What numbers on water meters need to be read when transmitting readings?

Here you will learn:

  • Types of water meters
  • Where are water meters installed?
  • How to take readings correctly
  • What numbers are needed on the water meter?
  • Water meter readings: how to read them correctly
  • How to recalculate
  • Recommendations for recording readings
  • How to submit meter readings
  • Water meter with remote reading
  • Plumbing inspection

Not everyone knows which numbers on the water meter need to be read correctly. There are two types of water supply metering devices - for hot water metering and for cold water metering. They are installed in the bathtub and in the kitchen on the pipeline.

Types of water meters

There are only two types of water meters; understanding them will not be difficult. They differ from each other in the color of the markings and inscriptions on them:

  1. Black or blue. The meter is designed to account for cold water.
  2. Red. The meter is designed to account for hot water.

The use of a red meter for cold water metering is not prohibited, so two identical meters can be located nearby at the same time. In order to take readings correctly and transfer them to the water utility service, you need to determine which meter belongs to cold and which to hot water.

Calculation example

Anyone living in a private house or apartment with water meters can independently calculate the expected payment amount for the billing period.

To do this, the following information is required:

  • Indicators of cold water and hot water meters.
  • Information from both counters for the past month. If there are no records, the data can be found on the receipt.
  • Current tariff. It is individual for each subject of the Russian Federation. You can find out more information on special websites where the cost for the current period is published, or on the payment receipt.

You can calculate the monthly amount as follows:

  1. Take data from an individual hot water meter (conditionally 00085.456) and a cold water meter (000157.250).
  2. Prepare readings for the past period: DHW – 00080.255, cold water consumption – 000147.155.
  3. Find out the tariff for the region. It is taken into account that the cost is allowed to increase every year. Thus, in Moscow, from July 1, 2021, for most areas, one cube of cold water costs 35.40 rubles, hot water – 173.02 rubles.
  4. Determine the amount of resources consumed per month. To do this, the current values ​​are subtracted from the previous ones (whole cubic meters are taken as a basis). For DHW: 85–80=5 m3, cold water: 157–147=10 m3.
  5. Calculate the payment amount:

Where are water meters installed?

All pipes of hot and cold water supply systems entering the apartment have metering units installed. It happens that readings from meters in the bathroom and kitchen are recorded separately. This is if the water supply was connected according to a complex scheme. In such a situation, water meters must be installed on all connections to cold and hot water supplies. Counters must be freely available.

It is allowed to install water meters in plastic boxes, installed side by side, located together with the shut-off valve and the leakage protection system unit. When opening the box panel, cells and seals should be visible.

Attention! If you notice that the seal on the water meter is broken, immediately contact your utility service.

The counters work on a simple principle:

The flow of water drives the counting mechanism.

  • The rotary indicator rotates when the taps are open.
  • The meter rotates faster if the water flow increases.

Payment is made at the price per 1 m3 of water, so the amount of water you used is transferred in cubic meters.

Instrument panels, depending on what model the meter is, may be different.

Entering information into the receipt

The value is written down in numbers, legibly. You must carefully check the accuracy of the information.

There is a special procedure for submitting information for the following cases:

  1. A new flow meter has been installed. You need to submit documents for the device to the management company, which will send an inspector to seal and record the initial readings.
  2. Information was not provided for 3 months. It is necessary to contact the utility company with a request to resume recording resource consumption using a water meter.

Making knowingly false statements is considered an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine. Homeowners' association controllers have the right to check the condition of flow meters every 6 months and the accuracy of the transmitted information.

How to take readings correctly

In order to regularly pay for used water, it is necessary to perform a kind of “ritual” every month, on the same dates, which includes the following actions:

  • receiving a receipt;
  • taking readings from metering devices;
  • entering data into the receipt (when transmitting information by phone or Internet, this item is not needed);
  • payment for the actual quantity used.

Depending on who is involved in generating utility bills, there are different methods of transmitting data. But first things first.

