositing the car or accepting it.

2.5. The parties agreed that the price of the car owner’s car is (amount in figures and words) RUB.

Responsibilities of the parking lot

3.1. The parking lot must: 3.1.1. familiarize the car owner with the rules for using the parking lot, safety rules, fire safety, sanitary and other rules provided for by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

3.1.2. accept the specified car for storage and issue it to the car owner (indicate the operating hours of the parking lot) during the entire validity period of this agreement;

3.1.3. to protect the specified vehicle in order to prevent its damage, destruction, dismantling or other causing of property damage to the Car Owner;

3.1.4. at the request of the car owner, draw up a corresponding report on the loss (theft), damage or loss of completeness of the car that occurred during its storage in the parking lot;

3.1.5. bear full financial responsibility for damage caused to the car owner by damage, destruction, dismantling or other reasons for the entire time the car was in a guarded parking lot, including theft and other criminal attacks by third parties;

3.1.6. issue a pass to the car owner for a period of up to (day, month, year).

3.1.7. provide other additional services by agreement with the car owner.

3.2. If it is necessary to make extraordinary expenses, the parking lot is obliged to obtain the consent of the car owner for these expenses. Moreover, if the car owner does not report his disagreement within (meaning) the period from the moment of receipt of the notification from the parking lot, it is considered that he has agreed to extraordinary expenses.

Parking rights

4.1. The parking lot has the right to require the car owner to pay for car storage services in the amount and within the time limits established by this agreement.

4.2. The parking lot has the right to demand from the car owner compensation for expenses incurred that the parties could not foresee when concluding this agreement (extraordinary expenses), if the car owner agreed to these expenses or approved them subsequently.

4.3. If the parking lot has incurred extraordinary expenses without obtaining prior consent from the Car Owner for these expenses, and the car owner subsequently does not approve them, the parking lot may demand compensation for extraordinary expenses only to the extent of the damage that could have been caused to the car if these expenses had not been incurred. .

4.4. If the car owner, after the expiration of the term of this agreement, does not claim the car deposited in storage, the parking lot has the right, within a period of time after written notification to the car owner, on the basis of a court decision, to seize the car and sell it in the manner prescribed by Articles 447 - 449 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The funds received by the parking lot from the sale of the car, after deducting expenses and remuneration for storage, are transferred to the car owner within the following terms and in the following order: (indicate the car owner’s bank account number, bank details).

Responsibilities of a car owner

5.1. The car owner is obliged:

5.1.1. pay for the services rendered to him in the amount and in the manner specified in the contract.

5.1.2. reimburse the parking lot for expenses that the parties could not foresee when concluding this agreement (extraordinary expenses), if the car owner agreed to these expenses or approved them subsequently.

5.1.3. remove the car from the parking area after the expiration of this agreement;

5.1.4. notify the parking lot about the loss of this agreement and the pass. In this case, the car is issued to the car owner on the basis of his written application upon presentation of an identification document and documents confirming the right of ownership (use, disposal) of the car;

5.1.5. comply with the rules for using the parking lot, safety regulations, fire safety, sanitary and other rules provided for by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Car owner's rights

6.1. The car owner has the right:

6.1.1. use the parking services in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

6.1.2. refuse to pay for additional services provided without his consent, and if they have already been paid for, demand that the parking lot return the funds paid for them;

6.1.3. terminate this agreement at any time by paying the parking lot part of the cost of storing the car depending on the storage time and reimbursement of expenses incurred by the parking lot up to this point in order to fulfill the contract, if they are not included in the specified part of the price of the service.

Amount and procedure for payment for parking services

7.1. The car owner pays a fee to the parking lot for storing the car on the basis (amount in figures and words) of rubles. for (for example, hour, day, week, etc.).

7.2. Payment for storage is made for the following periods: (for example, daily, weekly, ten-day, monthly, etc.) and is paid (for example, before the beginning, at the end, etc.) of each period.


Option 1:

Funds are deposited into the cash desk (name of organization).

Option 2:

7.4. Funds are transferred to the bank account (name of organization) N (enter the required one), opened in (full name of the bank or other credit organization).

Responsibility of the parties

8.1. The parking lot bears full financial responsibility for damage caused to the car owner by damage, destruction, dismantling or other reasons for the entire time the car was in the guarded parking lot, including theft and other criminal attacks by third parties.

8.2. The parking lot is released from liability if it proves that the loss or damage to the car occurred as a result of intent or gross negligence of the car owner.

8.3. In case of delay in payments for storage of the vehicle, the Car Owner shall pay the Parking lot a penalty in the amount (value)% of the contract amount for each day of delay.

8.4. Termination (expiration) of this agreement entails the termination of the parties' obligations under it, but does not relieve the parties from liability for violations of the agreement, if any, occurred during the fulfillment of the terms of this agreement.

8.5. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract in the event of insurmountable obstacles, which are understood as: natural disasters, riots, prohibitory actions of the authorities and other force majeure circumstances.

Contract term

This agreement is concluded by the parties for a period from (day, month, year) to (day, month, year).

