What documents are needed to prepare a technical plan?

The technical plan of a building is a document that contains primary information about the object, which must be entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). The most important information includes the number and area of ​​internal premises, the location and arrangement of the building in relation to surrounding objects, etc. The rules for the design and composition of the technical plan of the building are determined at the legislative level, and they must be followed in order for the finished document to have legal force.

What is a technical plan

Technical plan is a document reflecting information about real estate or its part. The need to use a technical plan, rules for drawing up, requirements for design and content are regulated at the legislative level:

218-FZ “On state registration of real estate”; Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 953.

Historical facts and dates

All fundamental buildings in Russia today are subject to state cadastral registration. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, in 1555, the first inventory of real estate was made with a description of the procedure for recording it.

In the USSR, a state system for registering real estate was created with the introduction of the well-known BTI in 1927. The Bureau carried out a technical inventory of the property, identified ownership, description, determined the technical condition and provided an assessment of the property.

Since 1994, within the framework of civil legislation, the concept of state registration of rights to real estate objects has already been prescribed in the Russian Federation. And in January 1998, the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights with the abbreviation EGRP began operating. At that time, the state register, together with the BTI, streamlined the work on technical accounting and inventory with the issuance of technical passports with the estimated value of property (the scope of responsibilities of the BTI), and the registration of rights and execution of real estate transactions (the scope of interests of the Unified State Register of Real Estate).

Since 2008, a general real estate cadastre (GKN) began to operate in the country. Information about the legal status and existence of real estate was contained in two information sets: the Unified State Register and the State Property Committee. They regulated the rights to the same real estate objects, did not depend on each other, and at the same time duplicated many information regarding real estate objects.

The Law “On State Registration of Real Estate”, since January 2017, has combined these information databases into one register, and also updated the process of registering rights to real estate and cadastral registration. The new set of information is called the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). It consists of a register of real estate, a register of rights, a register of information, register files, cadastral maps and books of documents. Information in the Unified State Register is maintained and entered by Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography).

Let's look at each case in relation to the technical plan documents in order.

To begin with, in order not to repeat ourselves in the text, we list the documents that will be necessary regardless of the type of real estate:

Always required! The basis documents for the technical plan are the Declaration ; USRN extract ; title documents for the land to which the property is attached (right of ownership, permanent perpetual use, lease, etc.)

Where can I get the Declaration ? A cadastral engineer helps fill it out at the stage of preparing the technical plan. The declaration form is established by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 953 dated December 18, 2015. An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is the information that is already contained in the state register about your land, and it can also confirm ownership of the land plot.

In what cases is a technical plan drawn up for a lease agreement?

A technical plan when renting premises is required in the following cases:

  • Registration of lease of an object for a period of a year or more.
  • Renting premises that were previously not subject to cadastral registration.
  • Renting part of the building. In this case, the object is assigned a separate temporary cadastral number.
  • If redevelopment is being carried out in the rented premises.

If the property is rented again, but the cadastral data is not changed, the technical plan of the premises is not re-drawn up.

However, if we are talking about renting only part of the property, the temporary number is canceled upon expiration of the contract. Consequently, to extend the lease, it will be necessary to draw up a new technical plan for part of the building and re-assign a temporary cadastral number.

Documents for preparing a technical plan

Let's move on... In addition to the Declaration and property documents, the following documents for the technical plan will also be required:

PropertyAdditional documents
Private house (individual residential house; or garden)Option 1: Construction Notice + Compliance Notice Option 2: Design Documents Option 3: Building Permit (obtained before August 4, 2021) Option 4 : Application for Building Permit (submitted before August 4, 2021) Option 5 : According to the dacha amnesty, no additional charges. documents (more details here)
Non-residential building (shopping complex, warehouse)Option 1 : Permission to put the facility into operation Option 2 : Technical passport produced before January 1, 2013 and (or) commissioning certificate
ConstructionOption 1 : Design documentation Option 2: Design documentation + technical acceptance document for the facility into operation Option 3 : Permission to put the facility into operation Option 4 : Technical passport produced before January 1, 2013 and (or) certificate of acceptance into operation
Entire apartment building (MCD)Option 1 : Permission to put the facility into operation Option 2 : Technical passport produced before January 1, 2013 and (or) commissioning certificate
ApartmentOption 1 : Permission to put the building into operation + design documentation + redevelopment project and acceptance committee act Option 2 : registration certificate of the premises or building, produced before 01.01.2013 and (or) act of acceptance into operation Option 3 : other documents (for example, share agreement construction)
Non-residential premises in an apartment building; parking space Option 1 : Permission to put the building into operation + design documentation + redevelopment project and acceptance committee act Option 2 : registration certificate of the premises or building, produced before 01.01.2013 and (or) act of acceptance into operation Option 3 : other documents (for example, share agreement construction)
Garage, bathhouse, barnNo extras. documents
Single real estate complexProject documentation
Object of unfinished construction (unfinished)Option 1 : Construction permit + design documentation Option 2 : Technical passport produced before January 1, 2013

