Validity period of the apartment card extract. Apartment card form B

It is useful in several cases: when any actions are taken with a property in which citizens are registered.

It is mandatory to obtain an apartment card if:

  1. privatization. It will serve as the basis for dividing shares of living space;
  2. when drawing up a purchase and sale agreement. It will help you find out information about previously registered citizens who are currently serving in military service or serving a prison sentence. Thus, the transaction cannot be challenged;
  3. in cases where it is necessary for a minor teenager to obtain the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  4. registration of benefits and subsidies for payment of housing and communal services. In this case, they will be calculated based on the total living area and the number of registered citizens;
  5. restoration of a passport if it is lost or stolen. A prerequisite for this procedure is confirmation of registration.

Anyone who lives in a multi-storey building can obtain an extract from the apartment card.

If the house is privately owned by a housing construction cooperative, then a house management must be determined that will serve it and save all registration data of residents.

Owners of privatized apartments are required to fill out a house register, which serves as a registration document for citizens living in the premises.

What information is contained in the apartment card?

apartment card for reference. It is a document that is drawn up according to Form 10, which was approved by order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation #228. In addition to the order, a sample form was attached.

An apartment card is a special document that is used in real estate transactions, including privatization. It contains information about citizens who lived or are living in a specific residential area.

The minimum information that must be indicated in such a document:

  • the address where the house is located;
  • name of the document form;
  • apartment number in a multi-storey building indicating its total living area;
  • the full name of the utility service that serves this house and issued the certificate;
  • a list of all citizens who lived, live to this day and have been registered. Information about all people should be collected here, indicating their relationship to the owner of the apartment. Full name, date of birth and date of discharge from housing must be indicated.

Apartment card format: what information does it contain?

Responsibility for maintaining and entering data into the apartment card lies with the person appointed by the authorized body.

The contents and rules for drawing up the PC are regulated by Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 288 dated September 11, 2012. The established PC form is attached in the appendix to this regulatory legal act.

An apartment card in kind is a cardboard form in which the following information is distributed according to the columns:

  • actually - the name of the document, namely: Apartment card;
  • address of the location of the apartment building (apartment building or other residential property);
  • apartment number, location and area in square meters;
  • information about the owner of the residential premises (or about the tenant, if the housing is municipal). If there is a long-term lease, then the details of the tenant are indicated;
  • information about the company that services the house;
  • a list of persons who legally reside in the specified living space. Information about the attitude of citizens towards the homeowner should also be provided here;
  • dates of registration and departure from the designated place of residence.

All this data is entered in list form. When a resident moves out or is deregistered at a given place of residence, the relevant information is entered about this.

The size of the apartment card is 21 × 14.8 cm. The form contains information about all residents previously or currently living in the apartment.

There is also form No. 17, which is slightly different from No. 10. It is also officially approved by a regulatory act - Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 149. This document also has different dimensions of the form - 21 × 15 cm.

The card is filled in on both sides. It records information about residents and discharged citizens in chronological order.

Why is it needed?

An apartment card of form 10 is a database of all residents who are registered in a specific apartment. It reflects all the information about the citizens between whom the shares of real estate will be divided.

It will also be useful when making purchase and sale transactions, because the buyer will be able to find out whether citizens who are serving a sentence in prison or undergoing military training were registered in this apartment.

Thanks to this, many unpleasant conflict situations can be avoided for the future owner of the living space.

To obtain the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation for persons who have not reached the age of 18, they will also need to present this document to the registration authorities. This is necessary in order to confirm the fact of residence in the Russian Federation.

If citizens want to receive benefits for utilities, they will also need to provide a copy of this document when registering. In this case, the number of registered citizens, their total income and the number of square meters of living space will be important.

What does the short version of the card contain?

Depending on the situation, you can request a simple extract from the apartment card. It will contain the most concise information:

  • Full name of the tenant;
  • information about citizens living with him at the time of creation of the extract;
  • technical characteristics of the apartment (area, address, etc.).

