The register of owners is easy to obtain: extracts from the Unified State Register, access to the FSIS Unified State Register of Real Estate

The article will be useful:

  • owners who want to hold a meeting and not run to the management office;
  • Homeowners' associations/housing cooperatives and management organizations that believe that maintaining registers of owners and updating them is expensive

Maria Zazdravnykh, the chairman of the house council, as well as the administrator of the VK group “Club of Soviets MKD 55” shared with us instructions on how to obtain a register of owners.

Maria notes that according to Part 3.1. Art. 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, all management organizations, HOAs and housing cooperatives are required to maintain a register of owners, and owners have the right to request such registers from them. But such a register will not contain details of documents on their ownership.

Maria also immediately noted that the register of owners may be incomplete, since ownership of the premises was until January 1999. were registered in the BTI and information about them may not appear in Rosreestr (in the Unified State Register of Real Estate).

I present to you detailed instructions for obtaining extracts from the FSIS EGRN (federal state information system EGRN) for each premises, which contains information about the full name of the owner/owners or the name of the legal entity, share of ownership, and area of ​​the premises. There will also be information about the details of the registration record in Rosreestr (number, date of registration of the right), in some cases it contains information about title documents.



  1. Functions of FSIS
  2. What is the difference between the USRN extract and the FSIS extract?
  3. Who can receive
  4. Features of treatment
  5. How to order
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of ordering an extract through FSIS

FSIS EGRN is a federal state information system for maintaining a unified state real estate register. This is a department of Rossreestr, whose job is to issue extracts for real estate. Through this system you can order an electronic document after paying the state fee.

reference Information

The electronic certificate format reflects fairly complete data about a specific property. The key allows you to obtain additional information, the distribution of which is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All publicly available information is displayed online.

From the USRN extract you can find out the following information:

  • Description and characteristics of real estate;
  • Information about copyright holders;
  • Date of registration of ownership;
  • The presence of encumbrances and restrictions on rights;
  • Cadastral number and date of its assignment.

Functions of FSIS

The main function of the system is to provide information about real estate to all interested parties. Thanks to FSIS, several problems were solved:

  • long queues at Rosreestr offices and the need to hire additional workers to issue certificates;
  • lengthy processing of statements;
  • time restrictions.

You can order a document electronically at any time of the day, regardless of the day of the week. This is convenient because you don’t have to reschedule a deal if there are weekends or holidays on the calendar.

What is the difference between the USRN extract and the FSIS extract?

There is one difference between the two types of statements - the form. The standard USRN extract is a paper document with a blue seal and the signature of the head of the Rosreestr branch. You can obtain a certificate from FSIS in electronic form. It is certified with an enhanced digital signature and seal, but has full legal force.

An electronic statement has several advantages over a paper document:

  • speed of execution - the completed certificate is sent to the applicant within one day, and a paper document is issued in about 3 days;
  • no personal visit to the Rosreestr branch is required;
  • the cost is less;
  • the document is issued remotely.

Features of treatment

When planning to make a request to FSIS, you should take into account several features of working with the system:

  1. To apply, you need to register on the official website of Rosreestr. This is one of the disadvantages of this method of obtaining a document. Registration can take a lot of time, since authorization through the personal account of the State Services is required, then receiving a code. But without this manipulation it will not be possible to gain access to Rosreestr services.
  2. The service is provided free of charge, but a state fee must be paid in advance. This can be done directly through the FSIS or State Services system.
  3. An electronic document is issued within 3 days, but in most cases the extract is ready within a day. A copy is always available in your personal account.
  4. You can order an extract in paper format through FSIS. The finished document is available at the selected branch of Rosreestr.

We receive the keys and replenish the balance in the personal account of Rosreestr

  1. Go to the “My Keys” section and click on the “get” access key button.
  2. Go to the “My Balance” section, go/click on providing USRN information

3. Make a PAYMENT and select the desired package, in our case 100 pcs. 400 rub. and click ORDER

The article will be useful: Are homeowners' associations and management organizations required to place information on the preparation of apartment buildings for the heating season in the Housing and Communal Services GIS?

4. After you pay and the payment will be accepted by Rosreestr within a short time. You can pay either by credit card or print a receipt and pay through a bank branch.

How to order

How to get USRN for an apartment:

  1. Log into your personal account on the Rosreestr website.

  2. The system will immediately transfer you to the State Services website. Here you need to log in and provide permission to transfer personal data.

  3. Create an access key in your personal account. It is issued for a period of 1 year and is changed free of charge.

  4. The received key is used when completing the statement.

Please note that the service is available provided that the CryptoPro EDS plugin is installed. It is necessary to generate an electronic signature.

To order a statement for an apartment, you need to top up your virtual account. Several payment methods are available to the user.

There may be a problem with crediting funds. In most cases, they are credited to your balance instantly, but there may be delays on holidays and weekends. You will not be able to order a statement until the money arrives in your account.

The document is prepared in the “Services and Services” section, then “Providing Information”.

About the spelling of prepositions

Through ” as a preposition is written before the words to which it refers ; most often it is a noun with adjective(s). These words are called significant (significant), i.e. defining the general meaning of the statement. The preposition will be a meaningful (signifying) word for them; it concretizes the general meaning and syntactically links it with the structure of the entire sentence. Meaningful words with a significant preposition form a definition in a sentence (answers the questions How exactly? In what way?) or a circumstance (answers the questions How so? In what way?). Between a meaningful preposition and a meaningful phrase, other words (most often adverbs) can be inserted, playing the role of an addition to a definition or a definition to a circumstance. For example, in “Through timely, correctly calculated fertilizing...” “correctly” is an addition to the definition of “calculated”, “timely” - a definition for the circumstance of “feeding”, and all together - a definition for the complex predicate “was received”. The circumstance for it is “... in unfavorable weather conditions...”, which also has its own definitions, additions, and circumstances. Perhaps it is precisely as a result of this kind of intricate relationships between parts of far from the most complex sentences that a good number of modern linguists completely refuse to accept the division of sentences into members - enough, they say, with parts of speech. Apparently they didn’t even sniff group theory, set theory, algebra of logic and discrete mathematics in general... And not only that, in all the natural sciences there are sections that are no less worth their ambiguity and complexity. Actually, it is for their sake that the mathematical apparatus is born, to which it is better not to meddle with a weak head...

