How to order and receive an extract from the Unified State Register through the MFC: cost and terms of receipt

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In this article we will describe in detail how and where to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate using the official website of Rosreestr in electronic form signed with an electronic signature (electronic seal of a Rosreestr employee.

An entity that has decided to sell a residential property submits documents to the cadastral chamber for registration. Also, a package of documents is submitted to the Unified State Register of Real Estate (through the MFC), where an extract is issued with a full description of the residential asset, information about manipulations carried out with real estate.

Without receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate through Rosreestr or another body, it is impossible to sell a residential asset.

In case of discrepancies, the transaction may be considered illegal and cancelled.

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register
for an apartment
- detailed steps are determined by law, all actions are regulated by law and have a clear sequence.

What's happened

Information related to the residential property is contained in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. So, you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Land Registers for a land plot

, residential/non-residential property, garage, country house/plot.

What is it - this is a certificate containing information about the owner, which confirms his ownership, about all manipulations carried out with real estate, which helps to avoid illegal transactions on the part of fraudsters.

Read more about the extract from the USRN flight in this article .

Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights on the transfer of rights

Suitable for those who want to confirm rights to real estate, as well as find out the full history of ownership of the property.

The extract contains the following information:

  • main characteristics (address, area, floor number, type of room, etc.)
  • last owner;
  • ownership history;
  • date of registration and type of right;
  • date of transfer of rights and basis.

Cost: 200 rubles.

This option is not suitable for real estate buyers who want to check out the property. The extract will not contain information about pledges and encumbrances, as well as data on the cadastral value of the property.

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Check the seller of the apartment: find out about possible bankruptcy, being on the wanted list, enforcement proceedings in 5 minutes! Don't let the deal be invalidated or challenged in the future! You can check the seller using your passport.

What information does it contain?

Before ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

, you need to determine what information should be displayed in it. It can be closed or open type. Each subject can receive the document; the information displayed depends on who applied. There is data available to a narrow circle, and there is data that everyone can request.

What information does the extract from the Unified State Register contain? The open type includes information of the following nature:

  1. Information about the owner (full name).
  2. Data about the object, for example, is it an apartment or a private sector.
  3. What is the number of owners, if there are several owners, what share belongs to whom.
  4. Cadastral value.
  5. Pledges, encumbrances, mortgage

Sample extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

Attention! An extract from the Unified State Register (electronic), signed with a qualified electronic signature (EDS), is recognized as equivalent to a document on paper with a blue seal of an employee of Rosreestr, in accordance with Art. 6 of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures”

Below we will describe detailed steps on how to obtain a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

What types of extracts from the Unified State Register are there?

The types of statements were approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 378. In total, the document identifies 6 forms of extracts on real estate objects:

  • About the main characteristics and registered rights;
  • About the transfer of rights;
  • About the rights of an individual to objects of property that were or are;
  • About the date of registration of rights;
  • About the zone with special conditions for the use of territories;
  • On the border between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The first four points are most in demand among citizens. This data can be obtained online. To obtain information on the last two points, you need to contact Rosreestr or the MFC directly.

Different online services offer different variations of statements. This makes it possible to choose the statement option that will meet your goals. We will talk about this in more detail below.

How to get an extract on the Rosreestr website

In order to understand how to obtain a USRN extract online through Rosreestr , you need to go to the website by selecting the “Obtaining USRN information” tab (fourth from the left). A form will appear in the window that opens, the fields of which need to be filled out.

Please note: the form contains both mandatory fields and fields that are optional.

The required blocks include the type of object - apartment, private house, land plot, residential property. The region in which the asset is registered and full address data are also indicated. A prerequisite is to indicate the method of obtaining the certificate. If it is convenient in electronic form, please enter your email address.

The applicant must indicate his data (full name, series, passport number), whether he is an individual or legal entity, and mark the attached documents.

Before receiving an extract, it is recommended to check the completed data. The last window of the form is a verification window; the system will display the form and fields to fill out.

If everything is filled out correctly, the application can be submitted. After sending, the request number will appear on the screen. You can track the status of your application using the number.

Extract from the USRN about characteristics and rights

Suitable for those who want to confirm their rights to real estate, as well as for those who want to check the property for encumbrances.

The document contains the following data:

  • main characteristics (address, area, floor number, type of room, etc.)
  • last owner;
  • restrictions and encumbrances;
  • cadastral value.

Cost: 200 rubles.

From the documents you will not learn the history of ownership and the dates of registration and termination of rights.

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What to do if the encumbrances on the property are removed, but they are still in the Unified State Register of Real Estate?

