how to register a house and land with the cadastral register
State cadastral registration and registration of rights
How to submit documents There are several ways. You can choose the most suitable one for yourself: Bring to
Panel houses - pros and cons. Ventilation in panel houses
Most residential areas of post-Soviet cities are dotted with gray panel houses. The height of their construction was still
How to find out whether a load-bearing or non-load-bearing wall in an apartment is
Everyone who has ever carried out any actions with their real estate, be it the internal layout of a private
No water
Weak pressure of cold or hot water in the apartment - how to adjust: recommendations. The water pressure has dropped: where to go?
The hot water pressure has dropped - what to do? There are many reasons for the deterioration of hot and cold pressure
Why is it necessary to survey public lands (PLL) in SNT
Why is it necessary to demarcate the boundaries of the PDO? By land surveying of public lands, SNT means cadastral
what documents are needed for a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank
What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank in 2022
Support for the regions is one of the priority areas of the state’s social policy, due to the massive outflow of residents
house, piggy bank
How to exchange an apartment with an additional payment for a larger or smaller one in 2022: documents, tax
Legislative framework A block of articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation from 567 to 571 is devoted to the exchange.
Two residential buildings on one plot of land - how to register according to the law
We answer a question that worries land owners. Petrov A.V. owns a plot on which it is already
How to renew the migration registration of a foreign citizen
Is it possible to extend migration registration? Migration registration of a foreign citizen or stateless person is acceptable
We bought an apartment with debts on utility bills: what to do?
Last modified: October 2021 Real estate transactions require serious attention to documents, however, provide
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