Housing inspection in Perm - official website and all contact details of the government agency

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The system of the Russian state assumes that each executive body is monitored by a similar organization, but of a higher status.

The housing sphere of citizens’ life activity was no exception, as a result of which the activities of executive entities in it are monitored by a special government agency - the housing inspection.

According to legislative decrees of the late 90s and early 00s, every region of Russia should have a similar organization. In today's material, our resource will take a closer look at the State Housing Inspection of the city of Perm, providing its contact details, official website and basic powers.

Ministry of Health of Perm

Refusal to provide preferential medications, extortion of money for free manipulation, poor quality of medical services, disrespectful attitude of the staff of a medical institution - this is a direct indication for filing a claim with the Ministry of Health. If we are not talking about a serious violation, you can contact us by calling the 24-hour hotline (342)263-11-00. But to report a serious misconduct or violation, it is better to submit a written complaint to the Ministry, which will be recorded in the accounting system. It can be transferred:

  • Russian Post. The letter should be sent to the address: 614006, Perm, st. Lenina, 51. Upon consideration of the application, the citizen will be sent a response to his postal or email address.
  • Personally bring it to the Ministry to the department for registration of correspondence at the address: st. Kuibysheva, 14, room. 221. Visitors are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • At a personal reception with the Minister or his deputy. It is held on the 10th floor of the Department in room No. 1018. Personal communication with an official is possible only by prior appointment by telephone.
  • In the form of an electronic document via the Internet reception https://reception.permkrai.ru/index.php?id=201. If the appeal does not require an unscheduled verification of the specified facts, it should be submitted without authorization. In electronic form, it is important to select the correct addressee and type of appeal.

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Reasons for refusal to consider

Complaints sent to the housing inspectorate are not always subject to consideration.
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We list the cases when a government agency may refuse to conduct their research:

  1. If it is not possible to identify the person who filed the application. Anonymous requests are not subject to consideration in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
  2. There is no address to which the response should be sent.
  3. The applicant submitted for consideration requirements that do not fall within the competence of the department.
  4. The complaint is written in illegible handwriting and fails to establish the essence of the problem.
  5. The text contains offensive and obscene words, unfounded accusations that distort the essence of the content.
  6. This issue was previously considered, an investigation was carried out in relation to it and a comprehensive answer was given to the applicant.

Filing a complaint to the housing inspectorate will help resolve a number of issues within the competence of this department. However, in some cases it is possible to receive a refusal.

Ministry of Transport of Perm

Complaints about the poor quality of transport services, flight delays and non-compliance with passenger transportation schedules should be made to the Ministry of Transport. Depending on the capabilities of the citizen, he can do this:

  • By post, sending a written document by letter with notification. Address for correspondence: 614068, Perm, st. Lunacharskogo, 100.
  • By email The claim must be signed by the applicant, otherwise the Ministry will refuse to register it.
  • At a personal reception with an official, which is held on the first Wednesday of every month in room No. 402. Reception opening hours: from 17.00 to 18.00. To make an appointment, you need to call the number, briefly describe the essence of the problem and provide your personal information.
  • Bring it to the Ministry office on any working day of the week. The document accepted in this way will be registered and transferred to the relevant department for work.
  • Through the Internet reception https://reception.permkrai.ru/index.php?id=201. In the form, it is important to accurately indicate personal data, contact information and succinctly describe the current situation. If necessary, additional documents can be attached to the online application.

Based on an online complaint, the Ministry of Transport will be able to conduct an inspection only if it is submitted after authorization in the Unified identification and authentication system.

State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Perm

If a Perm resident wants to report abuse of power by an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate, complain about a violation of the law, or appeal an issued order, he must contact the traffic police. A complaint can be submitted to the territorial unit at the place of registration or to the Main Directorate using any of the proposed methods:

  • By post. The letter should be sent to the address: 614077 Perm, Gagarin Boulevard, 80. The appeal can be addressed to a specific official.
  • Bring it in person for registration to the Department's reception desk. Visitors are accepted only during business hours. Phone for inquiries: (342)246-73-01.
  • Hand over at a personal reception to an authorized official (chief or his deputy). A mandatory requirement is to have a pre-registration. The schedule for receiving citizens is posted at https://59.mvd.rf/For_human/Grafik_priema_grazhdan_newform.
  • Fax to number. It is important to ensure that the fax was received by the receiving party in full, otherwise the complaint will not be processed in a timely manner.
  • Leave it in a special box designed for receiving correspondence. They are installed in the Main Administration and territorial divisions of the city. The document transmitted in this way must be drawn up in compliance with the norms of current legislation.
  • Send online https://59.mvd.rf/request_main, selecting the appropriate department.

