Last modified: October 2021
According to statistics, almost every third citizen of our country at least once in his life, one way or another, has encountered such functionality as BTI. But not many people wonder what BTI is and what services it provides.
Most often, the services of this institution are necessary for any transactions with real estate (land, residential and non-residential property, etc.):
- purchase and sale;
- redevelopment;
- land surveying;
- evaluation (revaluation);
- production of a technical passport;
- privatization and many others.
And the abbreviation BTI itself stands for “Bureau of Technical Inventory”.
What is BTI
The Bureau of Technical Inventory is a special state system whose main purpose is to conduct technical accounting of real estate.
The system carries out a rapid exchange of information between all organizations that carry out an inventory of objects, including land plots and structures, as well as those conducting cadastral records.
The work of the structure is regulated by law.
The bureau plays an important role in housing redevelopment. If changes were made without the consent of the BTI, this is considered illegal. In the event of the destruction of a load-bearing wall, for example, the consequences can be very dire.
The structure in its activities is guided by a number of regulations, the most important of which is Government Decree No. 921 of December 4, 2000.
Some part of the organization's activities is regulated directly by the organization itself. For example, the Bureau has the right to independently set prices for the provision of certificates on objects .
In the course of its work, BTI closely cooperates with many systems - Rosreestr authorities, housing and communal services organizations, banking institutions. The structure of the Bureau is ambiguous; sometimes it is very difficult to understand to whom the BTI reports, and different bodies may be hidden under the same name.
In most cases, the bureau does not have government financial support and is self-sufficient. The number of staff is also ambiguous. For example, in small towns, an organization may only employ about 5 people.
Sometimes BTI is registered as a branch of a state or federal enterprise.
What does BTI do?
The technical inventory bureau is contacted for all real estate-related issues. Employees of the institution evaluate the property , prepare the documents necessary for its purchase and sale, and also carry out an inventory.
Suppose you are going to do some kind of redevelopment in your house. To do this, you will need to obtain a new technical passport with drawings in which changes made to the home will be made. The preparation and issuance of such a document is carried out by BTI employees. To obtain a technical passport, you will need to submit an application to the branch of the organization at your place of residence, pay the state fee and appear on the specified day to receive the technical passport.
In addition to issuing technical passports, the institution produces certificates of the estimated value of real estate, floor plans of buildings , cadastral passports of structures and land plots. The organization also deals with certification of housing stock, geodetic work, and address registration. In a word, BTI participates in all real estate transactions, thereby guaranteeing their safety.
Field of activity
Surely each of us at least once in our lives asked ourselves the question: “What does BTI do?” or “What does BTI do?” The scope of activity of this organization is diverse.
Bureau employees evaluate real estate structures, keep records of them, deal with document flow and preparation of certificates, regulations, and technical specifications.
How the BTI structure ensures the direct functioning of the state registration system , collects and analyzes statistical data.
In addition, it creates a tax base, which subsequently serves as the basis for the collection of taxes by the Federal Tax Service.
The Bureau creates records of unfinished construction projects, land plots, residential and non-residential premises. The database includes information about the location of the premises, its technical condition and its price. Structure archives are a systematic collection of information about all buildings - garages, garden houses, large factories.
Important! Several years ago, the organization was engaged in registering property rights. But now this function falls under the competence of Rosreestr.
Why do you need BTI?
The services of this organization bring enormous benefits not only to owners of various types of real estate, but also to government agencies.
The legality of all plans is under the control of the technical inventory bureau, so residents of multi-storey buildings do not have to worry that a neighbor will destroy load-bearing walls during redevelopment. And the registration certificate issued by the organization provides potential buyers with all the necessary information about a possible purchase, becoming a guarantee of the safety of purchase and sale transactions. In addition, BTI is engaged in issuing certificates , which are proof of the absence of encumbrances, so that the person making the purchase does not have to fear that the home is under arrest or any other sanctions.
Like many government organizations, BTI carries out control and statistical functions. Real estate accounting in a city or town allows authorities to make decisions on the reconstruction and demolition of certain objects, identify the most promising areas in the construction industry and predict the further development of the settlement.
You can find out how to determine the layout of an apartment based on the house address here
Functions and powers of the BTI
The main function is to examine the technical condition of premises, both residential and non-residential.
