Filling out an application for temporary registration. Form and sample document

To more conveniently find the necessary forms of migration documents, you can use the page navigation:

Documents for foreign citizens

  • Form for notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay (temporary registration / migration registration)
  • Form for notification of the departure of a foreign citizen from the place of stay (deregistration/migration registration)
  • Application form for deregistration of a foreign citizen at the place of stay
  • Application form for a foreign citizen or stateless person for registration at the place of residence (permanent registration)
  • Application forms for a work patent (registration / re-registration / issuance of a duplicate / amendments)
  • Application forms for highly qualified specialists (HQS)
  • Application forms and samples for filling out applications for temporary residence permits (registration / issuance of a duplicate / replacement / amendments)
  • Application forms and samples for filling out applications for a residence permit (registration / issuance of a duplicate / replacement / amendments)
  • Application form for lifting the ban on entry into the Russian Federation
  • Form for notification of residence under temporary residence permit
  • Form for notification of residence permit

Documents for employers

  • Form for notification of concluding an employment or civil contract with a foreign citizen (notification of hiring a foreign worker)
  • Form for notification of termination of an employment or civil contract with a foreign citizen (notice of dismissal of a foreign employee)
  • Application forms and samples for obtaining an invitation to enter Russia for visa foreign workers
  • Application forms for obtaining a work permit for visa foreign citizens
  • Application forms for employers employing foreign highly qualified specialists (HQS)


Application form for a temporary residence permit for persons over 18 years of age (Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations dated 07.17.2020 in doc format)
Application form for a temporary residence permit for minors (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations dated 07.17.2020 in doc format)

Application form for extension of the deadline for submitting documents (Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations dated July 17, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for the issuance of a duplicate temporary residence permit (Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations dated July 17, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for the issuance of a temporary residence permit in connection with the replacement of an identity document/change of personal data (Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations dated July 17, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for correction of typos and (or) errors (Appendix No. 6 to the Administrative Regulations dated July 17, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for refusal to receive a public service for the issuance of a temporary residence permit (Appendix No. 11 to the Administrative Regulations dated July 17, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for temporary residence permit for stateless persons (Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 06/08/2020 in doc format)

Form of a mark in the identity document of an IG or LBG about a temporary residence permit (Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 06/08/2020 in pdf format)

Read detailed instructions on obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia in 2021!

What is it for?

As a rule, the following citizens need temporary registration:

  • Foreigners;
  • stateless people;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation who moved to another region for a long time.

This document allows a person to live in a particular region legally and on an equal basis with its permanent residents. Also, having a certificate opens up a lot of familiar opportunities for a citizen.

For example, an individual receives the right:

  • use the services of clinics and inpatient medical institutions;
  • place children in kindergarten or school;
  • prepare the necessary documents;
  • receive social payments and enjoy benefits;
  • quickly obtain bank approval for a loan;
  • apply for a job.

If the above points are not important to a person, this does not mean that he can neglect the registration of temporary registration. If a citizen lives in a place of temporary stay for more than 90 days and has not bothered to obtain a certificate in Form 3, he may be subject to administrative liability, which involves a fine of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to check the presence of a certificate and, if it is not there, draw up a protocol.

Residence permit

Application form for a residence permit for persons over 18 years of age (Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations dated June 11, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for a residence permit for minors or persons recognized as incompetent/limited in legal capacity (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations dated June 11, 2020 in doc format)

Form with information about changes in personal data (Appendix No. 1 to the application for a residence permit in doc format)

Form with information about close relatives (Appendix No. 2 to the application for a residence permit in doc format)

Form with information about work activity (Appendix No. 3 to the application for a residence permit in doc format)

Application form for replacement of a residence permit (Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations dated June 11, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for a duplicate residence permit to replace a lost (stolen) one (Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations dated 06/11/2020 in doc format)

Application form for correction of typos and (or) errors in the residence permit (Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations dated June 11, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for refusal to obtain a residence permit (Appendix No. 6 to the Administrative Regulations dated June 11, 2020 in doc format)

Read detailed instructions on applying for a residence permit in Russia in 2021!

general information

In Russian legislation there is no concept of extending the period of temporary registration; there is the term “change of period of stay”, which implies an extension or shortening of the period of stay of a foreign citizen in the country.

Migration registration is extended on the basis of re-registration of the package of documents that was collected during the initial crossing of the Russian border or the documents necessary to extend the foreigner’s stay in Russia were submitted.

Grounds for extending the period of stay

In accordance with the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen has the right to stay on the territory of Russia for up to 90 days for a total of 180 days. To increase the time limits established by law, serious reasons are needed.

Without a compelling reason, it will not be possible to extend the registration period with the authorized body.

