The technical passport for the house is of great importance. Without this document it is impossible to legalize the construction, translate
Cadastral number (CN) is a unique multi-numeric code assigned to a land plot (PL) during
A construction permit is a mandatory document, without which it is prohibited to begin the construction (reconstruction) of a capital
Quite often there are situations when one piece of real estate (for example, an apartment) belongs to several owners at the same time.
All lands are divided into plots, which, in addition to the category, also have a certain type of permitted
The building area is the area occupied by the constructed building. This concept is used in territorial planning.
If you want to sell part of the apartment that is in your shared ownership, this is not entirely
The abbreviation MKD is deciphered as follows - apartment building. According to the law established by the state, the house,
The State Land Cadastre (GLC) is a collection of information about the location, legal status and position of
Let's consider this type of documentation, such as a technical passport for a real estate property (a residential building or apartment).