And this is not an exhaustive list of documentation. You need to be prepared that when drawing up a technical plan, one thing leads to another. The list of documents will depend both on the property itself and on the type of permitted use of the land on which your property is located.

Example: I have built a house on my own plot in Domodedovo and I need to register the house with the cadastral register. The plot is intended for individual housing construction. I contact the cadastral engineer. There is ownership of land. The engineer asks for a Notice of Commencement and Completion of House Construction. These notifications are given by the city district administration. I go to the administration, they tell me that my house is located in the area near the airfield, which means I need approval from the Federal Air Transport Agency. I find out about this approval... It turns out that in order to get it you need to provide an application, a layout diagram, and a whole bunch of other documents (more details here) and so on ad infinitum. When the puzzle is complete and approval is finally in hand, I go to the administration again and receive this important piece of paper - Notification. I refer all this to the cadastral engineer. Hallelujah) - the engineer begins to draw up a technical plan. And the little feet are so worn out that the soles are on fire. I hope everything goes much easier for you.

And one more important point - after the technical plan is prepared, it is submitted (in person or by a cadastral engineer) for registration (usually through the MFC) to Rosreestr. Registrars do not always miss the technical plan the first time; sometimes it has to be redone or supplemented, which can be found in detail in the article on suspension. It also happens that after the registrars have checked the disc, you have to get and use additional documents.

For which objects are technical plans being developed?

The technical plan is developed not only for the entire building, but also for its individual parts, for example, if not the entire facility is put into operation. If they are registered simultaneously, then the technical plan is drawn up in the form of a single document; if separately, it must be ordered additionally. First of all, a technical plan is created for buildings - ground-based structures intended for people to work and live. This includes residential buildings, administrative and industrial buildings.

In addition to buildings, technical plans can be developed for other objects:

  • Structures are engineering and construction objects that perform exclusively technical functions. They can have both aboveground and underground parts. Examples include bridges, storage tanks, and railway tunnels.
  • Separate premises within buildings: apartments, residential and non-residential premises, including offices, warehouses, basements, etc.
  • Parking spaces intended exclusively for the placement of vehicles.

Technical plan – regulatory documents.

The most important regulatory document for the preparation of a technical plan is Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 953 dated December 18, 2015 (read interesting details here). The order, as a by-law, is based on Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate” (Article 24). Perhaps these two main documents will be the regulatory framework that guides cadastral engineers. Additionally and simultaneously, when creating a technical plan, the engineer also uses other regulations, for example: Town Planning Code, Land Code, 221-FZ of July 24, 2007 “On Cadastral Activities”, 267-FZ of August 2, 2019, etc.

What is the difference between a technical plan and a technical passport?

Previously, instead of a technical plan for real estate, a technical passport was issued, which is still in the hands of many owners of apartments and houses. This document is considered valid to this day (Article 47, 221 -FZ “On Cadastral Activities”), although with the introduction of 218-FZ, a technical passport is no longer issued. Replacing a technical passport with a technical plan for an ordinary resident who owns property does not change absolutely anything (neither his place of residence, nor his address, nor anything else).