The most common reasons for extending stay:

  1. A foreign person is waiting to receive a temporary residence permit or temporary residence permit.
  2. The foreigner has a profession in demand and high qualifications and has entered into an agreement with the employer.
  3. Documents have been submitted for registration of a patent.
  4. A foreign person became a student at one of the universities of the Russian Federation.

Special category

This category of citizens includes refugees who fled the country against the backdrop of war or a coup d'etat.

Official registration of status allows them to receive subsidies and various privileges from the state. Support from the Russian authorities is provided until the situation in the citizens’ home state normalizes. Their registration with the authorized body is extended throughout this time.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for obtaining refugee status in Russia on our website.


Application form for citizenship (for citizens over 18 years of age) (Appendix No. 1 to the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation as amended on July 1, 2021 in doc format)

Application form for citizenship in a simplified manner (Appendix No. 2 to the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation as amended on July 24, 2020 in doc format)

Application form for citizenship (for citizens under eighteen years of age, or citizens recognized as incompetent or limited in legal capacity) (Appendix No. 3 to the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation as amended on July 1, 2021 in doc format)

Application form for citizenship for the LDPR (Appendix to Decree No. 187 in doc format)

Read information about obtaining Russian Citizenship in 2021!

Registration deadlines for Ukrainians have been extended from June 16, 2021

Based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2021 No. 364, citizens of Ukraine who arrived in Russia before March 15, 2020 and who, as of June 16, 2021, did not have legal grounds for staying in the Russian Federation until September 30, 2021, could apply to the territorial authorities Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a statement in any form about the settlement of their legal situation or travel outside the Russian Federation.

Anyone who has not done this is considered to be illegally on the territory of the Russian Federation. He could be expelled from the country.

Those who have regulated their legal status can continue to stay in Russia from October 1; the periods of permitted stay in Russia have been suspended for them.

After the official resumption of transport links with Ukraine, about which an official act of the Government of the Russian Federation must be published, citizens of this country will be given 90 days to travel outside the Russian Federation

Migration registration

Form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay (Appendix No. 4 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 10, 2020 No. 856 in xls format)

Application form for registration at the place of residence (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 10, 2020 No. 856 in pdf format)

Application for deregistration at the place of residence (Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 10, 2020 No. 856 in pdf format)

Read about the procedure for registering and deregistering from migration registration in our article!

Where to go when submitting a notification for registration?

There are three options for submitting documents to register a foreign citizen. Let's look at each:

  • You can contact the Migration Office in person; the procedure is absolutely free. Most of these institutions in Russia are open daily; there are reception hours for both legal entities and individuals. You can make an appointment by phone on a specific day, which is by appointment. But there is one unpleasant moment - the queues, especially on reception days for individuals.
  • You can sign up in advance for a specific day and time at the Multifunctional Center (MFC) on the website or on the state website. services. You submit your documents on the appointed day, absolutely free of charge and without tiring queues.
  • You can send a notification by mail. Russian Post sends them by post with a declared value and an inventory of the contents to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD of the Russian Federation). This postal item is a registered letter, therefore it is sent for a fee; today such a service is estimated at 170 rubles.

In general, you can send a notification to any of the listed methods; there is not much difference in the procedure for processing documents; the only negative is this is a paid service provided by Russian Post. All institutions accept notifications equally in one window or office. The appointment lasts a maximum of 20 minutes, a tear-off coupon is issued immediately.

In fact, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to enter all the data without errors or corrections, filling out the notification, carefully and slowly. I advise you to transfer the file to a memory card or take a couple of copies of blank forms with you. If you still do not receive a notification about the fact of the errors found, you can use a flash card or fill it out again manually and correct all the errors.

And in conclusion, I would like to add, register on time, meet deadlines and avoid illegal activities!


Application for registration at the place of residence (Form No. 1 in doc format)

Application for registration at the place of stay (Form No. 1PR for minors in doc format)

Arrival address sheet (Form No. 2 in doc format)

Application for registration at the place of residence / Application for deregistration at the place of residence (Form No. 6 in doc format)

Departure address sheet (Form No. 7 in doc format)

Can they refuse?

Most citizens receive a registration certificate without any problems - it is in the interests of the department to facilitate its registration, and not to hinder it. However, there are several reasons why a certificate may be refused.

Among them are the following:

  • the applicant did not provide all documents;
  • any of the documents turned out to be invalid;
  • the application was filled out incorrectly;
  • the premises are not intended for living;
  • the premises were seized.

These are common reasons why applications are denied. If all the shortcomings are eliminated, you can repeat the procedure and obtain registration without any problems.

Employment of foreign citizens

Form for notification of concluding an employment contract with a foreign citizen (Appendix No. 7 to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020 No. 536 in doc format)

Form for notification of dismissal of a foreign citizen (Appendix No. 8 to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020 No. 536 in doc format)

Form for notification of employers' fulfillment of obligations to pay wages to HQS (Appendix No. 5 to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020 No. 536 in doc format)

Read about the rules for employing foreign citizens in our article!