To carry out the procedure for privatization of living space, it is necessary to provide an extract from the card in any case. There is also an extended statement, which will indicate all available information about people from the very beginning, when the house was just put into operation.

Where can I get it?

It is useful in cases where it is necessary to confirm a citizen’s registration address in order to restore a passport if it is lost or stolen. Read on to find out where to get an apartment card.

You will have to personally contact:

  1. to the passport officer, who is in the house management;
  2. the director of a boarding home for the needy;
  3. to a special department that specializes in issues of migration of citizens. Usually located in the same place as the MFS branches;
  4. specialized multifunctional centers for assistance in collecting documents.

Since the information is confidential, only one of the residents registered in the house can access it.

Therefore, you need to have a passport or other document confirming your identity with you if there is a need to obtain an apartment card.

Shelf life

How to obtain a temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine in 2021

The responsibility for ensuring the safety of apartment cards rests with the organization managing the residential building or the HOA. In the latter case, the owners at a general meeting decide on who is responsible for filling out the forms and where to keep them. Document Form No. 10 may be required until all citizens indicated in it are deregistered. It can subsequently be destroyed. The need to find out who was registered in a particular residential area, check information about persons not deregistered, or obtain a certificate of family composition arises quite often.

To do this, you need to spend a little time on the following steps:

  • collection of documents;
  • the list should be clarified on the website of the authorities, by phone or at the information stand at the FMS;
  • a visit to the passport office of the company that services the apartment;
  • or you can take advantage of advanced technologies and seek help from the government services portal. True, a visit to the passport officer still cannot be avoided, since the paper must be received in person or through a legal representative;
  • provide the papers required in the current situation;
  • receive a copy of form No. 10 or a certificate of family composition.

Thus, an apartment card is a document that contains all the information about the citizens registered in the apartment. Including their dates of birth, arrival and departure. It also contains information about the degree of relationship or relationship between the owner and users of the living space. The usefulness of this data should never be underestimated.

For example, when completing a purchase and sale transaction, they can help avoid fraud and unnecessary litigation. Experienced realtors advise personally participating in the process of obtaining information about those who have officially registered their residence in the apartment throughout its history.

Since such information is confidential and accessible only to the owner of the property, you can familiarize yourself with it either together with him or by proxy. Concealment by the seller of the fact of registration of third parties in the apartment threatens the buyer with big troubles in the future. Since a person registered in a residential building can move into it at any time on completely legal grounds.

What do you need to do to get a card?

The service that provides housing maintenance services to a multi-storey building is obliged to provide all information at the request of a resident citizen.

To do this, you need to look at the current list of required papers on the official website of government services. Then wait a while and pick up the extract or a written refusal to issue it.

Depending on the situation, you will need to provide several documents from the list:

  • passport or birth certificate (for persons under 18 years of age);
  • documents indicating registration or divorce;
  • certificate from the educational institution. It will be required for full-time students at a university;
  • documents confirming disability or guardianship.

In most cases, the refusal may be due to an insufficient number of documents provided or simply the data is not in the archive.

Almost all residential properties connected to the “benefits of civilization”, such as gas, water, electricity, etc., and put into operation, must have an apartment card.

This is a document drawn up for residential premises and issued to the owner of the property (in accordance with Russian legislation), which indicates information about all persons legally residing in it. Those who plan to apply for benefits from the state (for example, subsidies) or intend to enter into any transactions on this property in the future cannot do without it.

Apartment card: who is eligible

It is necessary to issue apartment cards not only for residential premises such as ordinary and cooperative apartments, but also for nursing homes, boarding schools, dormitories, etc.

All institutions that have housing stock on their balance sheet with the right of management and economic management must have this document. Only private households are not included in this list. A house register is created on them, as before.

Citizens (residents of the country) aged 14 years or older are entered into the specified card (form 10). These can be both children who previously lived in the living space and have reached the age of 14 (with their parents), as well as persons who have recently arrived for permanent residence (either independently or together with their father and mother, guardians/trustees, and other relatives responsible for them ).

What is the document for?