Other provisions

10.1. This agreement may be amended and (or) supplemented by the parties during its validity period based on their mutual consent. Changes and (or) additions to the agreement, as well as all agreements between the parking lot and the car owner, are drawn up in writing and signed by the parties.

10.2. Disputes between the parties are resolved through negotiations. If the parties fail to resolve any disagreements that have arisen, the dispute shall be resolved in court.

10.3. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force. One copy of the agreement is given to the car owner, and the other remains at the parking lot.

Details and signatures


(fill in what you need)


Car owner:

(fill in what you need)



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Agreement for the provision of parking for a car

AGREEMENT for the provision of parking for a car No.

"" g.

Citizen, passport (series, number, issued), residing at the address, hereinafter referred to as the “
”, on the one hand, and the person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as the “
”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “
", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:


1.1. Under this agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer on its territory at the address: a parking box for a state-owned vehicle. number about to protect the specified car with your own forces and means for the entire time the car is in the parking lot, in the period from "" year to "" year.


2.1. Responsibilities of the Contractor


  • accept the specified car into the parking lot at any time in the period from "" year to "" year with a mark of the person who allows cars into the protected area, on the form agreed upon by the parties of the time the car was in the guarded parking lot of the Contractor and the signature of the specified person;
  • for the entire time the car is in the guarded parking lot of the Contractor, the latter shall guard the specified car in order to prevent damage, destruction, dismantling of the car, or other damage to the Customer;
  • bear full financial responsibility for damage caused to the Customer by damage, death, dismantling or other reasons for the entire time the car was in the Contractor's guarded parking lot, including theft and other criminal attacks by third parties.

2.2. Responsibilities of the Customer


  • for the services provided for in paragraphs. 1.1., 2.1. of this agreement to pay the Contractor a monthly remuneration in the amount of rubles based on .

3.1. For improper or failure to fulfill the obligations assigned to the Contractor by this agreement, the latter bears property liability in full, including lost profits and lost profits. The latter shall be released from liability for material damage caused as a result of the Contractor’s failure to perform or improper performance of his duties only if the Customer’s intent contributed to causing such damage.

3.2. For violation by the Customer of clause 2.2. of this agreement, the Contractor has the right to demand from the Customer payment of a penalty for late payment of remuneration in the amount of % for each day of delay.


4.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties and is valid for up to a year.

4.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties.

4.3. Early termination of the contract is permitted by agreement of the parties.



  • Registration address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • Passport series, number:
  • Issued by:
  • When issued:
  • Signature:


  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:

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Comments on the document “Agreement on the provision of parking services for car placement”

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12/24/2015 at 11:45:18

The contract is valid, but it will have to be redone for legal entities.

Reply 0



08/04/2016 at 16:54:42

Can the contract start in one month and end in another and pay with one receipt?

Reply 0



03/01/2018 at 05:27:55

It came up. Thanks a lot

Reply 0

Oksana 02/26/2019 at 12:18:28

thank you, great deal

Reply 0



04/18/2019 at 17:17:44

The contract is very informative, the template fits very well, and it’s not difficult to forge one for yourself. Thank you

Reply 0



05/20/2019 at 12:41:27

The agreement as a basis is not bad, you just need to modify it to suit yourself

Reply 0

Svetlana 09/02/2019 at 12:21:11

As a contract, the basis is excellent. It will need to be slightly altered for us.

Reply 0



02/17/2020 at 11:22:14

very good deal

Reply 0

Julia 01/22/2021 at 11:54:02

I often use your site, good services, I like it

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How to buy a parking space and how much it costs

You can buy a parking space in a residential complex, from the developer. Typically, parking lots are located in the underground part of new buildings or in separate buildings nearby. A parking space can also be purchased from city authorities, when the sale of objects is carried out directly, without intermediaries, says financial expert Dmitry Chechulin . If you buy a parking space by priority right, you can save up to 40%.

“Prices depend not only on the location of the parking space, but also on the scheme under which it will be sold. There are two such schemes: by pre-emptive right and at auction. But, according to authorities, regardless of the sales scheme, prices are almost always below the market. Thus, according to TsUGI, by preemptive right the most expensive parking space was sold for 2.9 million rubles on Leninsky Prospekt. Its area is 14.2 square meters. And the most budget option is 14.4 square meters for 283 thousand rubles on the Birch Grove passage. If we talk about completed auctions, then the range of prices is from 491 thousand to 2 million rubles,” says Chechulin.

How can a defrauded shareholder receive compensation for a parking space? More details

For comparison: the average cost of a parking space within the boundaries of Old Moscow is 2.2 million rubles. The most expensive ones are in the Tver region - about 11 million rubles. The cheapest are in Solntsevo, where a parking space costs about 930 thousand rubles.

According to the real estate agency Metrium, the average cost of an underground parking space in the mass segment is 1.2 million rubles, and in a surface parking space - 850 thousand rubles. In business class residential complexes prices are 2.2 million rubles, in premium class - 3.5 million rubles, in elite class - 6 million rubles.

On average, when buying a parking space, you should focus on the amount of about 1.5-2.5 million rubles, suggests Chechulin.

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