How can it be easier to receive subsidies for housing and communal services?

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree that simplifies access to subsidies for housing and communal services. The document will come into force on January 1, 2021.

According to the resolution, in order to receive a subsidy you will not have to provide receipts for payment of housing and communal services, as well as certificates of no debt. Government agencies will receive this information independently using the interdepartmental electronic interaction system.

The procedure for providing subsidies is prescribed in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 159) and in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761 of December 14, 2005 “On the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities.”

In each region, this norm is established independently. In Moscow, the right to a subsidy arises if utility costs exceed 10% of the total family income, in St. Petersburg - 14%. Housing subsidies are provided for six months. After this, you need to re-confirm your right to receive benefits for housing and communal services. Today, due to the spread of coronavirus infection, this restriction has been lifted until October 1, 2021. Until this time, the subsidy will be extended automatically, without an application from the recipient.

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Will it be necessary to return the money if the subsidy was accrued in a larger volume?

Already now, when people apply for an extension of the subsidy for housing and communal services, they are faced with the fact that when recalculating it turns out that the automatically calculated subsidy amount was larger or smaller.

If, after recalculation, it is discovered that the subsidy should have been accrued in a larger amount, the missing funds will be accrued and transferred to the homeowner's account. If the amount should have been less, the decision here depends on the period during which the subsidy was extended. If the payment is extended from November 1, 2021 to April 1, 2021, the transferred money will need to be returned. For subsidies that were extended between April 1, 2020 and November 1, 2020, accrued surpluses will not have to be returned.

How to extend the rent subsidy through State Services?

You can submit an application and documents in person, through an authorized representative, by mail, through the RPGU and on the official website of the State Service. The service is provided completely free of charge for six months. A period of 10 days is allotted for administrative actions, and the application is registered within one working day. When applying in person, the wait for your turn does not exceed 15 minutes.

Registration of a subsidy through the official website of the State Service is carried out as follows:

  • You need to log in to the portal and log in using your account. All functions of the site are available only to those users who have an electronic access key;
  • in the catalog of services you need to select the following item “Providing citizens with subsidies to pay for housing and utilities”;
  • click on the “get service” button;
  • a page will open with an application that needs to be filled out;
  • where copies of documents are needed, color scans are attached;
  • the application is signed electronically and sent to the recipient.

The application will be reviewed within ten days, and the applicant will be notified of the decision by email. If the decision is positive, the letter will indicate the date and time when you will need to appear with a package of documents at the MFC.

How to apply for a subsidy for utility bills online in the Moscow region

Since November 2021, residents of the Moscow region have the opportunity to apply for a subsidy to pay for housing and housing and communal services without leaving home. The size of the subsidy depends on regional standards for calculating payments for housing and communal services and living space standards. How to apply for a subsidy and what nuances may arise in this case, read the material of the portal.

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Who is eligible for the subsidy?

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Viktor Anashkin

Citizens registered at their place of residence in the region can apply for compensation to pay for housing and utilities (housing and utilities) in the Moscow region. This means that you must definitely have a residence permit in the Moscow region. The second necessary condition: expenses for housing and communal services must exceed 22% of the total family income.

The amount of the subsidy is calculated based on the size of regional standards for the cost of housing and communal services and standards for the standard area of ​​residential premises, namely:

- 33 square meters - for citizens living alone;

- 21 square meters for each member of a family consisting of two people;

- 18 square meters for each member of a family consisting of three or more people.

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Required documents

Submission of documents

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Boris Chubatyuk

For the convenience of residents of the Moscow region, compensation can be submitted online on the regional government services website.

To receive a subsidy you need to collect the following package of documents:

- passport;

- statement;

— rental agreement for specialized residential premises;

— social rental agreements for residential premises;

— payments for housing and communal services accrued during the period of provision of the subsidy;

— information about the income of the applicant and his family members;

— documents confirming the right to benefits, social support measures, compensation for housing and communal services.

Government services are not provided to foreigners. But if such an applicant is a citizen of a country with which the Russian Federation has concluded a corresponding international agreement, he has the right to count on payment. To do this, you need to present a document proving citizenship.

If desired, you can attach an extract from the house register.

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Regulations for the provision of services

application, complaint, pen, paper, notes, notes

Source: RIAMO, Anastasia Osipova

The public service is provided free of charge.

The application is registered within one business day. After 10 working days, the citizen receives the result - compensation for payment of housing and communal services or a corresponding refusal.

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Grounds for refusal

The second MOBTI consultation center was opened in Krasnogosk

Source: , press service of the Krasnogorsk city district administration

It will not be possible to apply for a subsidy if the package of necessary documents is incomplete. It will also be denied if the applicant has not brought the originals to the MFC for verification with electronic images submitted through the government services portal.

They will refuse to provide services for debts on bills, as well as if the actual payment for them does not exceed the maximum allowable share of expenses in the total family income.

Those who are registered in another region of Russia, although they live in the Moscow region, cannot take advantage of the benefit.

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Nuances for co-owners and divorced spouses

New flat

Source: , press service of the Khimki city district administration

There are situations when former spouses who used the benefit remain to live in the same apartment, since both are registered in it. The right to a subsidy remains with the owner of the premises. The right of the second party as a former family member of the owner depends on how his residence in the premises is registered. If a divorced spouse lives under a rental agreement, this corresponds to the condition for providing a subsidy, but if he lives under an agreement for the gratuitous use of residential premises, this does not comply.