Owners of living space must obtain an apartment card. Without this document, the property owner will not be able to take advantage of even the benefits for utilities that he is entitled to, and other housing benefits will not be available. You will also need to present an apartment card when concluding any transactions with this living space.

It contains all the information about residents who have ever been registered on square meters of housing, and about those who were deregistered (with an indication of the reason).

The latter is necessary to avoid the occurrence of litigation and disputes regarding this housing in the future (during division, sale, etc.). Without such a card, it is impossible to carry out the privatization procedure and establish legal ties. Even if the owner of the home loses his passport, when registering a new one, he will be asked to present a document confirming registration, namely, an apartment card.

Who issues the apartment card

Services for providing apartment cards in Form 10 are assigned to the Federal Migration Service (FMS).

Several structures may be responsible for their registration:

  • housing supervision services, house management, inspection, housing and communal services;
  • owner/owners of the residential premises;
  • organization that manages the housing cooperative;
  • authorized persons in nursing homes, hostels and other organizations.

The original apartment map is in the custody of the persons (organizations) responsible for registering citizens.

How to obtain a certificate of availability of an apartment card

The apartment card is not issued to anyone. If necessary, you can only obtain an extract from it or an officially certified certificate.

This procedure can be carried out quite quickly and simply through the Unified Portal of State Services.

You can also make a personal request to the Housing Office. In addition to the verbal request, you will need to show a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and confirmation of the purchase and sale of the apartment or a warrant for it. An extract from the Housing Office is issued immediately, on the same day. The state does not provide any monetary reward for its issuance.

The reason for refusing to issue an extract may be failure to submit the documents listed above. In this case, the person authorized to extradite is obliged to provide a written refusal to the person requesting it, explaining the reasons for non-issuance. This refusal can be appealed to a higher-ranking authority or a lawsuit can be filed in court.

According to Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 288 of September 11, 2012, there is a special form 10 of the specified card. Anyone can find a sample of it in the Administrative Regulations (Appendix No. 7).

The card looks like a double-sided form and consists of the following items:

  • document's name;
  • address of the property;
  • living space dimensions;
  • FULL NAME. the owner of the property or the tenant;
  • name of the body whose responsibilities include the provision of housing maintenance services;
  • data of all citizens registered in this premises. A separate column should indicate their degree of relationship with the owner, dates and years of birth, periods of registration and periods of deregistration.

Shelf life

The responsibility for ensuring the safety of apartment cards rests with the organization managing the residential building or the HOA. In the latter case, the owners at a general meeting decide on who is responsible for filling out the forms and where to keep them.

Document Form No. 10 may be required until all citizens indicated in it are deregistered. It can subsequently be destroyed.

The need to find out who was registered in a particular residential area, check information about persons not deregistered, or obtain a certificate of family composition arises quite often.

To do this, you need to spend a little time on the following steps:

  • collection of documents;
  • the list should be clarified on the website of the authorities, by phone or at the information stand at the FMS;
  • a visit to the passport office of the company that services the apartment;
  • or you can take advantage of advanced technologies and seek help from the government services portal. True, a visit to the passport officer still cannot be avoided, since the paper must be received in person or through a legal representative;
  • provide the papers required in the current situation;
  • receive a copy of form No. 10 or a certificate of family composition.

Thus, an apartment card is a document that contains all the information about the citizens registered in the apartment. Including their dates of birth, arrival and departure. It also contains information about the degree of relationship or relationship between the owner and users of the living space. The usefulness of this data should never be underestimated.

For example, when completing a purchase and sale transaction, they can help avoid fraud and unnecessary litigation. Experienced realtors advise personally participating in the process of obtaining information about those who have officially registered their residence in the apartment throughout its history. Since such information is confidential and accessible only to the owner of the property, you can familiarize yourself with it either together with him or by proxy. Concealment by the seller of the fact of registration of third parties in the apartment threatens the buyer with big troubles in the future. Since a person registered in a residential building can move into it at any time on completely legal grounds.

The apartment card is a document of strictly defined form No. 10. This document contains mandatory fields to be filled out by the registration authority. The law assigned the responsibility for maintaining and storing apartment cards to the management company.

