How many people can be registered in an apartment according to the law?

With the registration of minors, things are always clear. We will touch on this issue later. But the number of people registered in an apartment is not strictly established by law. It is calculated taking into account many factors.

Typically, government agencies have questions only for those owners of residential premises who, for a fee, fictitiously register in the apartment a person who needs registration.

Currently, an active fight against “rubber apartments” has begun. Unfortunately, sometimes respectable citizens with a large number of actually registered relatives also come under checks by law enforcement agencies.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, we recommend that you consult with civil lawyers.

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And in order to protect yourself from such checks, we will provide methods for calculating the number of people registered in an apartment acceptable to government agencies.

Registration forms

The first thing you need to understand is that registration has several forms. Some believe that depending on them, the number of permissible persons for registration in a particular housing area changes.

There is a temporary registration. It usually does not endow a citizen with any special rights. It only gives the right to use the housing for its intended purpose. Issued only for a certain period of time. And there is permanent registration. It is also called “at the place of residence” (the first is at the place of stay). It has no time limits, is recorded in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and gives residents some special rights (for example, the opportunity to participate in privatization).

Does this depend on how many people can be registered in an apartment? To be honest, no. Therefore, all established rules will apply to any form of registration of citizens.

How to find out the number of residents?

To understand whether more residents can be registered, you need to check how many people are already registered at this address.

You can find out about the number of registered ones at the passport office , the Federal Migration Service, the Management Company or the unified state register of the Unified State Register.

One of the easiest ways is to look at your receipt.

It indicates the number of people registered at the address. It should be noted that the more persons are registered in the housing space, the greater the amount of rent will be indicated on the receipts. We talked about this in more detail here.

From footage

However, some housing indicators play a huge role in the immediate constraints on our issue today. What factors can be taken into account?

Of course, the first thing to consider is the square footage of your apartment. It is he who plays the main role in determining the “limits”. But the restriction only applies under specific circumstances. More on them a little later. How many people can be registered in an apartment (temporarily or permanently)? This will be indicated by the footage of the room. Its total area is taken into account.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, there is a certain standard for square footage per person. Therefore, it plays a huge role directly and the size of your living space. The number of rooms does not matter. Please note: the average norm per person in Russia is 10 square meters. Based on this indicator, the maximum permissible norm of registered citizens is calculated.

Under what conditions can you register?

To obtain a residence permit or registration at the place of residence, certain requirements are imposed on a country house. Thus, you can only register in the house to which the address is assigned. If a house is built in populated areas or cottage villages on land plots with the type of use “for individual housing construction” (IHC), then all houses are considered residential. Therefore, there will be no problems with registration at your place of residence.

Legal regulation

  1. The plot of land must be located within a populated area with the category of “settled area land” or “agricultural land”. They won’t be able to assign an address to a house in the forest.
  2. The house must be registered as residential.
  3. The house must be assigned an address.
  4. The house must comply with urban planning regulations for garden plots (have no more than 3 floors, not be classified as multi-apartment).
  5. The house must meet the requirements for residential premises and be suitable for year-round use.

The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation registers residents of the country. Registration period is one week. The period is extended if the registration authority sends requests regarding registration. There is no provision for the removal of state duty. The authorized body will issue registration free of charge.


No matter how strange it may sound, to accurately answer our question today you will have to take into account your place of residence. Or rather, the region. He, too, under certain circumstances, will play a huge role. How many people can you register in an apartment? This will be indicated by the standard footage per person in a particular region. Moreover, it should not be confused with the previous version. After all, it reflects the average number of persons allowed for registration in the premises.

Regional indicators in each subject of the Russian Federation differ from each other. They will help calculate the exact number of people who can be registered in the apartment. For example, at the moment in St. Petersburg, 1 person is entitled to 9 square meters. To correctly answer our question today, it is necessary to divide the total area of ​​the room by this value. And you will get a figure that gives an exact answer to the question posed. Remember: the registration form does not play a role in this.

Registration in a privatized apartment

If the housing is privatized and is your property, then everything is very simple. The owner can dispose of his housing as he pleases and register as many people as he wants. But at the same time, it is necessary to avoid fraudulent registrations of people, regardless of what country they are citizens of.

If the owner wants to register, he must:

  1. Take your passport and forms confirming your rights to the apartment.
  2. Go to the multifunctional center or passport department and leave your passport for about a week. Then you must visit the housing maintenance office at your place of registration.
  3. In a week you can pick up your passport with a stamp.

In situations where the apartment owner wants to register a relative in his house, he will need to draw up an application.

You will also need documents such as:

  1. The passport of the person you are going to attribute, or other documents indicating his identity.
  2. Owner's passport.
  3. Documents that confirm the existence of rights to registration, for example, a purchase and sale agreement, a court decision, or a written statement, which we mentioned earlier.
  4. If the owner is still a minor, then the consent of guardians or parents and other co-owners will be required.
  5. You must also provide a state tax receipt.


Property is an extremely important indicator in our business today. If you are wondering how many people can be registered in a one-room apartment (and not only), think carefully about who is the owner of the property. And the number of them is also worth thinking about.