The system performs inventory in three directions:
- When the facility is just being put into operation.
- Unscheduled inventory when it is necessary to legitimize changes in transactions and other operations.
- When demolishing a house or reconstructing it.
After checking the BTI, a technical passport for the object is drawn up , which contains information about the initial cost estimate, the address of the object, and its wear and tear. In other words, the passport contains detailed characteristics.
Also required is an appendix to the passport - a floor plan and an explanation - a brief diagram-schedule.
Other functions include monitoring the condition of objects, inventory of housing stock and revaluation of buildings.
The Bureau also advises citizens and provides them with the necessary information.
In addition to the above, the results of the organization’s activities are necessary for the formation of the State Register of Real Estate. Based on the information, an archive is created in which important documents are stored - registration books, inventory files, technical passports, schedules and plans.
Main functionality of the bureau
According to Government Decree No. 1301, the main functions of this organization are to collect and systematize the accounting of technical data of the entire residential and non-residential stock of our country, as well as the land fund. Including, what is its condition and cadastral value, on the basis of which the tax base is formed, the size of which allows one to calculate individually the tax on real estate for individuals and legal entities.
In addition, the bureau’s database stores archival information about all adjustments made to the data in connection with a change in the purpose of the land, the transfer of residential stock to non-residential and vice versa, increasing or decreasing the area of the object, reconstruction of buildings, etc.
The functions and tasks of the bureau also include other responsibilities:
- carrying out assessment actions in relation to residential/non-residential and land stock and its inventory;
- carrying out certification of immovable objects and their subsequent address registration;
- accounting and control over the technical condition of subordinate facilities;
- primary or repeated assessment of residential/non-residential and land stock, the result of which is necessary for subsequent real estate transactions and calculation of the tax base, etc.
Thanks to state accreditation, the bureau has the right to provide a wide range of services such as:
- assess the market value of real estate;
- carry out examination of real estate objects;
- carry out energy audits of organizations;
- develop design documentation for reconstruction of premises (redevelopment);
- carry out land surveying;
- engage in geodetic work necessary to determine the suitability of a land plot for development;
- carry out the development of projects for construction work and reconstruction of buildings;
- issue certificates of all types and formats necessary for both individuals and legal entities to carry out any procedures with real estate, and many others.
For example, to carry out redevelopment of any type of real estate and legalize it, it is necessary to contact the office. Where you need to fill out an application to call a technician who will assess the planned work and issue a permit or ban on it. If the redevelopment is carried out, then all necessary changes will be immediately made to the technical plan and passport of the premises.
What documents is the bureau authorized to issue?
At the request of the owner, when providing confirmation of ownership rights (certificate, extract from the Unified State Register) for real estate, the bureau has the right to issue the following documents:
- technical plan of a room, building, structure, etc.;
- technical (cadastral) passport for any form of real estate;
- floor plan or explication;
- documents confirming the correctness of the registration of the object (address);
- land plot plan and other documents subordinate to the bureau.
These documents can be requested by both individuals and legal entities, as well as government authorities.
Important! The validity period of the documents issued by the bureau is quite short, which is very good for transactions (you can be sure that the information about the object and the owners has not yet changed). But it is worth taking this fact into account when collecting documents so that when a transaction is completed, they do not lose their legal force due to expiration.
Interactions with other organizations
The field of activity of the bureau is always associated with the interaction of such structures as:
- Department of Housing and Utilities;
- land committee;
- Rossreestr, MFC;
- body of urban planning and architecture;
- companies whose activities include insurance;
- courts of any rank;
- credit organizations (for example, if a citizen decides to take out a mortgage loan, the bank must make a request to Rossreestr and the BTI);
- notary
Interaction with all these structures significantly improves and speeds up the collection of necessary information for the bureau. What helps the institution provide services to the population in a “one window” format.
What services does BTI provide to the population?
The bureau provides citizens with information on issuing certificates and technical passports, services for inspecting real estate, assessing the condition and assessing the value. It also registers capital construction projects, issues technical reports, and archives data.
Important! The cost of services depends on the region where the Bureau is located.
Citizens can obtain information about real estate - address plan of the territory, cadastral and technical passports, site plan and more. For an additional fee, documents will be prepared urgently.