Transfer of water consumption data through the State Services portal

Since 02/01/2014, the portal of state and municipal services provides the ability to enter information about water consumption through your personal account. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go through the registration procedure on the website on the Moscow government services portal www.pgu.mos.ru, indicating your full name, email address, SNILS and telephone number. Select a login and password (it’s better not just to remember, but also to write them down). Please note that registration must be completed once upon your first visit to the site;
  2. Log in to your personal account and select the “Receiving readings from hot and cold water consumption meters” function in the menu at https://pgu.mos.ru/ru/application/counters;
  3. Enter the requested data (payer’s personal account, etc.);
  4. On the page that opens, enter the values ​​of the current readings (make sure that there are no errors in the information, since any inaccuracies may lead to problems in calculations in the future). It is necessary to send only reliable testimony so that during the inspection no discrepancies are found and, as a result, penalties are imposed;
  5. Confirm sending – to do this, in the new window that appears, you need to confirm the procedure for sending information to government agencies.

Attention! We have provided information for the Moscow region, for other regions of Russia, it is necessary to further clarify whether such an opportunity to transfer information through the State Services portal is provided.

What numbers are needed on the water meter?

Having decided whether the devices belong to hot and cold water supply, you need to write down the actual numbers - those indicated on the scale or display. And before that, you will have to figure out which numbers need to be counted on both water meters, and which ones do not need to be taken into account.

The scale of a simple tachometer device includes 8 rollers, that is, it shows 8 numbers: the three rightmost ones indicate consumed liters, the rest - cubic meters.

Common tachometer models have an 8-digit scale, which is the easiest to navigate: we write off only the black numbers, we ignore the red ones!
However, there are counters whose display differs in the total number of digits or the number of digits after the decimal point. In this case, you need to consult a specialist who installs meters or a representative of the service company who performs the sealing.

Is it possible to round off readings? This is allowed, up or down. Typically, if the red numbers reach the value “600”, the number is increased by 1, that is, liters are rounded to the cube.

Reading example:

Let's assume that the next number on the dial of the cold water meter is 00076.268. We write down only “76” on the receipt. Let's assume that next month the readings are 00084.896. We round and write “76” in the column for the last month, and “85” for the current month. The difference is 9 m³.

To understand how much you need to pay for consumed water, we multiply the cubic meters spent by the regional tariff, let’s assume 34.5 rubles/m³. It turns out 310.50 rubles - that’s what you’ll have to pay for cold water.

Using the same principle, you can calculate the amount to pay for hot water supply. If you add up both amounts, you will get a total payment for water - but without taking into account heating and sanitation, these are separate expense items

We discussed the specifics of calculating water consumption in more detail in our other article. Having figured out what numbers need to be supplied to water meters, all that remains is to choose the most convenient method of transmission, if there are several of them.

Roller scale counter

An eight-roller meter is often called a roller meter because it has eight numeric windows on its display panel. Three red and five black, as a rule.

The number of cubic meters consumed is shown by the first 5 digits, while the consumption of liters is shown by the last three digits (called the fractional part).

The first five digits are the main part of the readings that fit into the receipt. If the fractional part is less than 499, then rounding to the nearest whole number will be downward, and if more than 500, then rounding up.


Meter reading 00006567

6 – cubes in the whole part, 567 liters in the fractional part. 567 liters of the fractional part is rounded to the nearest whole this month, but it would not be a mistake to include them in the payment in the next month.

When submitting water meter readings for the first time, write down 7 cubes (rounding the fractional part) or 6 (without rounding).

For example, next month’s readings are 00010354. Whether you round it up or not, you get 10 cubic meters of water.

The difference in the water meter readings of the current and previous month is recorded in the receipt: 10 – 7 = 3 or 10 – 6 = 4 cubic meters of water.

It turns out that whether you round the fractional part or ignore it, you will pay the same number of cubic meters. Decide for yourself which method suits you, and stick to it month after month.

