How to find out a person’s registration address: via the Internet, by last name (full name) and passport details?

There are certain nuances in solving the problem of how to find out a person’s registration using passport data, because this requires not only some specific conditions and skills. The right to receive such data belongs to government bodies with the appropriate powers and to civilians - owners of living space, or interested in receiving information.

There are several general legal options for accessing such data, and many more illegal ones that are best avoided. If the need to obtain information is justified, official bodies can also help. They reserve the right to decide whether the need created is sufficiently justified.

When is such information needed and who has the right to receive it?

A person’s registration is confidential information that is not disclosed left and right.

Only the owners of the living space have the right to find out information about the number of citizens registered in a particular place .

If the property is in social rent or belongs to the municipality, then this information is provided to the tenant . Other persons can find out about registration only with the appropriate provision of documents.

A third party has the right to learn such data only after signing and submitting a power of attorney, legalized by a notary.

This legal document allows you to obtain all information about the apartment, including regarding the citizens registered in it, acting in the interests of the owner. And all this happens legally.

It is possible to find out your registration using passport data (passport number, for example):

  • at the request of the court;
  • at the request of Law Enforcement Agencies;
  • at the request of the Bailiff Service;
  • at the request of a notary.

But all this happens as part of the initiation of a case .

In what cases might this information be needed? In fact, such information is necessary in various situations , especially when it comes to the judiciary or the payment of alimony. But these are infrequent requests.

Most often requests are sent when:

  1. Secondary housing is being purchased . When a person purchases real estate, the registered people are of particular importance. After all, if a citizen is registered there, he must pay utility bills. Therefore, most often, the buyer asks the owner to provide a certificate confirming the absence of registered persons in a particular property. If the seller refused to do this or you have already completed the transaction and then realized it, then you need to make a request yourself to the competent authorities.
  2. Request for the number of registered citizens in a municipal apartment. As a rule, municipal apartments have limited registration. And the calculation is made based on the area of ​​the property.
    If you decide to include another relative, the passport office may refuse without explanation.

    And in this situation, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of the presence of registered persons within the walls of the apartment. And only then choose from the proposed citizens whom to discharge.

  3. The owner decides to sell the property . To make a legal sale, the owner must obtain a certificate about the number of registered persons, as well as obtain information about each. It is necessary to know their age, the presence of minors, and their place of stay for a specific period of time.

Telephone directories and last name databases

To find a person this way, you need to know their full name. Directories can be in paper form or electronic. If you know the home phone number of the person of interest, this will simplify the search (if the person has several namesakes).

It's worth trying to get the address through the network. Write the name of the person of interest in the Yandex search engine, and it will offer several databases. Information can be obtained free of charge, without registration. There are databases in which you need to enter a login and password or pay for a search service.

How to find out via the Internet?

The Internet is becoming widespread among the common population. This is where you can get all the necessary information without leaving your home .

How to find out a person’s registration via the Internet and is it possible to do this? Unfortunately, when it comes to registration, this method is not always effective .

The safest method of obtaining such information is considered to be the official resource of Rosreestr.

And this resource is used by many law firms and real estate agencies when selling an apartment. After all, this is where you can find out about the encumbrance of an apartment during mortgage lending.

Having entered your passport details and address, you will be sent a certificate either electronically or by Russian post.

Not wanting to wait, you can view all the information online on this site, start, for example, by checking your registration. Happened?

Are there any other ways to find out the registration address by full name? There are several sites on the Internet that promise to provide this information for a specific reward. But here you need to be careful, as many act on behalf of scammers.

Of course, there are those who can actually provide this information , but it is worth remembering that this information cannot be disclosed to third parties.

Therefore, when accessing such sites, read the reviews , and also inquire about their method of finding information.

But still, if you want to receive such confidential information, you should contact the passport office or the FMS .

Check your passport for validity

You can check for free whether your passport is valid on the website of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). To do this, you need to know the series and number of the passport and enter them in the appropriate search fields.