The thing is that if your housing is municipal, then the restrictions will be enormous. The limit on the number of citizens available for registration will be relatively small. Especially if the footage of the room is small. But in the case when you yourself are the owner (the only one or not - this is not so important), all restrictions will be reduced. There is a virtual absence of them.

I own one

How many people can be registered in 1 apartment? It should be noted from the above that the answer is influenced by a huge number of factors. Of course, every point is important. But the form of ownership is taken into account first of all.

If the premises have only one owner, then it is he who determines how many people to register in the living space. Russia does not yet have any laws that would precisely set limits in this regard.

The huge advantage of this arrangement of events is that other indicators mentioned earlier are not taken into account when registering. This means that the owner of the apartment independently, without restrictions, decides what answer to give to our question today. Neither the square footage of housing, nor the rate per person, nor the region of residence act as limiting factors. Although even if the apartment is privatized, you can stumble upon some pitfalls.

How much can you register in a private house?

If apartments have a limited standard regarding area, since multi-apartment residential buildings are built according to specialized projects, then there is no clear opinion regarding individual houses intended for living and enshrined in legislation .

By analogy, general requirements for areas are applied. In this case, the owner has an advantageous position, since the area of ​​such buildings is always larger, and therefore the number of living individuals is exaggerated.

Such indicators are of great importance for entrepreneurs operating private hotels and inns.

Several owners

For example, if you have an apartment in shared ownership. Then the decision on how many people can be registered in a privatized apartment is made jointly. Namely, in agreement with the other owners of the premises. Except in the case of registration of a minor child. This does not require any approval from the other owners.

That is, virtually all restrictions will be imposed directly by the owners of the residential premises. You have the right to register as many people as you decide at the general council. As soon as you receive a refusal from the other owners (even one person is enough), your apartment ceases to be “rubber”. And you won’t be able to register anyone else even temporarily in it.

Rules for registration in departmental housing

As for departmental or official housing, it is owned by the employer and is provided temporarily. If a person leaves the organization, he will be obliged to leave the living quarters.

It follows from this that privatization in this housing is impossible, with the exception of the transfer of living space from departmental to municipal property. When a tenant wants to register someone else in departmental housing, this is impossible without the consent of the owner.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that there is one problem with this option, which is the limitation of registration to the period of employment.


What to do if the housing is not privatized? That is, you are not the owner. Here the situation is somewhat ambiguous. After all, there are several options for the development of events.

The first is a limitation based on your region and the size of your home. How many people can be registered in a two-room apartment? This will directly depend on the specified parameters. Using the example of St. Petersburg, you can accurately see the calculation scheme.

Let's assume that our housing has a total area of ​​63 square meters, the norm per person in St. Petersburg is 9. Then we get: 63/9=7. This means that you are allowed to register a total of 7 citizens. And it doesn’t matter whether they are temporarily registered or not.

The second possible option is realized when a lease agreement exists. In this case, citizens must obtain prior permission from the municipality. Typically, the state relies on the above example. But not always. There are also cases in which only the permission of the “municipalities” is taken into account, as well as the total area of ​​the premises. How many people can be registered in a communal apartment or just a non-privatized one? If we are guided by the second diagram, it is possible to consider the issue in a visual form without any problems.

Let's assume that we have an apartment that belongs to the state. Its area is 60 square meters. To calculate the number of citizens allowed to register in it, you will have to take into account the average square footage per person in Russia. At the moment it is 10. We get: 60/10=6. It turns out that exactly 6 citizens can be registered as a maximum on the territory of the home. Again, the form of registration, temporary or permanent, does not play any role. All this is not so difficult to understand if you think about it carefully.

What about the law?

How many people can be registered in the apartment? The Law “On Rubber Apartments” seems to many to be a limiter in this matter. To some extent this is true. Now there is responsibility for registering citizens in the territory if they do not actually live there. As practice shows, if the footage of the room is large, and there are not very many people registered, no one will pay attention to it. Moreover, when registration took place a very long time ago.

Thus, the law indicates that as many citizens can be registered as will reside in the territory. But at the same time, all the above restrictions are taken into account. In particular, if we are talking about a municipal apartment.


How many people can you register in an apartment in practice? It all depends on who owns the premises. In the case where housing is not privatized, the law “On rubber apartments” plays a huge role. This means, taking into account the square footage per person standards, you have the right to register (with the permission of the municipality, of course) as many people as will live on the territory.

But when you are the owner, you can register as many people as you wish. Just know when to stop. If too many people “live” under registration, especially temporary ones, they have the right to visit you and check. If violations are detected (people are registered in the apartment, but do not actually live there), a fine is imposed. Take this into account!

What consequences might there be for the owner?

By law, people registered in housing are required to actually live at the address where they are registered. If the owners register residents who subsequently live at this address, then this action will not entail any negative consequences for the owners.

So, what will happen if several people register? According to Federal Law No. 376 of December 21, 2013, fictitious registration (when a registered person does not actually live at the place of registration) is punishable by a fine, forced labor, or even imprisonment for up to 3 years. The fine for such a violation is quite serious - from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Read about what other consequences the owner faces if you register a stranger in the apartment, and how to do it here.

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