It happens that the meters only have five digits, that is, there is no fractional part (five roller water meters). Taking readings from such meters is even easier: you don’t need to think about rounding.

Water meters with a roller scale: Beregun, Taypit, Valtec, Alekseevsky, Itelma, Norma, Meter, Economy, Okhta and others.

Water meter readings: how to read them correctly

The procedure for retrieving data from a meter is not particularly difficult if you take into account the following points:

  1. If in your house or apartment there is not one meter installed, but several (their number depends on the number of pipes connected). In this case, values ​​should be removed from each of them;
  2. As a rule, metering devices that are installed in residential buildings and apartments are of the mechanical type. You can retrieve information from such devices quite quickly. The scoreboard has several digital cells that show the number of cubic meters of water consumed. To transfer information, you need to write down all the numbers (except for the last ones, which are highlighted in red);
  3. Data should be taken on a certain date (usually at the end of the month). This procedure is due to the fact that payment for the services of the previous month is made at the beginning of the current month;
  4. In order to save money, you should not artificially reduce the reading values, since over time this will lead to a discrepancy between your information and the real indicators of the meter. The inspection controller will identify such a discrepancy during the first inspection.

After the data is taken from the meter on the desired date, you need to choose a method for transmitting water meter readings.

Now we will consider in more detail each of the options for submitting information on water meters.

We take readings from water meters correctly

There are two types of metering devices for water of different temperatures. Manufacturers produce them in appropriate colors - blue and red. Blue is usually installed on the lower pipe (cold), red – on the upper one. Errors may occur during installation. To make sure that the devices are installed correctly, open the tap with any water and check which of the mechanisms has started to operate. If the “cold meter” is triggered when the corresponding tap is turned on, your devices are installed correctly.

The main element of the device is a counting mechanism containing eight digits. The first three numbers on the left are colored red and show the amount of fluid used in liters. The other five numbers are black and reflect the resources used in cubic meters (1000 l). When taking readings, pay attention to these numbers. However, red numbers will also be needed to round the resulting figure in the right direction.

Moscow Reconstruction

official partner of the portal www.mos.ru Check

Automatic transfer of data from water meters.

We transfer your data free of charge.


How to recalculate

In some situations, it may be necessary to verify the correctness of the enumeration.

If you overpay

Due to incorrect counter information or errors by the receiving employee, excess funds may appear in the account. According to RF PP No. 354, if discrepancies are detected, but provided that the IPU is fully operational and is not classified as out of order, the payment is recalculated.

To return funds, you must:

  1. Receive from the contractor a copy of the inspection report, which established the presence of surplus due to the difference in readings.
  2. Write a statement requesting a recalculation of the payment made.
  3. Submit the documents to a special department of the service company and be sure to receive confirmation that the information has been accepted for consideration.

If everything is done correctly, the due deduction will be indicated on the next receipt. If there is a significant overpayment, the amount is spread over several months.

Advice! If the contractor does not recalculate and does not provide an answer about the decision, you need to contact the regulatory authorities. The cause of failure may be a detected malfunction of the device or damage to control seals, which must be confirmed by an inspection report.

If testimony has not been submitted for a long time

The lack of information about consumed resources recorded by the IPU does not exempt the owner or tenant from paying, since residents are not limited in access to the service and can use water. Based on existing legislation (RF PP No. 354), each owner of a premises that is equipped with a meter has the right to calculate water consumption according to the readings of a correctly installed and commissioned meter. In such a situation, the amount is calculated at a single tariff for a specific region.

If you do not submit meter data, then the payment calculation method changes: for the first 3 months, the average indicator for the past six months is taken as a basis, and then according to the standard. Changing the situation is quite simple: you need to invite a specialist from a service organization to check the meter and take control readings.

In this case, it will not be possible to achieve recalculation, since it was the owner who ignored the right granted to him to submit monthly information.

