Today, all real estate that has undergone the registration procedure in Rosreestr must have a cadastral number
The cadastre is a single set of documents containing information about all real estate for the purpose of correct
The essence of multi-tariff electricity metering Throughout the day, electricity is consumed unevenly by the population. If during the day the station
Many residents of the top floors have experienced the consequences of flooding their apartment due to a leaking roof. Result
Agreement on termination of shared ownership. Property in shared ownership can be divided between
Article updated: December 20, 2021 Mitrofanova SvetlanaLawyer. Work experience - 15 years Hello. > Housing and communal services issues > Utilities > Housing and communal services receipts > Standards and calculations
A gift agreement, according to Article 572 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), is a type
To check the property you can order a report *or you can also order a report WhatsApp +79232492328 or
At what age should a child be enrolled in school? In the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”