Documents for employers


From January 1, 2021, new forms for notification of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the hiring and dismissal of foreign citizens were put into circulation. Below you can download the forms valid for 2021 from 07/30/2020.

Notification forms for hiring foreign workers 2021: current notification forms for concluding an employment contract or a civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services) with a foreign citizen (stateless person) dated July 30, 2020

Forms for notice of dismissal of foreign workers 2021: current forms for notice of termination of an employment contract or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services) with a foreign citizen (stateless person) dated 07/30/2020

Samples of filling out notifications
Sample of filling out the Ministry of Internal Affairs notification form on concluding an employment contract with a foreign citizen in 2021:

Sample of filling out the Ministry of Internal Affairs notification form about termination of an employment contract with a foreign citizen in 2021:

Application forms for receiving an invitation to enter the Russian Federation for foreign workers

  • The letter of guarantee form for issuing an invitation to enter a foreign worker (from an individual) can be downloaded from this link.
  • The letter of guarantee form for issuing an invitation to enter a foreign worker (from a legal entity) can be downloaded from this link.
  • The application form for issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation for a foreign worker (from an individual) can be downloaded from this link.
  • The application form for issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation for a foreign worker (from a legal entity) can be downloaded from this link.
  • Samples of filling out applications for receiving an invitation to enter the Russian Federation for foreign workers

    • A sample of filling out a letter of guarantee (from an individual) can be downloaded from this link.
    • A sample of filling out a letter of guarantee (from a legal entity) can be downloaded from this link.
    • A sample of filling out an application for issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation (from an individual) can be downloaded from this link.
    • A sample of filling out an application for issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation (from a legal entity) can be downloaded from this link.

    Application forms for obtaining a work permit for visa foreign citizens

    • The application form for a work permit for a foreign citizen or stateless person (Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 533 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020) can be downloaded from this link.
    • The application form for extending the validity of a work permit for a foreign citizen or stateless person (Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 533 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020) can be downloaded from this link.
    • The application form for issuing a duplicate work permit to a foreign citizen or stateless person (Appendix No. 3 to Order No. 533 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020) can be downloaded from this link.
    • The application form for amending the information contained in a work permit for a foreign citizen or stateless person (Appendix No. 4 to Order No. 533 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 30, 2020) can be downloaded from this link.
    • An application form for issuing permission to an employer or customer of work (services) to attract and use foreign workers can be downloaded from this link
    • A sample of filling out an application for issuing a permit to an employer or customer of work (services) to attract and use foreign workers can be downloaded from this link

    A sample of filling out an application for permission to attract and use foreign workers is as follows:

    Why do we only have current data?

    When searching for forms on the Internet, you should pay attention to their relevance. The fact is that forms are constantly changing. These changes may be minor, but despite this, it is prohibited to use outdated forms - they simply will not be accepted for consideration. You can find current documents on the official websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government bodies. Or download forms on our website.

    We check changes in legislation daily by updating the document database on the page. All forms presented in the section are relevant for 2021, so you can use them to fill out and submit to the migration authorities.

    In addition to blank forms, we have collected samples of completed documents. These are statements prepared by real foreign citizens. Sample applications for temporary residence permit, temporary residence permit, citizenship - these are accepted applications, we only changed the personal data of the applicants in them.

    Subscribe to Migranta Rus: Yandex News.

    Format of a legal temporary registration form

    Recently, there are more and more companies that offer fully completed forms.
    They already have signatures and the necessary stamps. However, you need to remember that this is how fraudulent companies try to lure money illegally. In essence, they present a fake document that has no legal force. Statistics show that such activities are widespread in Moscow and the Moscow region. Of course, it is not always possible for a person to rent a property for registration or register with friends or relatives. In this case, many have to do temporary registration, registering with strangers who provide these services for a fee.

    Often, out of despair, citizens turn to the services of intermediaries who provide supposedly legal certificates confirming temporary registration. It is in such situations that citizens often fall for scammers and receive a false document. Outwardly, it is no different from the real thing. However, the first check will determine that it is a fake. Do not forget that in this case, all participants in the transaction for the sale of a false document are subject to criminal liability. Punishment cannot be avoided, both for the seller and the buyer.

    In general, it is visually impossible to determine the authenticity of this document. To obtain temporary registration, use form No. 3. The certificate is presented in the form of half a sheet of A-4 format. As a rule, a fake is no different from the samples that hang on the stands of FMS branches. That is why, to obtain temporary registration, you must contact the official authorities only.

    The original form must have a number. All forms of Form No. 3 are subject to reporting. They are not only assigned a number, but also notes are made about them in the registration journal.

    Hotline for citizen consultations: 8 (800) 200-46-92

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