To report a violation, you should call the city duty station at the number.

The traffic police does not accept complaints by email.

Prosecutor's office of Perm

Appealing to the Prosecutor's Office is an opportunity to defend one's rights and interests if other supervisory authorities, to which the Perm resident previously applied, refused to satisfy the demands put forward. You can also complain to this Office about a violation of the law by submitting a written document in the following way:

  • Online by filling out the electronic application form at the Internet reception https://epp.genproc.gov.ru/web/proc_59/internet-reception.
  • At a personal reception, handing over the document during face-to-face communication with an authorized official. Visitors are accepted only if they have an appointment, which is done online https://epp.genproc.gov.ru/web/proc_59/internet-reception/personal-reception.
  • By fax. This method is not recommended for volume claims. If some additional material cannot be sent by fax (for example, a video recording), it will have to be sent to the Prosecutor's Office by mail.
  • Bring it personally to the office for registration and acceptance of the document for work. Phone for information.
  • By mail to the address: GSP 614090, Perm, st. Lunacharsky, 60. You can attach any materials to the complaint that will help the supervisory authority assess the situation and make a decision on the essence of the issue.


In order to prove your case, as well as the presence of violations on the part of another person, evidence must be attached to the application, which may be the following:

  • photographic materials;
  • video materials;
  • copies of requests and responses received directly from organizations (MC, HOA, etc.);
  • copies of responses received from other authorities when considering this issue;
  • own calculations, in case of disagreement with the sent bills for the consumed utility resource;
  • copies of receipts received from utility suppliers;
  • copies of payment orders for payment of services;
  • a copy of the document confirming the right to use the residential premises;
  • testimony from other citizens.


Guided by the rules of jurisdiction, a Perm resident must file a cassation appeal with the Seventh Court of Cassation, which is located in Chelyabinsk. To review a court decision that has entered into force, documents can be submitted:

  • By Russian Post to the court address: 454000, Chelyabinsk, st. Kirova, 161. When sending correspondence, it is important to take into account the delivery time, otherwise there is a risk of missing the appeal period provided by law.
  • By fax. You should make sure that the receiving party has received all sent documents.
  • Bring it to the office. Visitors are accepted only during business hours https://7kas.sudrf.ru/. Help information can be obtained by calling the number.
  • Online through the Internet portal “GAS Justice”. To work in the service, you will need to register and authorize through the Unified Identification and Logistics Authority.

The Court of Cassation will not accept a document if it is drawn up in violation of the current legislation.

State Labor Inspectorate of Perm

To report a violation of labor law (failure to comply with labor protection requirements approved by law, lack of social insurance, refusal to conclude an employment contract in writing, etc.), you should contact the State Labor Inspectorate. Complaints are accepted from citizens:

  • By post. Incoming correspondence should be sent to the address: 614000, Perm, st. Sovetskaya, 39. For forwarding, it is better to choose a letter with notification. To find out whether the claim has been accepted for consideration, you should call the reception number.
  • Through the office of the State Labor Inspectorate, where you can personally submit a claim on any working day. Opening hours: from 8.30 to 17.30, on Friday – until 16.30. Visitors are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • By fax.
  • To an email This option is not suitable for citizens who plan to submit additional materials of certain formats to the Agency.
  • Online through one of the portals https://git59.rostrud.gov.ru/pismo_v_gosudarstvennuyu_inspektsiyu_truda/. To report a violation, you can submit an electronic complaint on the Online Inspectorate website by selecting a topic appropriate to the problem. Before filling out the form, the applicant will have to log in through the State Services website.

To receive information of an explanatory and consulting nature, you should contact the hotline at +7 (342) 298-01-50 (payment according to the tariff of the telecom operator).

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Reasons and methods of appeal

Next, we list the reasons why citizens most often file complaints with the state housing inspectorate:

  1. Poor provision of utility services, for example, lack of heating, or non-compliance with temperature standards, interruptions in electricity supply, lack of water, etc.
  2. Failure to fulfill obligations of the management company to carry out routine repairs of the house, as a result of which its condition was significantly impaired, for example, flooding of the basement, as a result of lack of repair of heating systems, etc.
  3. Unreasonable charging for utility resources or their significant overestimation.
  4. No major repairs.
  5. Lack of action on the part of the management company on the actions of neighbors.
  6. Refusal of the management company to compensate for losses caused to residents that were not their fault.
  7. Uncoordinated redevelopment of residential premises.
  8. Unauthorized use of residential premises as non-residential premises without approvals and obtaining permits.
  9. Violation of the peace by neighbors, including throwing garbage into common areas, drinking alcoholic beverages, and using drugs in the same place.

