How to get a housing subsidy for the birth of triplets in the Moscow region

It is not easy for a large family - parents work, trying to provide for their children, but the costs are high, so the state has developed support measures for such people. Improving the condition of the housing stock is one of the policy priorities, especially important when small children live in a dilapidated house. Then housing subsidies are given to large families.

Amount and calculation of the subsidy

It is not difficult to calculate the amount of the subsidy; to do this, you need to multiply the area of ​​the apartment being purchased by the market value and the subsidy percentage established in the region. The area is also calculated by the formula as 42 sq.m. + 18 sq.m. for each child, except the first and second.

For clarity of calculations, an example is presented:
Calculation of subsidies

ConditionsSubsidy calculation
Family has 5 minor childrenHousing area is: 42 sq.m. + 18*3= 96 sq.m. The subsidy for the purchase of housing for large families will be 96 * 40,000 * 0.3 = 1 million 152 thousand rubles.
Average market value of sq. m. 40 thousand rubles
In the region, the payment percentage is set = 30%

The percentage of subsidy payments in 2021 ranges from 10 to 70%, while only residents of villages and villages count on the maximum amount; city residents are actually paid up to 40% of the cost of apartments.

10 tips for large families from lawyers

Lawyers of the Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow Artyom Belobrykin and Daniil Dugarsky-Cherny provide free legal assistance to all Moscow families with three or more children.

In 2021 alone, they provided 4,880 consultations in person, by phone and by email. Defended the rights of families with many children in 196 lawsuits. And 70% of the cases were won, including one in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Over five years of work, lawyers have compiled a ranking of the top 10 situations with which families most often turn to them, and given brief advice on how to act.

Situation No. 1. My youngest daughter has turned 16, but she is still finishing school. When does our family cease to be considered large?

Answer: In Moscow, the status of a family with many children is retained until the youngest child turns 16 years old. But if he or she is in school (in grades 10-11), then until the 18th birthday.

Situation No. 2.
Is it possible to obtain a certificate for a Moscow large family if one of the parents lives in another region?
Answer: Yes, you can. The “registration” (permanent registration) of the second parent is not important, the main thing is that all children are registered in the same living space with one parent in Moscow.

Situation No. 3. For what reasons can they be removed from the waiting list to improve their living conditions?

Answer: There are several such reasons. Including failure to comply with the rule “not to worsen living conditions.” Actions that resulted in the deterioration of living conditions include: changing the procedure for using residential premises through transactions, exchanging residential premises, changing the composition of the family (including during divorce), moving other people into residential premises, allocating a share by the owners of residential premises, alienating existing property. property of citizens and members of their families of residential premises or parts of residential premises. And this is logical. After all, if on the eve of receiving housing it would be possible, for example, to reduce the square footage by registering non-family members or to transfer the housing or part of it to other persons, then the calculation of housing or compensation due to you will increase. Or, if you are divorced, then perhaps in terms of footage you no longer fall into the “needy” category. At the same time, you can register your natural children and disabled parents with certain conditions without risk.

Situation No. 4. Is it possible to receive payments for temporary registration in Moscow?

Answer: You can receive social payments and benefits for temporary registration in Moscow if the permanent registration of a large family is also in the constituent entity of Moscow (New Moscow inclusive). Often temporary registration at the actual place of residence is necessary for one of the spouses or children. For example, to assign children to the desired kindergarten or school. Or if parents do not want to leave their own home for some reason.

Situation No. 5. Our family is recognized as low-income, but by inheritance we received a share in the apartment from our parents. Will we lose our status?

Answer: Possibly. Inheritance of a share in property, as well as the purchase of a seven-seater car or a second plot of land, can lead to the removal of the status of a low-income family.

Situation No. 6. Our family was denied low-income status. How to appeal a decision?

Answer: This decision can be appealed to the regional commission for the provision of targeted social assistance to Moscow residents. There could be a lot of reasons. For example, there are often cases when, due to an extra 30 sq. cm of living space, the family does not receive the status of “poor”. Such cases are usually resolved by commission in favor of the family.

Situation No. 7. My son entered the Suvorov Military School, now the state provides him with everything he needs. Can we be deprived of payments as a large family?

Answer: Yes. In this case, the child is no longer counted as part of a large family. This means that the family may be deprived of the required payments.

Situation No. 8. As a large family, we were given a free parking permit. Is it indefinite?

Answer: Free parking permits for large families in Moscow are issued for 3 years. But it is important to remember that it does not renew automatically. You must apply for a new permit two months before the expiration date.

Situation No. 9. For some reason, the parking permit was suspended. What is the reason?

This is possible if there are three or more outstanding debts to pay fines for violating traffic rules.

Situation No. 10.
We are registered to improve living conditions.
Is it possible to receive monetary compensation instead of housing? Answer: Yes, if you are a large family raising three or more minor children and are registered for improving housing conditions or in need of residential premises. The compensation payment will be equal to a subsidy for the purchase of housing.


What documents are needed

The main list looks like this:

  • Passports of the borrower and co-borrower;
  • Passports or birth certificates of children;
  • Adoption documents or notarized proof of paternity or maternity;
  • Purchase and sale or equity participation agreement;
  • Application for payment of maternity capital or housing certificate;
  • Loan agreement and original loan agreement (in case of refinancing).