Exceptions include special cases that may require legal proceedings where it will be necessary to prove the presence of force majeure circumstances or confirm temporary absence.

What is regulated

Issues of relationships between utility consumers and suppliers are regulated by “Resolution... No. 354”, approved by the Russian Government in May 2011. The current version of this document has been in effect since September 2021.

Document for downloading and reading the resolution: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354

According to this document, the dates for reporting gas, electricity and water meter readings depend on the terms of the agreement concluded between the consumer and the resource supplier.

The above-mentioned “Rules” transfer the right to set deadlines for providing information on the readings of individual metering devices to local authorities.

Recommendations for recording readings

There is no uniform form of receipts. Errors are possible when recording meter readings. To be on the safe side, apartment owners record the transmitted data monthly in a notebook. They are compared with the numbers indicated on the receipts. Calculating how many cubes have been used is easy if records are kept.

Common mistakes:

  1. Confusion. The readings taken from the hot water meter are entered in the cold water column and vice versa. If water meters are changed at the same time, the flow of cold water is greater. A smaller number indicates hot. When the accounts are maintained, there are no problems.
  2. They transmit data in cubic meters per month, but you need to indicate the numbers on the device, a five-digit number. If eight numbers are written on the receipt, it’s okay; the accounting department will be guided by the previous indications.
  3. IPU verification deadlines are not met. Calibration periods have been set at 4 years for cold water supply and 6 years for hot water supply. Data from expired water meters will not be taken into account. The cost of water is calculated based on the tariff for each family member. This figure is significantly higher than actual consumption. Consumption standards per person per month:
  • cold water – 6.935 m3;
  • DHW – 4.745 m3.

This is the average amount of water consumed by a family of 3 working people with proper plumbing.

Methods of providing evidence

The contractor is obliged to take readings from the control panel located in the consumer’s apartment in accordance with the contract. Taking and transmitting flow meter readings is the responsibility of the homeowner.

For the convenience of citizens, various methods of paying bills have been created and used.

By receipt

You can submit meter readings by submitting a receipt to the company.

The legislation does not provide for a single form of receipt. Each company comes up with its own payment form independently.

All forms have a line for recording the previous PU reading and the current one. Documents must be filled out carefully and in readable handwriting. It is advisable not to allow corrections.

Through the Internet

A convenient and fast way to transmit water control information is to use the Internet. Online payments can be made via PC or mobile application. Companies create their websites to accept payments. You can submit consumption data through government services.

By phone

Water consumption can be reported to the management company by phone. Provides two message options - voice and on the telephone keyboard (in tone mode). Company phone numbers are printed on office or payment documents.

Through the government services website

The next way is to send flow meter readings through government services. It is enough to register on the portal. In LC you can pay for the entire range of housing and communal services.

The public services system does not accept more than 5 digits, this is enough. The portal does not calculate values ​​exceeding the monthly water consumption per person (11.68 cubic meters/month).

Through the service company website

Some companies involved in accepting payments for services have their resources with sections for accepting consumption information. Electronic portals are being opened in cities for citizens to transmit water meter readings.

Official website of the Moscow Mayor for transmitting flow meter readings: https://www.mos.ru/services/pokazaniya-vodi-i-tepla/

It is enough to create a personal account. The resource warns about the upcoming verification of the control unit.

For Moscow and the region: https://xn--80adlqaloy7a.xn--80asehdb/; for the Nizhny Novgorod region: https://bcnn.ru/about

Via mobile application

The rules for transmitting expense results via a mobile application are described on the State Services website. You can install the application on your smartphone from Google Play or the App Store.

Through EIRC

A single information center allows you to transmit information about water meters. To enter your personal account, you will have to go to the MFC once and provide information about the subscriber. The LC has a tab for taking PU readings. You can provide information to the EIRC by phone.

In a special box

How else to transmit water meter measurements? Consumption information boxes are found in different places. These could be management offices, post offices or other public places. It is important to make sure that the box belongs to your management company.