The card records all persons who have ever lived in a given residential premises, and also indicates the reason why they were discharged from it. Thus, such a document contains complete information about the residents of a particular housing.

In addition to information about the residents, it contains data about the living space itself, namely, what amenities the apartment residents have (central water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating, etc.).

The apartment card is a very popular document. Since in order to carry out real estate transactions it is necessary to obtain an extract from the apartment card. To do this, you need to contact the management company, since they are the ones who, as a rule, store apartment cards and are authorized to issue extracts. It can also be obtained through the Government Services Portal.

A citizen also receives temporary registration if he lives for some time, for example, in a hotel. Officials must provide the citizen with temporary registration in a hotel room.


Refusal to provide an extract

Is it legal for the management company to refuse to issue an extract from the apartment card due to debts to pay utility bills?

Conditions for storing apartment extracts

The apartment card in Form 10 must be kept until all citizens included in it are deregistered. Only in this case the document must be destroyed.

An apartment card is an official document of strict accountability. It is issued by an authorized representative of the passport office or management company. The apartment card contains data on all persons registered in the apartments at the moment or previously. Let us tell you in more detail what an apartment card is, why you may need it, and where to get it.

Extract from the apartment card

To confirm information about the persons registered in the apartment, it was necessary to obtain an extract from the apartment card. Before its cancellation, the owner of the property or any citizen registered in the apartment had to contact the management company (MC) that services the building where the apartment is located.

However, now the Ministry of Internal Affairs records . Instead of an extract from the apartment card, you can receive a certificate of registration at the place of residence (form No. 40) .

You can order it:

  • at the Ministry of Internal Affairs department (passport office);
  • MFC;
  • on the State Services portal ().

The document is issued free of charge , you only need a passport or documents on the ownership of housing. You can receive the certificate in person or allow it to be collected by proxy - for example, to a relative or the buyer of an apartment. The registration period is 15 calendar days.


Refusal to provide an extract
Is it legal for the management company to refuse to issue an extract from an apartment card?

Why do you need an apartment card?

Based on the data specified in the apartment card, certificates of family composition are issued, and a similar statement is drawn up at the place of residence. Any person living in the apartment, as well as employees of state and municipal bodies or court representatives have the right to request information from the apartment card.

The purpose of maintaining apartment cards is a documented record of persons who have the right to live in the specified premises.

As a rule, you may need an apartment card:

  • when making transactions the object of which is an apartment (purchase and sale, donation, privatization, etc.);
  • to apply for benefits on utility bills;
  • to issue a general passport if it has been lost;
  • for maintaining military records of citizens;
  • for transfer to judicial authorities in order to confirm the composition of family members;
  • upon receipt of any certificates (for example, that the family has many children).

Also, an apartment card is often required to be submitted to the tax office, prosecutor's office, educational institutions and other organizations. It is often called a family composition certificate.

What is an apartment card

Apartment map is a document that contains information about the number of persons registered in the apartment, their passport details and the degree of relationship with the owner, as well as the dates of registration and check-out. Both permanently and temporarily registered citizens, including foreigners and minor children, were required to be included in this document.

Using door-to-door maps, government agencies tracked the stay and registration of citizens in residential premises. It was on the basis of this document that all certificates were issued, and the owner or tenant of the residential premises could receive a copy of the card or an extract from it upon request.

In 2021, the Federal Migration Service (FMS) was liquidated and all its orders became invalid. Order of the FMS No. 288 of September 11, 2012 was replaced by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 984 of December 31, 2017, in which such a document as an apartment card is not mentioned at all. Now it has no legal force, is not issued and cannot be requested by any department. All records of citizens at their place of residence and registration of citizens were transferred from paper archives to the electronic databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

What does the apartment card include?

The authorized person is responsible for the information entered in the apartment card. The content and rules of execution of this document are regulated by the Regulations approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 288 dated September 11, 2012. The appendix to the order contains the established form of the apartment card.