Let's imagine our country in the form of a large organization or concern with its own charter, property and employees. Any organization keeps its property on its balance sheet and accounts for it. Surely everyone knows the word inventory (checking the availability of property on the balance sheet). So, at our enterprise - the state, the accounting department is responsible for such verification, and records all information in the manner required by law today. Naturally, over time, laws, types and forms of documentation change. Previously, in our country, the inventory of such a significant type of property - such as fundamental buildings - was carried out by the BTI. The bureau employed employees who measured and examined real estate, and issued documents - technical passports. Everyone who was faced with transactions (sale, exchange, donation, etc.) knew that before selling their property, they should obtain an updated technical passport, with BTI marks. Sometimes a planned inventory was carried out, and the forms of technical passports were changed. Since January 2017, instead of a technical passport for a building, a technical plan has been issued, which has its own established form and requirements. In technical terms, information about the property is indicated in more detail than in the technical passport.

How much does a technical plan cost?

The formation of the price of a technical plan is influenced by a number of factors: type of object, availability of title/title documents, remoteness and accessibility of the object, complexity of execution, etc. To calculate the cost of a cadastral engineer[/anchor] in your region, use the online land cadastral work calculator. This service allows you to get acquainted with current prices on the market in real time, taking into account the individual characteristics of the object. On the site you can also select a cadastral work contractor in a specific region who has all the necessary SRO approvals and certificates, without checking this information yourself.

How to make a technical plan

To create a technical plan, you need a technical passport and design documentation developed by a licensed contractor. Copies of these documents must be certified by the seal and signature of the cadastral engineer and attached to the main plan. When issuing an electronic version, a digital signature and seal are used.

In general, preparation depends on the type of object: for buildings, structures, premises for various purposes and unfinished objects, different forms of technical building plans are used. But in any case, the document will consist of two parts:

  • Text. Contains initial data about the object: dimensions, calculations, location on the territory and other information collected by the cadastral engineer. The text part should contain information about the customer, measurements and calculations, indicating the methods, means and measurement accuracy used. A description of the location of the object on the ground with topographic reference is also given here.
  • Graphic. It is a drawing containing a detailed diagram showing the position of an object. If the building consists of several floors, then a floor plan is added to the graphic part. In the design of drawings, the points along which the boundaries of the territory are drawn are especially important. They must be as accurate as possible, since building cadastral relations with the owners of neighboring plots depends on this.

Other important requirements for the technical plan of the building:

  • The printed version of the document is issued in two copies, which must be bound. One is transferred to the customer, the other to the cadastral registration authorities.
  • The paper version of the document can be drawn up on a computer or filled out manually using ink, ink, and blue paste.
  • The text part of the technical plan is placed on A4 sheets, the graphic part is placed on larger sheets (A3, A2, etc.).
  • Real buildings are shown on drawings at a scale, usually 1:100. Before designing the graphic part, it is important to check the dimensions of the building and any adjustments made to them.

Drawing up a technical plan for a residential building - preparation and design

After the customer has provided all the necessary documents, the preparation and drawing up of a technical plan begins.

Who draws up the technical plan for a residential building?

Law 218-FZ (Article 24) “On State Registration of Real Estate” dated July 13, 2015 delegates the preparation of a technical plan only to a cadastral engineer (For more details, read the article: “Requirements for a cadastral engineer who has prepared a technical plan”). The engineer is responsible for the accuracy of the technical plan information. When the technical plan is made, they visit the site and carry out the necessary measurements, including linking the residential building to the coordinates on the ground. Measurements are made using surveying equipment. Measurements can be carried out both by cadastral engineers themselves and by surveyors hired for these purposes.

In order to choose a suitable cadastral or geodetic company in your region that provides cadastral services, we suggest using the directory of contractors.

What does the technical plan of the house contain?

After the cadastral engineer has received all the information (from the documentation and based on the measurements of the object) for drawing up the technical plan, he puts everything together - fills out the technical plan form and displays the graphic part.

Text part:

  • list of documents;
  • coordinates;
  • purpose of the object;
  • wall materials;
  • number of the plot according to the cadastre, etc.

The grafical part:

  • layout of the land plot;
  • floor plans;
  • geodetic construction schemes;
  • outline drawing, etc.

Cadastral work on drawing up a technical plan for a residential building is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with a cadastral engineer. The procedure and timing of the production of a technical plan for a residential building are negotiated separately with each customer. The cost of such ]cadastral engineer[/anchor] in your region can be calculated using an online land cadastral work calculator. This service, based on your request, will generate a selection of trusted specialists in real time with an indication of the price.

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