Some utility organizations provide the ability to transmit consumption via SMS. The number for sending SMS and rules for writing text should be obtained from company employees. Organizations may have different procedures for sending messages.

On the supplier's website

It is possible to transfer the PU value on the water utility resource. Mosvodokanal is the largest supplier. Residents of Moscow can send information from water meters, bypassing the Criminal Code.

Through Mos.ru or GIS Housing and Communal Services

Another way to submit PU readings is through the GIS system using the client’s personal account.

Through social networks

If a consumer spends a lot of time on social networks, it is possible for him to transfer data through instant messengers.

The advantage is that you do not need to enter your login and password every time.


An old and proven method: you need to write down the PU readings, the drug number and put it in a box or deliver it to the Criminal Code in person.

How to send information via smartphone or mobile phone

You can transmit water meter readings in Moscow via telephone in the following ways:

  • a voice message;
  • SMS;
  • mobile app.

Where can I clarify the fact of receiving readings from water devices?

The correctness of the transmitted notifications of consumed liquid can be found on the resources for receiving information. These are State Services, mos.ru, LC online resources, management offices.

How to calculate water charges

Readings for the past month are taken, the numerical value of the consumption for the previous month is subtracted from them, and the difference is multiplied by the cost of one cubic meter of water.

How to keep track of water consumption

To control consumption, all values ​​supplied to the management system must be recorded in a personal journal. There may be errors when charging by the housing and communal services representative, loss of readings. This will prevent overspending.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating hot and cold water consumption in an apartment

Cold water consumption (look at the blue water meter):

  1. Write off the numbers up to the decimal point from the flow meter; if the first digit after the decimal point is 5 or more, then add 1 to the cubic meters (rounding rules).
  2. From the received number we subtract the values ​​written off in the previous month and already transferred to the Criminal Code.
  3. The difference in results is the resource spent per month.

For hot, the counting algorithm is exactly the same. Readings are taken from the control panel. To calculate in monetary terms, we multiply the difference in the readings of the red device by the hot water tariff.

How to submit meter readings

In order to submit information on water consumption, today there are many ways, including:

  1. In most apartment buildings today there is a system in which all residents on certain dates must give meter readings to the person in charge of the building or place them in a specially designated box.
  2. You can also provide information in person to the resource supplying organization. To do this, go to her website, where you can see all the available methods. This includes submitting information via email, SMS messages or phone call. You must have your personal account number, full address, and current readings at hand.
  3. Through the housing and communal services website. Most organizations provide access to a personal account, through which testimony can be submitted online in a short time.

Today, most residents need to give meter readings through their management company. In 99% of cases, a responsible person is selected at the entrance to do this, who will record and send all the necessary information on cold and hot water within the established time frame. This method allows you to enter the necessary data accurately and in a short time.

Transfer deadlines

At the state level, the current deadlines for transmitting electricity and water readings are fixed. Here's when residents need to fill out and submit the receipts:

  • minimum date - 23rd day of the current month;
  • The deadline is the 26th of the current month.

Within this certain period, the water supply testimony should already be in the management company. Please note that if you do not have time to check your meters within this period and submit the necessary readings, you will have to pay according to the tariff, which entails a significant overpayment, since the supplied resource will not coincide with what was actually spent.

An example of calculating readings and payment for the next month

Eight-roller counters are installed. As of April 25, the following readings were recorded:

  • HVS: 99989415;
  • DHW: 63524132.

A month later, on May 25, the values ​​are:

  • HVS: 00004742;
  • DHW: 63530472.

The last 3 characters indicating liters are ignored. To calculate the volume of water consumed by cold water, the readings from a month ago are subtracted from the current ones.

To calculate the volume of water, the previous readings are subtracted from the current ones.

In this case, 1 is assigned to the latter, since the counter has reset to zero:

100004-99989=15 cu. m.

Volume of hot water consumption per month:

63530-63524=6 cu. m.