If the housing is in shared ownership, and the owners are not or do not consider themselves members of the same family, then each of them can submit a separate application for the subsidy. The actual expenses of each of them are determined in accordance with their ownership shares. If, for example, there are two owners, then when calculating the payment, the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services, established for one member of a family consisting of two people, is taken into account.

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What documents are needed to extend the housing and communal services subsidy?

The state is trying in every possible way to make life easier for people experiencing financial difficulties. One of the tools for protecting the rights of Russian citizens is the provision of financial assistance to pay for utilities. It should be taken into account that the subsidy is now monetized, the money is transferred to the account. But this assistance is strictly targeted; the funds cannot be spent on other purposes. If a citizen who has received a subsidy does not pay for housing and communal services, payments will be stopped, and in the future it will be impossible to extend the subsidy for utilities.

To extend the subsidy for housing and communal services, you should contact the social service at your place of residence. The application form can be obtained from the inspector. The same documents are provided as during the initial application. If your financial situation has changed in six months, you should immediately report this. Providing false information will result in a refusal to extend the payment of state compensation.

To submit an application, you must collect the following documents and make copies of them:

  • civil passport of the person submitting the application;
  • passports of all citizens registered in this residential area. If you have minor children, you must provide their birth certificates;
  • documents confirming ownership of real estate. This could be a purchase/sale agreement, deed of gift, privatization document, etc.;
  • official income certificates. A certificate is needed not only from the applicant, but also from other family members (over 16 years of age) for the last six months;
  • receipts for payment of housing and communal services, which confirm the absence of debt;
  • open a bank account or provide details of an existing one, where the money will actually be transferred.

According to the new rules, a certificate of family composition is not required. Foreign citizens must provide the above documents, as well as proof of citizenship of another state.

How to apply for a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services?

First you need to contact the MFC (multifunctional service center) or the local social welfare authority. You can also apply for a subsidy through the state portal.

To complete the registration, you need to collect a package of documents: an application for a housing and communal services subsidy, the form of which will be issued by the social protection authority or the MFC, a certificate of family composition, identification documents of citizens registered in the apartment, copies of SNILS, certificates of income from the place of work, a document confirming the basis for residence in the living space: rental agreement, certificate of ownership.

Until January 1, 2021, the documents must also be accompanied by a receipt for payment of housing and communal services for the past month (if there is a debt, the subsidy will be denied).

Payment of the subsidy may also be suspended if the recipient is more than two months behind on utility bills. To resume payments, he must provide evidence that he had good reason for this. This could be treatment, the death of a relative, or a delay in salary.

When can they refuse to extend housing and communal services subsidies?

Even if you have already extended the subsidy several times, there may be grounds for refusing to extend the accrual of payments. These include the following reasons:

  • if the general family income level has changed;
  • if there is more than two months of debt to pay for housing and communal services;
  • upon receipt of an inheritance, cash gifts for a significant amount;
  • if the applicant (his family members) do not live in the residential premises for which the subsidy is issued for a longer period of time;
  • if it became known that the previously submitted information was untrue.

Citizens who have applied for and received government assistance to pay for utility bills are required to report within one month if there have been changes in the grounds on which the subsidy was issued: family composition, the income of the recipient or any of his family members, the emergence of additional income. This data must be submitted to the regional Center for Housing Subsidies, and the data can also be submitted to the MFC.

The decision to extend the subsidy can be made within half an hour. If changes have occurred or there are no grounds, the subsidy specialist refers the case to the head of the department for consideration.

What to do if the extension of housing and communal services subsidies was refused illegally?

If you have received a refusal to extend state compensation, you believe that you were denied illegally, you can safely contact higher authorities and even resolve the issue in court. First of all, you should call the Subsidy hotline. This is a special government program created to protect the rights of the population. Help line of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection +7. Every citizen has every right to defend their rights.

It should also be taken into account that the previously adopted moratorium on the accrual of penalties and fines for debts to pay for housing and communal services has been canceled since January. The state tries to help its citizens as much as possible, and they, in turn, are obliged to pay utility bills in full on time.

The application-free procedure for extending the provision of subsidies for housing and communal services has ended

Press center News



Good afternoon, I have expired the period for providing a subsidy for housing and communal services, assigned without an application. What documents do I need to submit when applying for a subsidy for a new period?


Hello, you can view the package of documents required to assign a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services for a new period on our official website or on the Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)

In addition, due to the expiration of the period for providing a subsidy without an application, you will be recalculated the subsidy amounts.

To carry out such a recalculation, you need to provide information about actual payments for housing and communal services for all periods of granting a subsidy without an application and information about income (scholarship, donated funds, alimony, etc.), which the social protection department cannot obtain through interdepartmental interaction .

The total income of a family or a single citizen living alone for the provision of a subsidy is determined for 6 calendar months. The countdown of the specified 6-month period begins 6 months before the month of assignment of the subsidy without application. That is, if you were assigned a subsidy without an application from April to September 2021, then to recalculate the subsidy you must provide income for the period from April to September 2021.

Please note that based on the results of recalculation of the subsidy, both an additional payment and an overpaid amount of the subsidy, which is subject to withholding, can be determined.

We ask you to be understanding of this situation.

When using this information, a link to the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Altai Territory is required


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