Yes, collecting the necessary documents is a rather tedious task. But this must be done with meticulous accuracy. Scrupulousness in banking matters will help to avoid problems associated with incorrect preparation of documents.

Remember: one untimely mistake can lead to you having to rewrite everything again or, in the worst case, you may be rejected and have to look for another bank.

How to get a housing subsidy for the birth of triplets in the Moscow region

Families in the Moscow region who have three or more children born at the same time are provided with a housing subsidy for the purchase of a house or apartment. The regional support measure was introduced in 2021 after a couple in the Moscow region gave birth to four babies at the same time. Who can receive a subsidy and how to apply for it, read the material

How can parents in the Moscow region receive compensation for kindergarten fees>>

Conditions of receipt


Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin

A large family is entitled to a housing subsidy under the following conditions:

  • parents are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • the family has lived in the Moscow region for at least five years;
  • children are registered at the place of residence of their parents;
  • the family has not previously received land plots or subsidies to improve housing conditions;
  • the family is recognized as low-income;
  • the family is registered as needing housing.

The subsidy can be received by families whose triplets were born not only in 2021, but also earlier (if the children are minors and all the conditions listed above are met).

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Package of documents

Source: RIAMO, Nikolay Koreshkov

To receive a subsidy you will need:

  • the applicant’s passport and identification documents of all family members;
  • documents on family relationships between family members (marriage, divorce, birth certificates, etc.);
  • an extract from the house register containing information about the number of people living in the apartment;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate with information about the availability of real estate by family members, as well as transactions with them over the past 5 years;
  • an extract from the Bureau of Technical Inventory on real estate (for real estate that was purchased before 1997);
  • a document confirming the registration of a family as one in need of improved housing conditions (issued by the administration);
  • act of checking the family's living conditions;
  • a copy of the financial personal account, if the family has permanent registration;
  • documents for the right to use the housing in which the family lives (agreement, order or decision on the provision of housing, an extract from the Unified State Register of Property Rights or a certificate of ownership);
  • technical passport for housing;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • certificates of income of family members.

If the family does not have housing for permanent residence, it is necessary to submit a rental agreement (sublease) for residential premises provided under a social tenancy agreement, rental of specialized residential premises or documents on temporary residence in the apartment.

You must contact the local administration with a package of documents. The review period is 30 days. Based on the results, the family will be issued a certificate of housing subsidy.

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Subsidy amount and methods of use

Russian banknotes

Source: Main Directorate of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

The subsidy amount is 100% of the estimated cost of housing in the municipality. The maximum cost per square meter and the provision rate in a particular urban district are taken into account.

Payment is made in a lump sum. You can use it to purchase a house or apartment, and also use the money for the construction of individual housing construction.

Benefits for the first and second child in the Moscow region: new rules from 2020>>

Only the walls are mortgaged

As Izvestia found out, the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market supported the bill on amending the federal law “On measures of state support for families with children in terms of repaying obligations on mortgage housing loans (loans)” and the law “On Civil Status Acts” . The document proposes to allow large families (that is, from three children inclusive) to spend a state subsidy in the amount of no more than 450 thousand rubles on the construction and repair of housing with a mortgage. Today they have the right to use this money only to fully or partially repay the obligations on a mortgage loan to purchase a home.

“We supported this bill because there are situations when families take out loans to build their own houses. Today they fall out of those who could qualify for such an amount. We thought that this was wrong and agreed with the authors of this initiative,” Anatoly Aksakov, head of the State Duma’s specialized committee on the financial market, explained to Izvestia.

According to him, the bill initially proposed to allow this amount to be used only for construction, but the committee believes it is important to also give people the opportunity to spend this money on repairs.

The third is not superfluous3

Photo: IZVESTIA/Alexey Agaryshev

— Citizens often take out a mortgage on housing that is unsuitable for living. Sometimes it's just walls. Therefore, we believe that this provision should also be included in the bill. This amendment may appear by the second reading, the parliamentarian explained, noting the importance of monitoring the intended use of these funds.

Ruble to help: they propose to use maternity capital for repairs

The initiative is being discussed in the ONF and the State Duma

The author of the bill, State Duma deputy from United Russia Daniil Bessarabov, explained to Izvestia that the reason for the appearance of this initiative was the numerous appeals to him from voters. According to him, today not all Russians can take advantage of this subsidy and this is very unfair.

“Expanding the purposes of the credit loan will help strengthen the institution of family, large families, improve living conditions, and will also serve as an additional impetus for individual housing construction in Russia,” the deputy is convinced.

According to him, the bill is in the legislative plan of the State Duma for December.

The government has already given a positive response to the initiative, which, however, proposed to take into account a number of comments (the document is at the disposal of Izvestia). Among other things, the Cabinet of Ministers considers it necessary to provide in the bill that the subject of the new mortgage agreement should be the land plot on which construction is proposed.

The third is not superfluous2

Photo: IZVESTIA/Dmitry Korotaev

In addition, it is important to prescribe a mechanism for ensuring control over the intended use of the subsidy. And to avoid abuses associated with underestimating the cost of the object, non-compliance with construction technologies and inconsistency with project documentation, it is necessary to provide for a procedure for authorized state or municipal bodies to check the progress of work on its construction.

Getting sick is not harmful: the system of paying for vacations and maternity leave is being changed in Russia

From 2021, the Social Insurance Fund will compensate for payments instead of the employer.

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