Home Services Lawyer services Lawyer services The division of property upon the death of one of the spouses occurs
SPOZU is a necessary document, without which an application for a building permit will not be considered.
Who among us would not like to live in a new house in a green area with
A cadastral number is a unique code that each registered property has. His
Depending on the type of building, the distance to the waste collection sites varies. It can
Pravozhil.com > Housing and communal services issues > Utilities > Complaints > Hotline and others
Housing and communal services 9 Everywhere we use light, household appliances and cannot imagine life without electricity.
2 Failure to pay utility bills can lead to dire consequences for residents of a municipal apartment. This
All real estate is subject to registration in the state register. When a building is erected, a corresponding entry is made. At
Almost all high-rise buildings have playgrounds of different sizes and equipped with a variety of