The following tariffs apply in the region:

  1. Cold water — 40.48 rub./cu.m. m.
  2. DHW - 191.72 rubles/cubic. m.
  3. Water disposal - 29.57 rubles/cubic. m.

Payment per month will be:

15*40.48+6*191.72+(15+6)*29.57=607.20+1150.32+620.97=2378.49 rub.

Water meter with remote reading

In order to be able to remotely take water meter readings, you need to buy impulse meters. Their operating principle is similar to conventional tachometers, but with one important improvement.

Impulse devices have a special device that transmits information via wires and makes it possible to remotely control flow. The received data can be fed into the unified accounting system of your city or simply displayed on the device display at the entrance.

There are companies that develop special devices that operate on the principle of a Wi-Fi system. They can be installed on a regular meter and receive readings from your device on your computer.

This method is very convenient for landlords who want to control everything themselves, but has not yet become widespread due to its high cost.


You must first prepare receipts for payment of housing and communal services, which are usually delivered to tenants through mailboxes. Payments allow you to obtain information about the recipient of the payment, the amount and quantity of water resources consumed, previously transferred to the service provider, including through the State Services portal.

To make a payment through State Services, you must log in to the resource and follow the algorithm:

  • in the services tab, find the heading: “Apartment, construction and land”;
  • in this section we will focus on ;
  • after waiting for the page to load, click on the “Get service” button on the right;
  • after waiting for the formation of a list of organizations providing services in the housing and communal services sector of the payer’s region, select your management company;
  • if your service provider is not in the proposed list, you should try to search by the TIN of the management company, for which you select and click the appropriate button;
  • on the page that opens, enter the TIN of the payment recipient, which can be taken from the payment receipt, and press the “Next” button;
  • If your organization is not in the database, payment through the portal is not yet possible, you should use traditional methods of making payments;
  • if the required organization is found in the portal database, you need to use the receipt to check and select the required current account and press the “Next” button;
  • in the window that opens, you must fill out the windows with user data and indicate the payment amount by clicking “Next” after filling;
  • on the next page, select the method of depositing funds and enter the details of a bank card or electronic wallet.

Funds are credited to the service provider’s account and payment information is received in their accounting department within a week.

Plumbing inspection

Long before reading water meters in the new month, it is recommended to thoroughly check your existing plumbing for water leaks. Timely detection of leaks will help avoid unnecessary costs.

The easiest way to check is to watch the meter. If the water meter wheel is in place, then all equipment is working properly. If water is not used anywhere, and the water meter continues to work, then this may indicate a faulty plumbing.

You have checked all the equipment and found no faults, but the meter readings are still in doubt? In this case, there is a simple way to check the operation of the counter. For the experiment, you only need a 20-liter saucepan. Before starting the test, remember the meter readings, then fill the pan five times. This way you will use exactly 100 liters of water. Now all that remains is to take readings from the meter. If the difference is more or less than 100, then you should contact the appropriate authority to troubleshoot the device.

Thus, so that there is always cold and hot water in the house, and the bills do not shock you, you must remember to transfer the consumption readings to the appropriate authorities every month. You should also regularly check all plumbing fixtures and the water meter for serviceability. As a reminder, it is recommended to keep a calendar to mark the day the readings are taken each month.

When to take instrument data and how to fill out paperwork

So, now you know how to calculate water meter readings. Now let's figure out when to do this. The rules for transmitting information from meters state that this must be done before the 27th of the month. If information is not provided, the amount is calculated as the average value for all previous months.

However, it is important not only to take water meter readings correctly, but also to fill out the form without errors. In the official form, indicate only information that is relevant on the day of removal. If the housing is communal, a single invoice is issued, and the amount is divided by the number of registered residents.

Rice. 2

Fill out the payment form correctly, writing down the numbers as clearly as possible. If what is written down is difficult to understand or goes beyond the established fields, the document may be considered invalid and you will have to pay according to the average standards.

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