How to pay for major repairs through Gosuslugi In an age of intense employment, modern people try as much as possible
Property tax is calculated taking into account the cadastral value of real estate. Depending on the type of real estate
Home / Housing disputes / Can a person registered in an apartment claim a share?
Grounds for enrolling in a school other than the place of registration The regulatory documents do not contain anywhere
Do you have to pay rent if you don't live in an apartment? The norms of current legislation indicate -
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Calculation of the return on costs for an apartment based on its cost and rent. I propose to carry out
What is joint property Citizens of the country can make any transactions not prohibited by law. This includes
When building a garage for a car in a residential area or personal plot, many things should be taken into account:
Has the land plot been surveyed? This question arises for the owner for various reasons: when