The Bureau also issues certificates and extracts containing data about the object. They are provided upon application by the person. The application is submitted directly to the Bureau or on the government services website. Please check the received data carefully, as errors are possible - the address is indicated incorrectly or the graph is drawn.
How to get a BTI passport
To obtain a BTI passport, you need to prepare a package of documents. It includes an application (a sample is usually provided by a realtor), an identification card of the owner or a power of attorney, as well as papers confirming ownership. You can submit papers in three standard ways:
- Actually in the BTI, by contacting the responsible employee.
- Through MFC. There they will help you prepare all the documents, but the time frame for issuing certificates and passports will increase by 2-3 days.
- Online through State Services. In some regions, you can make an application through the BTI website; for Moscow residents there is the mayor’s portal, where you can order almost any document.
You won’t be able to order all possible BTI services online, but you can order a technical passport. But the redevelopment project will have to be certified in person.
On average, BTI issues documents within 20 working days, sometimes up to a month. It all depends on what exactly and for what object you need. For a technical passport you will have to pay about one and a half thousand, for an extract - 600 rubles, for certificates - from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the content.
Now you know what BTI is, what it means and what this organization does. If necessary, you can use their services. But practice shows that it is easier to entrust this task to a realtor. This way, you will save time on preparing applications and documents and will be able to plan renovations in your new apartment, rather than running around with documents through authorities.
What documents can be prepared at the Bureau?
The authority of the institution allows you to formalize :
- an extract from the technical passport of buildings (formed according to form 1a);
- an extract from the technical passport of the BTI in form 1b;
- a certificate for the possibility of formalizing various land relations;
- a certificate regarding the total area of a residential building with stove heating;
- a certificate regarding the current condition of the structure or premises;
- a document regarding the cost of the land plot and public areas in the building;
- documents for owners of their own homes;
- documents in form No. 22 and No. 25 regarding the explication for the developed floor plan of the building;
- land plans;
- floor plans of buildings;
- floor plans of buildings in electronic format;
- documents regarding the inventory cost of construction;
- documents on the cost of rooms or rooms;
- documents regarding the cost of 1 square meter of attic space in order to be able to provide permission to convert the attic into living space;
- make calculations and provide supporting documentation regarding the cost of residential premises in the process of transferring from residential to non-residential stock;
- draw up documents required by the state commission;
- documents regarding the cost of apartments in the process of forming a lease agreement with the provision of the right to buy and agreements on the issue of purchase and sale, including the installment plan option;
- documents regarding the cost of living space and premises being sold on the basis of the Decree of the Moscow Government;
- documents on the issue of identifying the address of real estate objects;
- develop and provide a graphical attachment to the address registration document;
- documents that can confirm the fact of renaming streets and so on;
- formulate and provide address plans or parts of any territory;
- documents regarding the addresses of residential or non-residential buildings in city blocks;
- develop and provide projects on the issue of approving facility addresses.
In fact, this list is not exhaustive, but contains only the most popular documents, the formation of which BTI representatives have to deal with.
A complete list of them can be found on their official portal.
Redevelopment of the premises
Carrying out construction work to change the configuration of housing or the purpose of premises is considered redevelopment. All these operations can be carried out only on the basis of permission received from local authorities. Redevelopment without approval and changes in technical documentation leads to the imposition of penalties on the owner of the premises. In addition, he cannot sell, donate real estate, or use it as collateral. After construction work, you need to invite a BTI specialist. He will record the changes and draw up a certificate to correct the technical passport.
BTI employees report data on real estate objects upon request to executive authorities or individuals who have ownership rights to the object. Information is necessary when registering real estate transactions and obtaining a secured loan. Certificates are issued upon presentation of a passport and a receipt for payment of state duty. A month is allotted for the preparation of the certificate from the date of submission of the written application. The certificate is valid for a certain period. This must be taken into account when collecting a large number of documents. Certificates prepared by BTI specialists can be obtained at the MFC or through the public services portal.
Why do you need a technical passport
Let's say a certain citizen intends to buy an apartment. The owners of the property describe it as magnificent: the house in which it is located is supposedly new, its walls are brick, and the price for this housing is below the market price.
This offer will interest anyone. Where can you find truly truthful information about real estate? Only in the technical passport. When studying it, it may turn out that the building is 50 percent worn out.
And it looks so “fresh” only because it was recently completely renovated. Moreover, it turns out that the walls are not brick at all, but cinder blocks. The facade is plastered, so it is not possible to determine the material of the walls by eye.
