What is an easement agreement, how is the agreement concluded and how long is it valid? Sample application
On April 26, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation published a review of judicial practice in cases of establishing easements
PKK real estate objects
How to find out the coordinates of a plot on a public cadastral map
The public cadastral map is in the public domain. This is a map containing data about real estate objects
The contractor performs repair work
Is the management company obliged to carry out routine repairs without a decision of the general meeting?
Often the collapsed entrances of our high-rise buildings resemble scenes from films about the apocalypse. Shabby walls, broken
Step-by-step instructions for changing your registration through State Services
Nowadays, an increasing number of people use State Services - a portal that provides a lot of opportunities for
How to read housing and communal services receipts and understand them? Instructions
Blog Photo source: https://www.pexels.com/ Having conducted more than 800 seminars for management companies
Registration and registration of citizens of the Russian Federation
The difference between temporary registration and temporary registration
Why do you need registration? The term “registration” itself was abolished back in 1993. Instead of him
Tax benefits for military veterans in 2021
01/05/2021 Here we will tell you about all the tax benefits for combat veterans: income tax,
We clarify the boundaries of the site: is it possible to increase the area, in what cases is this done, what problems may arise?
Home / Real estate / Land / Land survey / Boundaries of land / Change
in-person absentee voting procedure for homeowners
How to conduct in-person and absentee voting for homeowners - instructions
Making different decisions regarding the property of one apartment building is made jointly by all apartment owners in
Is it possible to challenge privatization?
What do you need to know about the apartment privatization agreement? Features of conclusion and registration
An agreement for the transfer of ownership of an apartment is a basic legal concept that covers a whole range of transactions. Rights
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