Obtaining a land plot - how to get on the waiting list?

On March 1, 2015, a law came into force according to which a citizen of the Russian Federation can receive a free plot of land. Certain categories of citizens can receive land (representatives of religious organizations, young families, residents of rural areas, large families, etc.).

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In order to receive a free plot of land, you must contact the management authorities or department of the multifunctional center. The citizen must submit a corresponding application and a set of documents.

In this case, you can track the movement of the queue. This can be done in various ways:

  • personal appeal;
  • make a phone call;
  • use a special service (electronic form).


For example, earlier in the Land Code there were articles 20 and 28, which prescribed the categories of citizens who had the right to receive land plots free of charge. But changes to this code, which came into force on March 1 of this year, abolished them. This does not mean the abolition of this opportunity for citizens.

It's no secret that local authorities are subject to Federal legislation and rely on it in their activities. But options are possible. In which the receipt of a land plot free of charge may deviate from these norms.

After all, there are areas that have their own methods and procedures on this issue. And this is logical, because there are areas where there are forests and where there are fields, and somewhere there are a lot of them, and somewhere there are very few. The speed of obtaining such land also depends on this; it is possible to quickly obtain land with existing communications, and even building materials, and in some cases it is not easy to simply wait for a plot.

Often, plots of land are issued at the subject’s place of residence, but this does not eliminate the opportunity to obtain land in another region. To start such an event, the first priority is to get in line, local, regional, federal.

To realize your dream in this matter, you collect a complete package of necessary documentation and submit it to the municipal property management committee. Next, we wait for the result.

How is the queue for a plot formed for large families?

The queue for land plots claimed by large families is formed through the submission and approval of applications.

To get in line, you need to collect the necessary package of documents (each region has its own) and contact the local administration. After all documents have been accepted, the family will receive a sequence number in the queue.

In general, the queue is formed in order. That is, the land is allocated first to the one who submitted the application first. But it's not that simple.

Each region has a priority list . That is, people who apply to receive land before others, regardless of the deadline for submitting the application. Others receive land in the general manner.

To qualify for land, a family must be:

  1. Large family.
  2. Low-income.
  3. Family members must be citizens of the Russian Federation.
  4. The family must live in Russia for a long time. The specific period is determined by the city administration. In some regions it is compulsory to live in Russia for 10 years.

If all requirements are met, you can submit an application and get in line.

But there are families who enjoy additional benefits. For example, there is a child living in a family who is disabled or dependent. Then this family will be on the priority list for receiving a plot of land.

Attention! The queue is formed in order, but there is a list of families who have the right to receive land before others. If the family has additional benefits, they must be attached to the list of documents.

Who has the right to receive a land plot?

Federal laws prescribe situations in which beneficiaries have the right to receive a land plot free of charge:

  • A WWII veteran and warrior who participated in military clashes in hot spots. Such people can receive land for the development of personal housing, gardening, vegetable gardens, pastures or hayfields. Relatives of these persons are entitled to similar rights in the event of loss of ability to work.
  • Military personnel who serve on a contract basis, police officers. Even if such a person is dismissed due to age or health status, or is laid off, the right to land remains.
  • Chernobyl victims, people who received radiation. Their right to land is priority; in addition, they must be provided with building materials to build a house.
  • Persons who are heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, full holders of Labor Glory.
  • Officially registered in line for a free plot of land.
  • Disabled people and immediate family members. This category has preferential concessions for obtaining land.
  • Families with three or more children.

There are several options for this last point:

  • The plot of land was leased by such a family for three years. There is a chance to extend the lease for five years, especially when construction of the house has already begun, but is not in its final stage. This land will become the property of the family only upon completion of the construction process and the putting into operation of the house.
  • The process of obtaining ownership of a plot of land by such a family is immediate. In this case, we are talking about land, the intended purpose of which will be homestead. This plot of land will not have a dedicated address. But no one forbids building a house there, and deadlines are not taken into account here. Next, register it and have the right to registration.