BTI in 2021
In 2021, Law No. 218-FZ of July 17, 2021 came into force. “On state registration of real estate.” According to this law, a unified real estate register was created. It combined data from the register of rights and the real estate cadastre. This work will be carried out by state budgetary institutions (GBUs) created by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Many of them will be formed during the reorganization of BTI.
Important! An application for registration of rights and cadastral registration can be submitted simultaneously. They will be accepted at any office of the State Budgetary Institution, regardless of the region in which the property is located.
Changes in legislation will simplify the procedure for processing documents and reduce the time required for their preparation. The number of certificates for carrying out transactions will decrease, the time for providing public services will decrease.
According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2009 N 388, the responsibilities of the BTI are:
- conducting a technical inventory of housing;
- conducting an assessment of real estate, determining the tax base for property tax;
- issuing certificates and consulting on issues of state registration of housing stock.
BTI structure and subordination
BTI consists of the head office and subordinate offices, which are located in different regions of the country.
Subordination occurs in the same way as in other state and municipal bodies - the main command staff, the command staff of the region, the heads of the local body of the BTI. All employees must obey the regulations and internal regulations in force at work.
Addresses and work schedule of BTI Moscow
Call the BTI phone -.
You can find out how to find your nearest office by using our website. The addresses and opening hours of the BTI of the city of Moscow, Moscow region, as well as the BTI telephone number for consultation are available in the table below.
Address | Contacts for communication | Schedule |
Moscow, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 32, building 1 | 8 | Mon-Fri 9:00–21:00 |
Moscow, sh. Entuziastov, 17 | 8 | Mon-Fri 9:00–18:00 |
Moscow, Bakuninskaya st., 43/55 | 8 8 8 8 8 8 | Mon-Fri 8:00–17:00 |
Moscow, Maly Gnezdnikovsky lane, 9, building 7 | 8 https://mosbti.rf/ | Mon-Thu 8:00–17:00; Fri 8:00–15:45 |
Moscow, st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 20/30k5 | 8 8 8 8 8 8 | Mon 11:00–19:00; Tue-Thu 10:00–18:00; Fri 10:00–16:45 |
Moscow, Streletskaya st., 9A | 8 8 8 8 8 8 /service-list.aspx?type=1 | Mon 11:00–19:00; Tue-Thu 10:00–18:00; Fri 10:00–16:45 |
Moscow, st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 20/30k5 | 8 8 | Mon 11:00–17:00, break 13:00–14:00; Tue-Thu 10:00–17:00, break 13:00–14:00; Fri 10:00–15:45, break 13:00–14:00 |
Moscow, Preobrazhenskaya Square, 4 | 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 https://mosgorbti .ru/service-list.aspx?type=1 | Mon 11:00–19:00; Tue-Thu 10:00–18:00; Fri 10:00–16:45 |
Moscow, Kholodilny lane, 3, bldg. 1, page 3 | 8 8 | Mon-Thu 9:00–18:00; Fri 9:00–16:45; Sat 9:00–13:00 |
Moscow, sh. Entuziastov, 12A | 8 | daily, 8:00–20:00 |
Moscow, Gusyatnikov lane, 11 | 8 | Mon-Thu 10:00–18:45, break 13:00–14:00; Fri 10:00–17:30, break 13:00–14:00 |
Moscow, Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya st., 11A, building 1 | 8 | Mon-Fri 9:00–18:00 |
Moscow, Maly Gnezdnikovsky lane, 9, building 7 | 8 | Mon-Thu 8:00–17:00; Fri 8:00–15:45 |
Help in “utility” disputes
We still have communal apartments, with their specific disputes.
For example, a person inherited a room from his grandmother in such a quarrelsome apartment, and his new neighbors tell him that the old woman dismantled her built-in closet, after which she moved its wall into the corridor, thus taking over the common area.
They insist: bring the wall back! Do we need to rush to fulfill the demands of our neighbors? No. First you need to make a request to the BTI, which will resolve this dispute. The Bureau specialist checks whether the current layout matches the original one and issues his verdict.
In addition to technical information about the time of construction of the object, the material from which it was built, archives about the redevelopment of premises, the BTI keeps records of arrests, encumbrances and easements of houses and apartments.