The apartment card is a cardboard form that states:

  • Title of the document;
  • address of an apartment building;
  • number, location and area of ​​the apartment;
  • details of the apartment owner (or tenant, if municipal housing);
  • the name of the company that services the house;
  • a list of persons who have the right to live in the specified living space;
  • dates of registration and departure from place of residence.

The information is entered in the form of a list. If a tenant has moved out of the apartment and is deregistered at this place of residence, this information is also entered into the apartment card.

If the form runs out, it is sent to the archive, and a new card is issued for the apartment. The data specified in the apartment card is not destroyed.

The following persons are responsible for the information entered in the apartment card:

  • apartment owners;
  • employees of the management company or housing office;
  • employees of the residential building self-government body;
  • employees registering persons in hotels, sanatoriums, nursing homes, etc.;
  • employees of the territorial Federal Migration Service.

Apartment cards are stored in special rooms. Access to these documents by unauthorized persons is strictly prohibited.

Changes in data

Changes and additions to apartment maps are made on the basis of submitted applications for registration or deregistration.
The information that was in the document before is not deleted anywhere and is retained throughout the entire life of the residential property. In addition, it must be taken into account that all territorial offices of the Federal Migration Service cooperate with each other. It is not necessary to go in person to deregister; this is done by FMS employees while simultaneously registering at a new address. In addition, today the population has the opportunity to use the official network portals of Rosreestr and the government services website, where they can order and receive not only extracts, but also other papers by registering and confirming their personal account. However, you will have to pay a state fee for their services, while management companies and the Federal Migration Service issue documents free of charge.

A significant difference in obtaining information is that only home owners and registered residents can contact the Criminal Code and the Federal Migration Service, and anyone has the right to request data remotely if what they are interested in does not relate to restricted access data.

Extract from the apartment card: where to get it?

An apartment card can only be obtained by the owner of the apartment or his legal representative on the basis of a notarized power of attorney. An extract from the document is issued on the basis of presentation of a passport, certificate of ownership of the apartment or other title document, as well as a power of attorney and passport of the representative, if the owner does not act personally.

In fact, sometimes they only require a passport. However, employees have the right to request all of the above documents.

You can obtain an apartment card by contacting:

  • to the passport office;
  • in the territorial Federal Migration Service;
  • in the MFC;
  • on the State Services portal with subsequent receipt at the MFC.

As a rule, an extract from the apartment card is provided on the same day. If an extended form is required, the period is extended to three business days. The certificate is issued free of charge; you do not need to pay any government fees. However, you will most likely need to pay for the form.

After receiving the apartment card, be sure to check the information specified in it, the presence of the round seal of the organization that issued the document, and the signature of the authorized person.

If an employee of an organization unlawfully refuses to issue you an apartment card, request justification for the refusal in writing. In the future, you can appeal the refusal in court. However, before filing a claim in court, we recommend that you consult with a lawyer.

An apartment card is an official document drawn up for each residential premises. It contains information about all citizens who live at the address under legal circumstances. It also contains information about those people who were registered earlier.

Where can I get an apartment card?

Previously, the maintenance and storage of apartment cards was carried out by the Unified Settlement Centers (SSC) of the regions. But after the liquidation of the Federal Migration Service and the abolition of apartment cards, the documents were handed over to the city archives, and they are no longer issued.

The State Services portal in some regions displays information about the possibility of obtaining an apartment card at a multifunctional center (MFC), by mail, online on the website or in person at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the paper is not issued , the information on the portal is outdated - it was last updated in 2011. Even if you successfully try to submit a request for a certificate online, you still receive a refusal .

If a document is needed to confirm residence in Russia in the past, a citizen has the right to contact the city archive with a request. Also, the fact of residence at a specific address can be confirmed by a registration mark in an old passport, military documents or an old house register, if you have them on hand.

What it is

This document is issued in relation to all persons who undergo the official registration procedure in the premises of municipal, private or public housing stock. For children under 14 years of age, it is filled out in the presence of a legal representative (parents, relatives, guardians, etc.).