The second option is feasible if the allocated land plot is located on the territory of a populated area. If the land has agricultural status, you cannot build a house.

How to find out your turn?

So, you have taken part in the program for the provision of a land plot and are happily waiting for the fabulous moment when the phone rings and a friendly voice notifies you that, finally, you have waited for the moment when you can set foot on your treasured plot of land.

However, weeks pass, and now the third month of waiting is coming to an end, and still no call. You begin to be overcome by doubts about the reality of this outcome of the case, you begin to get nervous and worry.

And so, at the end of a fairly long period of time, the voice of reason told you that you need to contact the city administration and find out how the matter is progressing on your issue .

So, due to the fact that the land provision program is exclusively local in nature, you need to contact local authorities, that is, the administration of your municipality. Also, it is necessary to understand that in different parts of our huge country there are different laws and rules, which provide for the possibility of providing information on the advancement of the queue in different forms.

So, let's look at each more specifically.

The first way to see your place on the waiting list for the provision of a land plot is, in fact, to call the administration. You should definitely be contacted by a representative of the commission on this issue. He can give you information over the phone, having previously found out your name, surname and year of birth, as well as the date of submission of the application for grants, and may also ask you to come to clarify the information.

The second option to check the number is to directly check with the administration. You need to come to the building and talk with one of the commission members to get information about how the queue is progressing. At this meeting, do not forget to take with you your passport, the child’s birth certificate, if it somehow figured in the receipt of land, as well as the quota for receipt itself.

The third way is to send a request by email. Some city administrations, in order not to create crowds and not distract people from work, notify about the progress of the queue via email.

Also today, specialized websites have appeared that provide you with detailed information and make life much easier. We'll talk about it in more detail in the next paragraph.

Electronic queue

So, many citizens of our country can use such a service as an electronic queue for obtaining a land plot. All this is due to the fact that not all city administrations have switched the line from written to computer format, but the central zone of Russia can safely boast of this.

Thus, the electronic queue is a good assistant , which allows you to clarify people’s questions about the progress of the queue without interrupting administration employees from work.

Let's talk about how this service works.

As a rule, an electronic queue is created directly on the website of the city or district administration, or a separate portal is created.

In order to see your place in the queue, you need to go through a short registration procedure. It is necessary to enter the name, surname and patronymic of the program participant, as well as his year of birth and, in some cases, information about children. After this, you are taken to your profile, where all the detailed information about your place in the queue, your data, and also about your possible future site is indicated. The system does not require passport data, which inspires citizens’ confidence in the administration.

Beneficiaries to receive

The following categories of citizens can stand in line:

  1. First group:
      Persons who rented land plots before the entry into force of the USSR Property Law, subject to the construction of a house on it. For them, there is simply a procedure for registering ownership of it.
  2. Persons who actually use the land and have inherited it under the right of perpetual or lifelong use. Such persons are entitled to free registration only once.
  3. Persons who personally own a building located on a site also with the right of perpetual or lifelong use, received by them as an inheritance.
  4. Second group:
      WWII veterans and members of their families who have lost their ability to work. Land is provided to them for building a house and for farming use.
  5. Department of Internal Affairs employees who have served for more than fifteen years receive land for construction.
  6. Orphan child. Given that. That the plot was in the use of his parents.

It is worth noting that persons included in the second group have their rights secured in federal legislation. Thus, the law on “Veterans” regulates their right to a free plot of land, which can be used both for the construction of an individual household and for farming, haymaking, etc.

Required documents

First you need to fill out an application, the form of which is provided by the authorized body in your area.

It should be noted:

  • the name of the authority where you are submitting the application;
  • your personal data;
  • your address and contact details;
  • the essence of the stated requirements;
  • address data for a plot of land;
  • cadastral number of the plot;
  • listing of attached documents;
  • form for responding to the application.

