Why print out a receipt If you pay utility bills, then you are unlikely to need exactly
Not all citizens manage to pay utility bills accurately. There are good reasons for this. Them
Strong sewer smell in the entrance - where to go if the basement stinks? In this article
List of ways Landlords have the right to obtain complete information about the organization managing communal property and
Calculation of gas consumption according to standards without a meter. Consumption standards are determined by RF Regulation No. 549
Light, gas, heat, water - everyone has long been accustomed to these benefits of civilization. But they are issued
Incorrect calculation of utility bills is quite common in practice. The reasons for this situation may be
Basic provisions You cannot just change your place of residence. When moving to another city for
A riser is a connection of pipes through which hot and cold water enters a living space.
Application in practice of the model of direct payments for utilities between premises owners and RSO