    Grounds for filing a complaint with the Housing Inspectorate

You can submit the completed document in several ways:

  1. Personally contact the relevant territorial department of the department.
  2. By sending documents by mail.
  3. By sending papers to the email address of the relevant structural unit.
  4. By filling out the appropriate form on the GIS Housing and Communal Services website.

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Rospotrebnadzor Perm

Non-compliance with consumer law should be reported to Rospotrebnadzor. Despite the fact that the supervisory authority has opened a telephone line to receive oral requests from citizens, it is better to do this electronically or in writing by submitting a document:

  • Through a specialized service for receiving applications from citizens https://petition.rospotrebnadzor.ru/petition/. Depending on whether the applicant wants the violator’s activities to be verified based on the facts stated, an online complaint is submitted without authorization or after authorization in the Unified Identification and Logistics Authority.
  • By mail. The claim should be sent to the address: 614016, Perm, st. Kuibysheva, 50. You can also put additional materials in the envelope that will help Rospotrebnadzor specialists understand the current situation. In this case, the text of the complaint must contain a complete description of them.
  • Bring it in person to the Office in office No. 103. Visitors are accepted without an appointment from 9.00 to 18.00, on Friday - until 12.45 with a lunch break. Upon filing, the complaint will be registered and transferred to the relevant department for consideration and a decision on the merits of the issue.
  • Present to the official at a personal reception, which is held according to the schedule https://59.rospotrebnadzor.ru/get_life. You can register by number.

You can complain to Rospotrebnadzor about non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The procedure for considering complaints to the State Housing Inspectorate

Housing inspectorates consider citizens' complaints in accordance with the same Federal Law "On Citizens' Appeals."
Thus, the period for consideration of the application is 30 days. It should be noted that this period does not include the time for delivery of the complaint and response to it by mail, so in fact sometimes you have to wait longer for a response. In exceptional cases, when additional checks are required, the period for consideration of the complaint may be extended by another 30 days, of which the applicant is notified additionally.

Violation of these deadlines is grounds for filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

It should be noted that the housing inspectorate is required to respond to requests from management companies within 10 days.

Consideration of a complaint involves checking the facts stated in it, including on-site visits, checking documents, as well as issuing orders and protocols on administrative violations, if necessary. The applicant is sent a response in which the Civil Housing Inspectorate reports on the measures taken to eliminate violations, and also explains the applicant’s rights.


The State Housing Supervision Inspectorate is authorized to consider complaints about the work of management companies, the quality of public services and other violations in the field of housing legislation. You can submit an individual or collective appeal to the State Housing Institution (for example, from an initiative group of residents). But in the second case, the claim will be considered in a shorter period of time.

An appeal can be submitted to the Perm Inspectorate in any available way:

  • Bring it in person to the GZHI at the actual address of office No. 701. Consumers are received strictly during business hours with a lunch break from 13.00 to 13.48.
  • Verbally over the phone. But a Perm resident should not use this method if it is a serious violation or if he subsequently plans to go to court to force the collection of funds from the violator.
  • Give it at a personal reception to the head of the State Housing Inspectorate, which is held every Tuesday of the month from 15.00 to 18.00 by appointment (by telephone by number).
  • In electronic form through the service https://reception.permkrai.ru/index.php?id=138. Such an appeal will be registered and submitted for further consideration within three days.
  • Russian Post. Address for incoming correspondence: 614010, Perm, st. Klara Zetkin, 10a. To make sure that the letter was received and accepted for work, you should call the helpline. The document can be drawn up according to the sample.

How to file a complaint

Since the housing inspection is a regional authority, each entity independently establishes the procedure for applying regional regulations. Therefore, the surest way to find out how to file a complaint with the housing inspectorate in your region is to look at the contacts on the regional government website.

There is also a federal service, GIS Housing and Public Utilities, where you can submit a request to the Housing Property Inspectorate at your place of residence. To do this, just log in to the portal through government services and fill out the form:

The form allows you to insert a full description of the essence of the problem, as well as attach the necessary documents and photographs in scanned form.

The legislative framework

When filing a complaint with a supervisory authority, a citizen must be guided by the following legislative acts:

  1. FKZ “On Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation”.
  2. Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" dated January 17, 1992. N 2202-1 (as amended on July 31, 2020).
  3. Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 04/24/2020).
  4. Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” dated May 2, 2006. N 59-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2008).
  5. FKZ “On Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation” dated 07/09/2018. N 1-FKZ (as amended on October 30, 2018).