The service will give one of 3 answer options: “Valid”, “Invalid”, “Replaced with a new one”. In some cases, it is possible to draw conclusions about a person based on these data, but most often they are not enough.

Most often, the passports of individuals are checked in the following cases:

  • Finding a lost passport;
  • Searching for a relative or old friend;
  • Checking whether a person is alive;
  • Document authentication (for large transactions);
  • Search for heirs;
  • Solvency checks;
  • Search for the person who broke the law.

Where to go “live” and what documents to provide?

First of all, it is better to apply for such information to the passport office at the place of registration of the owner . Both sellers and buyers can do this.

If these are the second representatives , then it is necessary to provide a preliminary purchase and sale agreement for this living space. Based on this document, you are required to issue a certificate for review.

If representatives of this organization refuse to make contact , then it is worth hiring a lawyer or lawyer who will act in your interests. Representatives of such bodies are required to issue a certificate.

Buyers, when choosing apartments, should contact a real estate agency . Most often, they have the necessary connections to get acquainted with information about the object.

Owners can obtain such a certificate by providing a passport and a title deed.

The local police officer can also tell this information , but only in person. As a rule, they know everything about the apartments that are under his supervision.

When buying an apartment, it would be a good idea to check the information, ask about the neighbors and the history of the given living space.

You can find out about registered people through a request to the Unified State Register . To do this, you must provide a sales contract and a passport.

It is the issued document that will be the legal document in the event of discovery of new registered citizens.

Responsibility for illegally obtaining information

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the private life of any citizen is inviolable; violation of this law is punishable by criminal penalties under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

A citizen who collects and disseminates information about a person collected by illegal methods is obliged to suffer the following types of punishment:

  • Fine in the form of a fixed fee.
  • He may be charged income for the period established by law.
  • Punishment in the form of referral to compulsory correctional labor.
  • Prohibition on engaging in professional activities.
  • Deprivation of liberty.

In order not to break the law, you must adhere to only the permitted methods of searching for a person, as discussed above. As you can see, there are quite a few such methods and each of them is effective in its own way. You can search either independently or with the help of authorized bodies; they act many times faster, and the search will most likely lead to a positive result. Everyone must remember that illegal methods of searching for information about a person in our country are considered a criminal offense and are punishable by law.

What is the cost of the request?

The cost of requesting registration of persons in a specific territory varies and depends on the method of obtaining information.

If you take information from third-party sites that promise to provide information about registration in an unspecified version, then such a registration check may cost you 1,000-10,000 rubles . But remember that most often such organizations are scammers.

In other cases, when applying to Rosreestr or the tax office, only a state fee of 200 rubles for individuals and 600 rubles for legal entities . Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to find out your registration by last name, first name and patronymic for free.

We have a lot of materials about registration on our website:

  • What are the rules for registering citizens of the Russian Federation at their place of stay and place of residence, including children, temporary registration of foreigners.
  • State registration fee.
  • If I bought an apartment, how can I register in it, where and how can I register a person in a privatized apartment?
  • Why do you need registration and is it mandatory? What is the procedure for simultaneously checking out of an apartment and registering at a different address?
  • How many days or what period is given for registration after discharge?

What does the darknet say?

Naturally, you can find offers to “punch your passport” for the amount of 3-5 thousand rubles. Technically, they can actually extract full passport data by name and region or date of birth from the merged database.

But, firstly, most often this is a divorce , for which there will be no one to file claims against. In addition, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has Art. 137 “Violation of privacy”, which establishes liability for the unauthorized use or distribution of someone else’s passport data.

Such actions threaten a fine of 150 thousand to 350 thousand rubles, imprisonment for up to five years, or administrative sanctions. Is it worth becoming an accomplice to a crime? We don't think so.

Secondly, people often talk too much about themselves. You can often find out more from photos on social networks than from passport data. And if you google passport data in the format “full name + city”, “full name + date of birth”, find a person’s classmates and classmates, ask what kind of guy he was... You’ll be surprised how much you can find out.

The main thing is to look carefully and compare. Moreover, this is not prohibited by law, just like requests to open databases.

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