Preposition grammar

“Through”, used as a preposition, is an unchangeable, indivisible, and, by default, unstressed word consisting only of a root. If in pronunciation by voice it is necessary to give a semantic emphasis specifically on it, then a weak emphasis is also placed on “e”: by means . Splitting between lines is only allowed in handwritten texts if the word does not fit on the line; in this case, separation by transfers by-means or by-means , by-means , by-means

Advantages and disadvantages of ordering an extract through FSIS

If we talk about the advantages of using the system, then only one thing stands out - you do not need to personally visit the Rosreestr branch. You can order a real estate document from home at any time.

But there is a more convenient way to obtain an extract than by contacting the FSIS USRN in Rosreestr. This is an appeal to our company. We issue certificates quickly, inexpensively, without complicated registration. To submit an application, you only need the cadastral number or address of the property. We do not ask for authorization in State Services and other systems.

We issue statements faster than on the official website of Rosreestr. In addition, the cost of the service is only 199 rubles. Payment is made from any card.


“Through” in the modern Russian language norm is the preposition of the genitive case. Refers to the auxiliary parts of speech and, as such, is an indivisible and unchangeable word consisting of only one root. Used in one meaning: to do (accomplish) something, using the assistance of something or someone outside - a living being, an assistant or transmitter, a technical carrier, physical or virtual, or any other third-party agent of influence, and without it ( agent from the outside) achieving the desired result is either impossible or very difficult (in the examples below, case endings associated with “through” nouns and adjectives are also highlighted):

  1. “I give you a gift through my nephew - a human transmitter (carrier).
  2. “Paid purchases are delivered to the recipient ’s address by mail . The agent - the physical carrier (deliver) in this case is a part of the man-made environment, organized in the form of a postal service.
  3. “We correspond via e- mail - here the medium is also technogenic, but virtual .
  4. Through timely , correctly calculated fertilizing there of something somewhere, but third-party physical agents of influence are evident: fertilizers, schedules their introduction and, of course, the gardener, who skillfully selected the first and developed the second.

Synonymous expressions (written separately) in all cases “with the help”, “with the help”, “with participation”, “through the mediation” (considered obsolete). Partial synonym of “thanks to” (used in the dative case – “thanks to e-mail”, “thanks to timely... feeding”, etc.).

Not so simple…

The supposedly outdated, but common in speech synonym “by means” raises the question: what kind of preposition is this, which itself is used with a preposition exactly like a noun? The way it is. The inclusion of “by means” among prepositions is not even an extreme measure, but a gesture of desperation made against the backdrop of a general decline in literacy in the 90s and 2000s.

“Just a preposition” “medium” is actually an inanimate noun of the neuter gender of the 2nd declension. Consists of the prefix “po-”, the root “-medium-”, the suffix “-stv-” and the ending “-o”. Placement of stress and separation by hyphenation . In short handwritten texts (in notes, when filling out forms by hand), if there is an acute lack of space for writing, transfers from medium to medium or even from medium . “Through” is a form of the instrumental case with the ending “-om”.


The word “medium” is not so archaic. The meaning does not completely coincide with “mediation”: that is a type of activity, and “mediation” is primarily a method of action (“move by means of a lever”, “lift by means of hoists”, “split by means of a wedge”). In living Russian speech it is used almost exclusively in the singular:

  • The help of Ivan Ivanovich would be useful to us” (im.);
  • “It’s unlikely, his mediation always results in only expenses and hassle, but little use” (gen.);
  • “But thanks to him, Semyon Semyonich inexpensively acquired a cozy apartment” (Dan.);
  • the help they provided to us will only harm us” (vin.);
  • “The pond was drained by pumping, and the bottom silt in it was combed using mechanical rakes on a long cable” (tv.);
  • “With the active mediation of Mavrikievna and Nikitishna, the slightest rumors immediately became public” (sentence).

As we see, it is not always possible to simply replace “mediation” with “mediation.” But that is not all. Let's take this example:

  • “She loved to sunbathe in complete privacy, without any clothing .”

“Mediation” doesn’t fit here at all. “Naked” or “stripped naked” is rude; “naked” smacks of infantilism; something like “completely naked” is a bit dry; “naked”, perhaps too openly, sensually, erotically. And so it is: “without mediation” is a noun in the genitive case with a corresponding preposition. But this whole phrase... plays the role of a preposition for another noun in the genitive case - “clothes”. In the order of morphological-syntactic analysis, an antinomy, an insoluble contradiction, is formed. Something similar (logically) to the famous “The Cretan claims that all Cretans are liars.”

It is no wonder that the linguists of the “shaggy years” gave up on “medium” - a noun. To what extent, they say, if people write “will be” instead of “you will,” and understand “cardinally” as “coordinately,” no matter what that means.

However, let us remember: ancient Greek philosophy digested not such antinomies, laughing at them. And it formed the basis of the world school of thought. If we talk about the revival of the Russian language and Russian culture, then there will be a place in them for “medium” with all its not poor semantic shades. This is an example of a specific property, but what prevents you from constructing a phrase of a different meaning in this way? However, this requires linguists of a different level and who feel a different attitude towards their native language than that inherited from the USSR and generated by the post-Soviet bacchanalia.

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