Documents attached to the application:

  • copies of personal documents;
  • copies of children's birth certificates;
  • documentation that confirms actual residence on the land plot indicated in the application;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • extracts from house books;
  • educational documentation;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of a veteran, disabled person, etc.;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate of status of a large family;
  • certificate from the passport office about places of residence.

It is possible that this list will be supplemented or, conversely, some documents will be excluded. All this is due to the fact that each group of beneficiaries has its own individual documentation requirements.

How to get land for a large family in the Moscow region

Large families have the right to receive free land in the Moscow region. This opportunity is regulated by the Law “On the free provision of land plots to large families in the Moscow region.” What requirements should a family meet and where to apply for land, read the material on the mosreg.ru portal.

Union “We” - how private organizations help large families in the Moscow region>>

Conditions of receipt

Land plots for large families

Source: , press service of the Naro-Fominsk district administration

To begin with, a large family needs to stand in line to receive a plot of land. However, it must meet a number of specific requirements:

  • all members of a large family are citizens of Russia;
  • parents have lived in the Moscow region for at least 5 years;
  • three or more children have not reached 18 years of age and live in the Moscow region;
  • members of a large family should not own a land plot with an area of ​​0.06 hectares or more, with the right of lifelong inheritable possession or permanent use in the territory of the Moscow region;
  • members of a large family should not be the owners of residential buildings (buildings) on the territory of the Moscow region.

In addition, members of a large family must not first alienate or divide land plots of 0.06 hectares or more owned by them.

Find out what benefits large families can receive in the Moscow region>>

Where to go

The second MOBTI consultation center was opened in Krasnogosk

Source: , press service of the Krasnogorsk city district administration

In order to get in line to receive a plot of land, one of the parents must submit an application to the local government authority. This can be done at any MFC, not necessarily at your place of residence, as well as through the regional government services portal.

The decision on placement in the queue is made within a month. In this case, the plot of land provided to a large family must be at least 0.1 hectares, but not more than 0.15 hectares.

Find out how to get land for free in the Moscow region>>


light, light bulb, blackout, candle, Moscow

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Anastasia Osipova

If a large family meets the above requirements, then the following documents must be submitted to the local government:

  • application for registration of a large family for the purpose of free provision of land;
  • documents confirming Russian citizenship for all members of a large family;
  • identification document of the applicant;
  • a document confirming the registration of members of a large family in the Moscow region - an extract from the house register;
  • documents confirming the family relations of members of a large family - a copy of the marriage certificate/divorce certificate/death of a spouse, birth of children;
  • identification documents of all members of a large family;

In some cases, you will need to submit additional documents:

  • if there are children in the family who are not counted as part of a large family, information about them;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It on the rights of an individual to his real estate assets.

Find out how to draw up a town planning plan for a land plot in the Moscow region>>

The procedure for queuing for a land plot - step-by-step instructions

Stage 1

To get in line for a plot of land at the first stage, you need to go to your territorial municipality and write an application, be sure to have your passport with you.

The administration’s consideration of the issue of placing you on the queue for a land plot, according to the law, cannot exceed 30 days from the moment you submit your application and the full package of documents that are required to be provided:

  • If you are in a preferential category , be sure to have a package of documents with you confirming this right.
  • If you have not previously received a land plot from the government as a gift , have documentary evidence of this fact - a certificate from the administrations from all places of your residence.

Stage 2

Acceptance of the application. First, they will identify you and check that you have all the necessary documentation. Afterwards, an employee authorized by the administration certifies the application with a signature indicating the exact date of completion of the consideration of the case in essence. If this is not done, demand it, you are within your rights.

It is possible to submit an application electronically; here you will have to resort to the services of the state portal. It is also required to be reviewed within 1 calendar month from the date of submission. If everything is approved, then you receive an order to allocate the site to you.