If the seller’s property or yours had encumbrances (pledge, mortgage, etc.) that were recently removed or canceled, and after receiving the Extract, you discovered that they were still registered in Rosreestr, then you should not immediately panic ! This simply may mean that the registrar has not yet had time to enter new information about your property into the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Important! The law establishes a period of up to 14 working days within which Rosreestr employees are required to make changes to the real estate register.

Therefore, you just need to wait 14-20 calendar days and receive a new statement. If, after this period, the information on your property has not been corrected, you can contact the MFC yourself. In this case, after your request, the registrar will be required to make changes within up to 5 working days, and now, if this is not done, the registrar will personally be held responsible for incorrect information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. You can learn more about the procedure for making changes in the article: How to correct errors in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Check the apartment for encumbrances

What to do if there are encumbrances on the property and they have not been removed?

If you are going to purchase an apartment, house or plot, then you definitely need to know about the presence or absence of encumbrances, since, in the event of a dispute, you will be recognized as a bona fide buyer only if due diligence is carried out. If, after receiving the Statement, you see that they exist, then you definitely need to discuss and document your agreements with the seller.

For example, if there is a seizure or pledge, you can enter into a preliminary agreement, which will indicate by what specific date the seller undertakes to remove these restrictions so that you have the opportunity to purchase a legally clear object.

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Of course, you have the right to buy an apartment or house even if there are certain types of encumbrances, but in this case the purchase process will become more complicated, and the acquisition of such real estate will become very risky!

Read more about preparing to buy an apartment in the article: What do you need to know before buying an apartment and how to check it?

What documents are needed for registration?

In order to obtain registration at the place of residence or, more simply put, registration, you need to contact the passport office or the MFC. And before that, collect a package of documents. What it includes:

  • owner's passport;
  • passport of the person who needs to be registered;
  • application on a special form;
  • birth certificate, if the person being registered is not yet 14;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment.

Since 2021, Russia has stopped issuing certificates of ownership of apartments. Instead, an extract from the Unified State Register appeared. And a year later it was combined with the cadastral certificate into one Unified State Register of Real Estate. And the documents provided by the Unified State Register of Real Estate have become more complete and meaningful. Now, the only document that includes complete information about the owner of the living space and its main characteristics is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. It can replace a certificate of ownership.

Determining the validity period of the statement according to the law

The law does not regulate the validity period of an extract from the Unified State Register; there is no exact period or date. What matters is the relevance of the information displayed in the document. Determining the validity period of the statement according to the law - until new data is entered into the certificate; in fact, the validity period is one month.

Previously, you could get a certificate by contacting the Unified State Register. Today this body has lost its relevance. If the document was received before July 15, 216, then it is still relevant now, but you need to obtain supporting information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Validity period for an extract from the Unified State Register for sale

valid until amendments are made to the current document.

Advantages of the EGRN.Reestr service

The site is convenient because you can get the necessary information about the object online, without leaving your home. In addition, the advantages of the service include:

  • Free provision of basic characteristics of the object;
  • Easy and convenient search form. It is enough to indicate the address or cadastral number of the object;
  • The minimum waiting time for a report is 30 minutes;
  • The finished report is sent to an email address in an easy-to-read format - the information is structured and it’s easy to find the necessary data. View a sample statement ;
  • Technical support – if you have questions about document production, you can contact us via chat on the website, by email or by calling a toll-free number.

EGRN.Reestr is an official partner of Rosreestr and provides only current information. Each generated report is certified with an EDS (electronic digital signature).

Order an extract!

What are the consequences of not having a USRN extract when buying an apartment?

Ivan Petrenko, St. Petersburg:

“My wife and I lived with our parents for more than 5 years. After the birth of the child, we began to think seriously about our own home. Since I didn’t have much money, I looked for a cheaper apartment. And I found it. As I remember now, the owner Ekaterina Sergeevna met me. Provided documents. She explained that she was offered a good job abroad and was leaving forever. All that remains is to sell the home quickly. The apartment is in good condition, and close to the metro. I decided not to check the owner. I was happy, I made a deal.

My family and I lived in the new apartment for more than six months before the real owner showed up. It turns out that he was on a business trip for more than two years. During his departure, the scammers used forged documents to privatize the property and sell it. Ekaterina Sergeevna learned from neighbors about the owner’s departure and realized that she had been deceived. To avoid trouble, she urgently sold the apartment to me. Now she is wanted. I was recognized as a bona fide buyer, but I still had to part with the home. I haven’t received any compensation yet, the trial is ongoing .”

How long does it take to prepare a document?

EGRN.Register provides an extract within 30-60 minutes. The time for obtaining a document may be increased if there is a failure in the Rosreestr system or the object turns out to have a rich or complex history. In such cases, the waiting time for an extended statement will take no more than 72 hours.

The finished document will be sent to your email in PDF format.

View an example statement

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