Complaint against the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory

A complaint to the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory is an official document establishing the requirements of the citizen who applied and describing the reason for the emergence of such requirements.

According to Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation,” a complaint is a citizen’s request to restore or protect his violated rights, freedoms or legitimate interests, or the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of other persons.

Responding to a written complaint is mandatory.

In addition, the consideration of the complaint must take place in full compliance with the procedures and deadlines established by the above-mentioned federal law, and end with the sending of a written reasoned response to the citizen who filed the complaint or the elimination of the cause of the complaint.

Helpful information:

  1. organization phone]
  2. address: Perm region Perm Ekaterininskaya st., 78, Perm
  3. fax: no information available
  4. email
  5. official website: https://iggn.permkrai.ru/
  6. work schedule: Mon-Thu 9:00–18:00, break 13:00–13:48; Fri 9:00–17:00, break 13:00–13:48
  7. coordinates on the map: 58.010276 56.243754

We offer our sample complaint, in which we tried to take into account all typical situations. You can correct and supplement the specified sample - the complaint does not have a mandatory prescribed form.

Accept complaints and get free legal advice today! Call:

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg +7 812 309-05-48
  • Hotline in the Russian Federation 8 800 511-75-69 (free)

Solve the problem now - a personalized complaint is the key to success!

Before writing and filing a complaint, we recommend that you:

  • get free legal advice on your rights, which will save your time;
  • read the following materials on our resource: how to write a complaint correctly and how to submit a complaint correctly.

And most importantly, remember, writing a complaint is not wasting time, but taking advantage of the right and defending your rights or the rights of your loved ones to a quality life guaranteed to you by the Constitution.

State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory

Each situation is individual - do not hesitate to ask questions:

  1. in comments;
  2. in the online consultant window at the bottom of the page ↘️
  3. in the form at the bottom of the page.

Perm region Perm Ekaterininskaya st., 78, Perm

from Last Name First Name Patronymic (if available) (address)

State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (indicate your last name, first name and patronymic - the latter if available, if the event happened to you, or the last name, first name and patronymic of the person to whom it happened, in whose interests you are filing a complaint), March 25, 2021 (indicate the exact date of the event) faced the following problem, namely (indicate specific facts) and contacted the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory, then we indicate the reason for our application (this could be obtaining a service, any document, certificate, permit, etc. .p.), since it is this body (institution, official), in my opinion, that can help me in this situation.

At the same time, in the specified body (institution), the following unlawful actions (inaction) were taken by employees (staff, boss, etc.) against me (my child, another person close to me), namely (select the one you need, In addition, add a detailed description of the situation to your complaint and attach any evidence available to you in the form of documents, photographs, audio, video recordings):

  • I was refused the provision of a service (issuance of any document, certificate, permit, etc.) for the following reason (describe the situation and the reason for the refusal, for example, “after finding out the fact that I applied to the place of temporary stay, I was refused”, or “due to the fact that the employee works only during certain hours”, etc.);
  • I received poor quality service;
  • the employee delayed, violated the deadlines and I did not have time to complete the documents within the required period;
  • I am required to provide additional documents (not provided for by law or regulations for the provision of services); the employee refused to accept my documents;
  • the employee was negligent;
  • I was presented with an incorrect benefit (an error was made in calculating benefits, payments, incorrect details were provided, etc.);
  • after consultation at the institution, my issue was not resolved (I was misdirected in the problem and pointed to an authority that was incompetent to contact me, or was misled about solving the problem at the place of contact, etc.);
  • had to incur excessive financial costs;
  • the employee treated me rudely during the process of providing the service and clarifying the circumstances of the situation in connection with which I applied.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as send individual and collective appeals, including appeals from citizens’ associations, including legal entities, to state bodies, local governments and their officials, state and municipal institutions and other organizations entrusted with the implementation of publicly significant functions, and their officials.

Based on the above, I ask (select the one you need):

Accept complaints and get free legal advice today! Call:

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg +7 812 309-05-48
  • Hotline in the Russian Federation 8 800 511-75-69 (free)

Solve the problem now - a personalized complaint is the key to success!

  • take measures against an employee (indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the employee) of the institution (body) (name);
  • take measures against other personnel of the institution;
  • reimburse me for expenses incurred;
  • correct the situation that has arisen (for example, provide a service that was denied, issue documents, assign social benefits, etc.).

Date, personal signature of the person filing the complaint.


Here (if necessary and available) list all evidence attached to the complaint in the form of documents, photographs, audio, video recordings

Each situation is individual - do not hesitate to ask questions:

  1. in comments;
  2. in the online consultant window at the bottom of the page ↘️
  3. in the form at the bottom of the page.
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