Why complete this document? It is necessary to go through the apartment privatization procedure, as well as when making any real estate transactions (sale, donation, rent).

An apartment card is required for citizens when applying for a passport (or other identification document) or social benefits. Management companies are responsible for issuing apartment cards. Citizens only need to provide reliable information.

09/11/2012 The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation established a single sample apartment card - form 10.

A sample of this document can be found in Appendix No. 7 of the administrative regulations of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. Size: 21 x 14.8 cm. The form contains information about all residents who live (or have lived) in the apartment.

Consists of the following items:

  1. Name of the form.
  2. Full (indicating the city, district, etc.) address where the apartment is located.
  3. Total area.
  4. Full name of the apartment owner. If there is a long-term lease, then the details of the tenant are indicated.
  5. Name of the HOA (or other organization that provides housing services).
  6. A list of all persons registered at this address. Information about the attitude of citizens towards the homeowner should also be provided here. Persons who previously lived at the address are also included in the document, indicating the date of deregistration.

There is also Form 17, which has some differences. It was officially approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 149. Size of this document: 21 x 15, filled out on all sides. The card presents data on residents (and discharged) citizens in chronological order.

You can obtain an extract from the housing maintenance company or on the government services website.

You will need to provide a Russian passport and documents for the apartment confirming ownership rights (warrant, purchase/sale agreement, etc.). When contacting the HOA in person, a verbal appeal will be sufficient. If the collection of documents is carried out by a legal representative, a written application will be required.

Usually, an extract is issued on the day of application (there may be a wait of several hours if the office is very busy).

An extract can be refused only if the applicant has not provided documents confirming ownership.

In case of refusal, housing company employees must provide written confirmation of this fact, indicating the reasons and the relevant regulations. If a citizen has submitted all the necessary documents and is still refused, he can file a complaint with the court.

Video about what to do if apartment cards are not issued

The law prohibits issuing original apartment cards to citizens. This document must be kept by the responsible company (homeowners association, management company, etc.). Therefore, residents can only receive the extract mentioned above.

An apartment card is an official, legally binding document that contains information about each resident registered in the apartment. One is issued for each living space and, if necessary, every owner who wishes has the opportunity to receive such a paper (extract) in hand.

The validity period of the received document is unlimited; in fact, it loses its relevance when changes occur (registration of a new tenant, deregistration of the previous one). However, in practice, if an apartment card is necessary for any transaction or submission to any structure, it is conditionally valid from two weeks to a month, despite the fact that changes could occur the very next day after issuance.

Apartment cards are relevant not only for apartments, whether privatized or municipal, but also for private residential buildings, hotels in which guests who have stayed for more than three months are registered, boarding houses and nursing homes with long-term residence of citizens. Fill out information for both young children under the age of fourteen and completely incompetent adults.

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Receiving Form 10

What is an apartment card (form No. 10)?
when and why to apply? When performing certain legally significant actions, individuals may be required to provide an extract from their registration card. Such cases include:

  • privatization of housing;
  • some banking transactions carried out in relation to the home.

Important! The accounting card itself cannot be transferred to third parties (including the owner); it is only possible to obtain an extract containing the necessary information, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law. How to get an apartment card? If government agencies require an extract from the registration form, you should submit a request to the office that administers the public utilities of the building in which the specific dwelling is located

How to get an apartment card? If government agencies require an extract from the registration form, you should submit a request to the office that administers the public utilities of the building in which the specific dwelling is located.

To obtain the specified extract, you need to write an application in the prescribed form and submit an identity card (usually a passport) with papers for the ownership of the premises, from the registration card of which an extract or other confirmation of the legality of the applicant’s residence in the specified dwelling is required.

Form 10 and 17

The apartment card is otherwise called “Form 10”. It has the appearance of a cardboard form established by the accounting authorities. A certificate in Form 10 from the passport office provides information directly about the apartment, about the entity that owns it, as well as about persons registered or staying legally for a long time.

A certificate issued in accordance with Form 17 is also valid. It, unlike the form indicated above, contains information about all registered persons entered by an authorized official in chronological order.