Stage 3

There are then 2 possible development paths:

  • You submitted your application during the land auction period. In such cases, it will greatly speed up your receipt of the site. But it's not free. You will have to bargain on it and be prepared to pay the amounts you named. If the bid is successful, you will be notified in writing. You will then become an official tenant with an obligation to pay rent.
  • There are no trades or you don't want to pay rent. This option is suitable for queuing under standard conditions. If there are many people willing, but few plots of land, your epic runs the risk of dragging on for several years. To speed up the process, visit the administration and remind yourself regularly. This process is especially lengthy, for example, in the Moscow and Leningrad regions, where the demand for land exceeds resources many times over.

Stage 4

Allocation of land to you in fact.

To do this you need to do:

  • site demarcation;
  • registering it with the cadastral register;
  • obtain a cadastral passport;
  • receive an extract from the Unified State Register.

That's it, now you are a happy owner of the land, now you can both build and dig. In general, do whatever you want, but not going beyond the law.

It is worth talking about obtaining land through squatting. It is clear that this is an illegal action, and you will be subject to penalties; perhaps the site itself will be confiscated and all buildings on it will be destroyed. But there are cases when such drastic punishments can be avoided.

For example, this is possible if you have been using the land for a long time, and no one claims it, you just haven’t fully registered it. This situation can be solved by purchasing the land from the owner. Here it depends on your luck, because the representative of the owner of state land can also be different. Perhaps they will turn a blind eye to this situation, or maybe everything will be sad, so it is better to go the legal route, find out if you are on the list of beneficiaries, submit all the documents and wait.

Refusal to place in the queue and removal from the queue

Refusal may occur in the following situations:

  • if the applicant provided false information and this fact was revealed;
  • if one of the family members changed citizenship;
  • departure of the family for permanent residence in another region.

These are the basics of refusals and deregistration of land plots.

It is worth saying that there are regional requirements that are established locally, but they cannot contradict existing legislation in this area.

How to check the queue for a land plot online?

To check the queue for a land plot online, you need to use the government services website. The government services portal is a special information system that provides citizens with various services.

So, how to check the queue for a plot of land online:

  1. not available to everyone. Only residents of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation can use this service. Go to the government services portal to the appropriate section. If such a service is available to you, then proceed to the next step.
  2. Registration. New users need to register. First you need to register a simplified account, and then you need to confirm the citizen’s personal data. That is, you need to create a standard account. To register, you need to provide various information (passport details, SNILS). It is also necessary to confirm your identity. You can confirm your identity in various ways (mail, online, in person). If you are already registered on the government services portal, then you need to log in.
  3. You need to go to your personal account.
  4. Go to the electronic queue section.
  5. The information will be displayed on the screen.

Deadlines for provision of plots

They depend on how you will claim the land. If through auction, then this period is usually no more than six months. In rare cases, a year.

And if you agree to preferential conditions and general conditions, then depending on the availability of land plots and the number of people willing to receive them, these terms can be a year, three, or ten.

The main rule regarding the timing after you submit your application is that the authorized body is obliged to provide you with an answer no later than 30 calendar days from the date of filing your application:

  • If it is a refusal, there will be a corresponding paper indicating the reason.
  • In a positive scenario, you will receive an order to allocate land to you. However, this does not mean that you will apply for it tomorrow; now the main thing is to wait for your turn. And this depends on the number of applicants and available land plots.

If the former exceeds the latter, your happy possession of the land is postponed indefinitely. And if everything is balanced or vice versa, then you have every chance of becoming the owner of the land in the next six months.

Personal request to check the queue

You can call the administration to check the queue for a plot of land. The mobile phone number can be found on the official website.

You need to call a specialist who deals with issues related to the issuance of land plots:

  • You need to inform him of the date of submission of the relevant application and full name.
  • The specialist may also ask for other data.
  • An administration employee will tell you the exact place in line.
  • If necessary, you can discuss any issues.

Let's celebrate! To check the queue for a land plot, you can personally contact the administration. If you contact us in person, an administration employee will tell you your place in line. In this case, the citizen must provide personal data.

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