Filling rules

The rules for filling out the submitted certificate are also enshrined in the 288th Order of the FMS dated 09.11.12.

The initial data, as well as all subsequent changes, are made to the form exclusively by officials of the authorities in which it is stored. The registration form must be filled out by hand, in clear letters, without blots or corrections. All fields provided in the form must be filled in.

Authorized bodies have the right to enter into the document data about people who can permanently stay in the home, but do not do this for objective reasons (being in long-term treatment, in prison, etc.). Exclusion of citizens from the list of registration certificates is permitted only on the basis of official papers.

A sample of filling out an apartment card in Form 10 is presented on our website.

What is contained in the apartment card

The registration card, in accordance with all fields of the approved form, must contain the following information.

The header of the document is its official name.

  • Location of the apartment (with an exact indication of the full address of the apartment building in which it is located).
  • Apartment number.
  • Square footage of the dwelling (with a division between the total area and the living area).
  • Personal information about the owner (tenant) of the property.
  • Information about the office that provides public services for the building (indicating its full name).
  • Information about all individuals who are registered in the home or registered at the place of long-term stay at the appropriate address (passport data, legal grounds for his residence (stay) in the specified residential property, information about the time of registration and deregistration) .

The presented document contains information about all persons who have ever lived in the apartment.

Dates of issue

To receive the submitted paper, you must submit the necessary documents and an application to the authorities authorized to issue such a certificate. As a rule, the application is considered on the day the application is submitted.

Target orientation

The need for an apartment card arises for citizens to:

  • Privatization of housing (apartment or part thereof) - all registered citizens in the same living space, including minor children, become participants in privatization;
  • Sales of real estate - thanks to this document, a potential buyer can check whether there are registered citizens who retain the right of residence even after the conclusion of the transaction, for example, persons in prison, conscripted into the army, living temporarily in a boarding school or other specialized home;
  • The fact of confirmation of citizenship for persons under eighteen years of age;
  • Procedures for obtaining subsidies and other benefits from the state for paying for utility services;
  • Restoring a personal passport.

Storing the necessary information is entrusted to employees of the management company or other structure performing its functions. In addition, data on the registration of citizens, temporary and permanent, is available in the territorial offices of the Federal Migration Service and is necessarily transferred to Rosreestr. However, there are several more ways to obtain data.

Unified template

Regardless of the region and type of housing and form of ownership, the apartment card will look the same, since the sample of this document is unified by government decision. The standard paper is called Form 10 and it looks like this:


(location of living space, telephone numbers)

Total area _____ sq. m. Housing cooperative, housing cooperative No.____, management company _____.

Owner (tenant for municipal apartments): (full name, personal data)

No.Relationship between the tenant and the owner (official tenant)FULL NAME.Date of BirthRegistration dateDate of deregistration
1Property ownerIndicate in full
2Owner's spouse
3Owner's son
4Owner's daughter

Sample of a completed apartment card.
At the bottom of the card there must be signatures of management, responsible officials, as well as the seal of the structure that issued the document.

Sometimes it happens that the issuance of an apartment card or extract is refused. Here you should know that they do not have the right to give it to an outsider; otherwise, the refusal can be challenged in court. However, for this it is important to receive a written refusal, an official document justifying the reasons for such a decision.

Where to contact citizens

In accordance with the order of the Federal Migration Service, maintaining apartment cards is entrusted to officials responsible for carrying out registration control. The FMS controls the movement of citizens throughout the country, so such information is extremely important.

Owners who need an apartment card (an extract from it) can apply to obtain it from the following organizations:

When submitting a request to receive a copy of the card, you must have your personal passport with you. Depending on the situation, you may also need title documentation, a birth (death) certificate, papers on guardianship, disability, and extracts from your place of employment. If you are interested in how long you will have to wait for the finished document, it is worth noting that the waiting time depends on the method of submitting the request. The finished paper will be received within one day or within three to five days. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the purpose for which the documents are taken, since they are conditionally valid for a limited time, although there are no legal restrictions.

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